C) believability Which of the following is not one of the unique characteristic's of a service described in the text? E) image differentiation, A company which can differentiate itself by designing a better and faster delivery system that provides more effective and efficient solutions to consumers is most likely using ________ differentiation. B) The Swan Hotels use a distinctive signature fragrance in all outlets so that customers can associate the fragrance with the hotel. c. Gap analysis C) realistic advantage b. a. Credence Qualities Brave New World - Wikipedia d. is the brand name, logo, and slogan of a company., When consumers search extensively for a particular item and are very reluctant to accept substitutes, that item is a(n) _____. C. Both A and B, Marketing Communications> IMC, branding and c, Marketing Essentials: The Deca Connection, Carl A. Woloszyk, Grady Kimbrell, Lois Schneider Farese, Fundamentals of Financial Management, Concise Edition. What he or she is expected to do in order to create the service. Pages 245 Ratings 92% (85) 78 out of 85 people found this document helpful; Passenger deposits for upcoming cruises are considered unearned revenue and are recorded as Customer Deposits as cash is received. Select one: D) points-of-parity She called all three and asked them to come in and put on a demonstration so that the employees could decide which coffee they liked best. 5. Ben Lucas is a maintenance programmer for the Ace Corporation. C) Retailers are members of channels of distribution. C) to rationalize competitors' perceived points-of-difference D) to globalize competitors' perceived points-of-difference Changed as circumstances change. Select one: True b. e. Service dominated offering, Arwen wanted to open a donut shop where customers could design their own donuts and have them made to order at the time. c. Rubber branding. D) setting A) intimacy How does FDA ensure generic medicines work the same as brand-name medicines? He spends about 2.25 hours each day testing programs on which he has made changes. B) brand extension Recognizing that brands are a form of attitude, it is important for customers to have _____________ with the product if you want to create brand equity? The first step in the personal branding process is to spend time figuring out who you really are and what you want from your life. d. Process versus outcome measures Quality logos and brand names should pass each of the following tests, except: Which of the following is NOT an element of consumer-based brand equity? B) identifying counter examples Service Zone D. many consumers still perceive private labels as being inferior to manufacturer's brands. b. d. Service shortfall e. Private-label brand, middleman brand. A) Berry's has an intensive training program for its customer-facing staff, to ensure a consistent service standard. Price rationing This is an example of: Select two. A) negatively correlated b. People-based offering C) points-of-inflection A) points-of-difference Packaging is not an important consideration in product strategy. a. specialty product b. convenience product c. unsought product d. shopping product, Which of the following statements is true of heterogeneous shopping products? A company doesn't normally want its customers to identify with its brand. B) Points-of-difference Select one: There are four basic elements or components to a positioning statement: Target Audience - the attitudinal and demographic description of the core prospect. C) points-of-parity B) points-of-presence Which of the following statements is correct regarding the concept of branding? Which of the following statements about branding is true A Variability (Inconsistency) Brand Loyalty It is harder to create than brand recall. D) brand architecture C) relying on the product descriptor c. The retailer is a recognized brand Because customers who spend the most money are the most likely to complain. d. The normal rules about products don't apply when you are dealing with services It should be meaningful, different, and salient. A) channel differentiation Documentation Which of the following is NOT correct regarding brand awareness? If it helps to get your gears going, here are simple formulas you can follow to create a winning positioning statement: [Brand name] provides [benefit] because [compelling reason] for [target audience] with [specific need or want]. E) They leverage the values of the brand to take the brand into new markets/sectors. e. Intangibility, A ____________ is an intangible activity or benefit that an organization provides to consumers in exchange for money or something else of value? 35) In the ________ phase of new product development, marketers estimate the technical and the commercial success of an idea for a new product. A) help firms to analyze who their competitors are. 14) Which of the following was developed to guarantee that an organization's products conform to the customer's requirements? B) points-of-presence A) Category points-of-difference d. The retailer has national distribution Which of the following statements about blue ocean thinking is true? Becker Brothers is the managing underwriter for a 1.45-million-share issue by Jays Hamburger Heaven. b. B) focusing on reliability This is an example of ________ differentiation. d. Offer a consumer clues as to the quality of the product inside. D) points-of-value D) noncomparitive positioning C) insensitivity The service contract assured her that if anything went wrong with the car it would be taken care of even if it wasn't covered in the warranty. d. It is a good brand name because it is memorable. Warranties can be either express or implied. A service is the intangible component of a product. Ingredient branding e. Intangibles, A ______________ or _______________ is usually the property of the retailer that distributes and/or sells a product? C) category points-of-parity b. c. What he or she is expected to do in order to create the service. This is an example of ________. Creamer, sugar, stir sticks and cups are provided for a nominal fee. B) services differentiation Brand Positioning Statement Examples | MerlinOne B) brand parity B) reliability E) practicality, Which of the following traits of a brand's ability to become a lovemark keeps the five senses of sight, hearing, smell, touch, and taste on constant alert for new textures, intriguing scents and tastes, music, and other such stimuli? False, An organization's product mix includes all the products it sells. noteworthy brands in a category helping a brand specify its category membership? Cooperative branding is the joint venture of two or more brands in one product. Which of the following statements about advertising campaigns is true? C) service differentiation \text{20X7} & 80,000 & 50,000 & 70,000 & 40,000 \\ d. Private branding. A. developing a new image. Select one: B)It is best to create a "composite" face of the company rather than rely on a real (fallible)person. How to calculate depreciation and amortization from EBITDA? b. Cannibalization c. Consumers are unwilling to pay premium prices for similar products. There are several popular attribution models . d. Invisibility C) relying on the product descriptor B. line extension ________ are defined as companies that satisfy the same customer need. All Rights Reserved. D) assist firms in collecting information on competitors that will directly influence their strategy. at an average value of $27.20. A business's branding is more important than you might think. O It is always rational to prefer brand names over generic substitutes O B . Component branding False. Which of the following is a benefit of social media marketing? ith the development and maturity of digital marketing, which of the following statements is true? a. Select one: Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. c. Project an image for the product. In order to reduce the possibility of mistakes, she created a self-service ordering system where customers would choose the various ingredients for the donuts using a touch-screen computer interface. B) pitch Pages 3 Ratings 100% (3) 3 out of 3 people found this document helpful; A. Which of the following is an example of channel differentiation? \textbf{Year} & \textbf{Ravine Corporation} & \textbf{Valley Industries} & \textbf{Ravine} & \textbf{Valley}\\ Infringement e. Word of mouth, Not-for-profit organizations need to use complementary positioning because? This suggests that in order to have a successful service experience the customer has to know? \text{20X8} & 220,000 & 10,000 & 90,000 & 40,000 \\ D. Brand loyalty exists when customers purchase only one brand and consider no other brand, regardless of price differences. Warranties can be either expressed or implied. event would be an example of what kind of promotional activity. C) are a necessity while creating a firm's vision and mission statement Select one: A) competitive points-of-difference b. Inseparability Select one: C) brand architecture Which of the following terms is most closely associated with the statement: "attributes or benefits consumers strongly associate with a brand, positively evaluate, and believe that they could not find to the same extent with a competitive brand"? e. Internal marketing, Frodo was a massage therapist. Give all appropriate journal entries for 20X8 that Ravine would make if it (a) carries the investment at fair value or (b) uses the equity method. e. Multiproduct branding, According to your instructor, a brand can be thought of as a promise you make to your customers. The customer service representative was unwilling to let Raul return the microwave saying that they did not allow returns on electronic merchandise. ________ allows the brand to create a point-of-parity (POP) on taste and a point-of-difference (POD) on health with respect to quick-serve restaurants such as McDonald's and Burger King and, at the same time, a POP on health and a POD on taste with respect to health food restaurants and cafs. D) using channel differentiation Select one: C) clear similarity to the attributes of other brands A) announcing category benefits Ch 7 Quiz Flashcards | Quizlet \text{20X9} & 160,000 & 40,000 & 100,000 & 20,000 \\ Before you can measure the quality of a service, you need to understand? Select one: B. 100% (8 ratings) 11) Brand equity is the value that the users derives or equate from a particular brand. c. Package The truth value of a sentence is "true" or "false". B) A small business must avoid leveraging secondary brand associations. c. It is not a good brand name because it isn't clear that it is about dog food. Social media marketing - Wikipedia Select one: A) narrative arc d. Documentation C) desirability b. C) points-of-parity Experience Qualities C) Perceptual maps Which of the following statements about brand names is true? B) leverageable advantage C) points-of-parity Private branding. He just made an arrangement with a coffee service for his company. social media designer social media analyst influencer relations employee online community manager The Sherpani brand is a product leader in lifestyle bags for women. ch 10 Flashcards | Quizlet C) JEK's sophisticated customer database allows the company to handle queries and product returns much faster than competitors. a. free nerve endings b. Because it will tell you which products you need to discontinue. Research your audience, value proposition, and competition. Notes. Reliability b. A radio ad by the dairy farmers of Washington State stated that the milk produced in the state was of higher quality because of the way the farmers treat their cows. See Page 1. Select one: A) relying on the product descriptor A) original, ambiguous, and straightforward B) Brand symbols A _____________ is any word, device, or combination of these used to distinguish a seller's goods or services? a. b. E) point-of-presence. The ad is an, 7. b. Select one: d. a. No, because quality and value will be difficult to maintain because the concept depends on extensive training of baristas. A) service B) strategic points-of-parity; conceptual points-of-parity Creating a brand identity will require the following: 1. B) category-based positioning 4. Jooble - Chef , a publication for people in the grocery, business, encouraged produce managers to stock up on the product. The company further moved into classes such as deodorants, shampoos and cosmetics. An emotional connection \\ C) image When it comes to managing services, some people find it helpful to think of it as a service encounter with roles for both the service provider and for the customer. c. Conformance to specifications. d. Experience Qualities Association She went online and searched for several coffee services. You said? A) relying on the product descriptor A. C) image E) narrative arc, Which element of a brand story framework do Randall Ringer and Michael Thibodeau relate to the authenticating voice, metaphors, symbols, themes, and leitmotifs? C) deviance, peculiarity, deformity E) distinct advantage, Which of the following types of differentiation relates to companies having better-trained personnel 1 12 4. b. e. Landmark, Which of the following is NOT one of the three dimensions to service quality discussed in class? E) points-of-presence, For brands in more stable categories where extensions into more distinct categories are less likely to occur, the brand mantra may focus more exclusively on ________. B. Your Next Move Starts Here - Stay Informed and Inspired D) the soap brand has global presence Customers are willing to pay a premium price for the product There is limited availability of the product. D) Straddle positioning \end{array} Personal Branding For Dummies Cheat Sheet - dummies e. Perishability (Inventory). a. E. d. Strength of the relationship. Whether there are contingency plans in place. d. There is no such thing as a pure good or a pure service. c. Internal rate of return b. E) are ambiguous moral principles behind the operation and regulation of marketing. A sentence of the form "If A then B" is true unless A is true and B is false. A) positioning. & \textbf{Operating Income,} & \textbf{Net Income,} \\ Which of the following statements is not true with regard to the concept of product? B) competitive points-of-difference A. brand extension. In order to maintain a brand, you must protect it against ___________, where people use the brand name without permission. Which of the following statements about brand names is true? 2. e. Positive Brand associations. Uploaded By ElderHawk5. This strategy is called _______________. during recessions as they do during times of prosperity. They did this even though it cost them money. C. reinforcing the current image. She needed to hire a coffee service to provide a coffee maker and coffee supplies on a regular basis. C)It is only important once a company is established. d. Printed on the package or in the instructions Options 2 and 3 are wrong: 2. D) Competitor analysis A global brand alters the product or service formulation for each country. Which of the following describe spam? What is Marketing Attribution? A Complete Guide Year20X620X720X820X9OperatingIncome,RavineCorporation$140,00080,000220,000160,000NetIncome,ValleyIndustries$30,00050,00010,00040,000Ravine$70,00070,00090,000100,000Valley$20,00040,00040,00020,000. a. a. A) Customers are willing to buy by brand only when it assures "top quality. Creating a brand uses the psychological principal of classical conditioning. This has to be one of the nicest all original OBS Powerstroke diesels left on the planet. National Brand, Producer brand When it comes to services, quality is measured in terms of? School University of Houston, Downtown; Course Title MKT 3300; Type. d. Not-for-profits don't compete against each other. At that time, consumers saw U.S. luxury cars as lacking performance. A cobranding strategy might involve a licensing agreement. Individual product branding Business Studies MCQs for Class 12 with Answers Chapter 11 Marketing B) Dove products include bar soaps and shampoos Brands control the conversation with customers. The first step to building a strong brand identity, and indeed a strong brand, is creating a brand statement. C) Noncomparitive positioning A(n) _____________ is an organization that frequently is given tax-advantaged status because it provides a service that is considered to be in the public interest? These are all expressions of the value of brand equity. C) image differentiation e. Joint venture, If customers purchase your product and find that it performs as well or better than they expected, they will be forming _______________ an important step in creating brand equity? c. They may only provide one element in a network of services received by the customer. Apple is more than computers. c. The warranty statement is not in the package, but must be downloaded from the companys website. Max was the brand manager for a pet food company that was to introduce a new brand of dog food. e. No, because quality and value will be difficult to maintain because the concept depends on extensive training of baristas. a. d. Empathy B) points-of-parity e. Advertising slogan, A ______________ or _______________ tries to create the perception of value by eliminating the advertising expense associated with many consumer products? Individual product branding In which of the following examples is a company communicating category membership using a product descriptor? B) Brand equity refers to the brand's value to an organization. E) Competitive intelligence, A ________ is one that a company can use as a springboard to new advantages. a. b. D) category points-of-parity There was soft, relaxing music playing in the background. b. Comparatives Patent a. Which of the following statements about branding is. They may only provide one element in a network of services received by the customer. A) Use Zipex for quick and thorough cleaning. The following data were reported by the companies for the years 20X6 through 20X9: DividendsDeclared\begin{array}{l} Select one: e. Visualization, Proctor & Gamble creates a separate brand identity for each product they bring to market. C) are a necessity while creating a firm's vision and mission statement. Select one: E) deviance, The brand must demonstrate ________, for it to function as a true point-of-difference. Select one: Select one: A) Berry's has an intensive training program for its customer-facing employees, to ensure a consistent service standard. Assuming Adamss assertion is correct (that a business expansion is already under way), evaluate the timeliness of his recommendation to purchase Universal Auto, a cyclical stock, based on the business-cycle approach to investment timing. C) desirability A) practicality On the outside, your brand may seem like it consists only of elements such as logos and colors, but your brand is actually . B) Need-based positioning e. Balanced offering. E) price-quality positioning, Marketers typically focus on ________ in choosing the points-of-parity and points-of-difference Social media marketing is the use of social media platforms and websites to promote a product or service. d. Role play d. Introduction Select one: B) differentiability 12 Brand Positioning Statement Examples and Why They Work - Brafton Although the terms e-marketing and digital marketing are still dominant in academia, social media marketing is becoming more popular for both practitioners and researchers. D) technological advances for an attribute or benefit A) language b. Frodo was using the ___________ approach to making his service seem "real"? C) insensitivity c. Private branding. Select one: Answered: ith the development and maturity of | bartleby (Your answer should describe actions to be taken on both stocks and bonds at different points over a typical business cycle.) D) deliverability d. Intangibility Which of the following is not branding benefits specific to B2B context? e. Service encounter, Hermione was the office manager for a small business in the city. the goal of positioning is to ________. The Dolly Parton Solution True B) comparing to exemplars ___________ is the consumers' ability to identify the brand under different conditions, as reflected by their brand recognition or recall performance. Retl 369 Quiz 2 Flashcards | Quizlet e. Box, The concept of ___________ recognizes that before an organization can effectively take care of customers' needs, it must focus on its employee's needs? b. Because for every customer who complains there are probably ten who had a similar problem and didn't say anything about it to you.