would the us military fire on us citizens?

Just Like In A Dan Brown Novel, Vatican Conservatives Have Launched A Secret Plan To Remove The New World Order Evangelist Pope Francis, Will It Work? Certain groups of non-citizens are not included in this ban, including: Persons who owe permanent allegiance to the United States (for example, natives of American Samoa and Swains Island). In its initial survey of military bases in December 2016, the Armed Forces identified 393 sites of AFFF contamination in the United States, including 126 sites where PFAS compounds infiltrated public drinking water. What he discovered from the survey was that 23.66% of the soldiers taking the survey would swear to that code and 26.34%, with 11% saying they had no opinion, said they would fire on American citizens. Also, it wasnt just asked to a few hundred Marines as some of the anti-conspiracy sites erroneously report. Together, these countries made up around 60% of global military spending. This is a forwarded email that contains an article that says noted author and humanitarian, Dr. Jim Garrow. 2008 All this is possible becauseYOUpray for us,YOUsupport us, andYOUgive so we can continue growing. Instead, Dr. Martin Luther King, the greatest civil rights leader America has ever known, was assassinated in 1968- supposedly by a garden variety racist named James Earl Ray but who really knows In 2019, DOD admitted those numbers were under-counted. The Environmental Working Groups popular map of PFAS contamination puts the current number of polluted military sites at 704, a number that continues to rise. The rescue team from Armenia in Adyaman. They have spent decades in the military and supposedly exemplify virtues such as honor, courage and loyalty. Of course, reminding people of just how bad things were under the Obama-Biden regime is not going to help their cause, either. As we now know, exposure to trace amounts of these forever chemicals is strongly linked to a host of cancers, developmental disorders, immune dysfunction, and infertility. End times Bible prophecy news happens fast, add your email now to get our latest articles sent to your inbox in real-time. We didnt get any answers, Alonzo Spencer told me. Your author was also smack dab in the middle of this one and was one of the many, many Americans frantically making black and white photocopies and warning as many unsuspecting people as means would allow. Others expected to participate in the program include Google CEOSundar Pichai,Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Brazilian singer Anitta, Tinashe, and rapper-actor Lil Dicky. Its, you know, we dont have a one hundred percent track on it. All the anti gun people are pushing for gun registration and gun confiscation via "universal background checks" and "red flag laws.". As additional announcements and information become available, we will post them on this Citizenship Resource Center page. Those who remember the early 1990s remember vivid stories of mysterious black helicopters with no markings carrying Russian or Chinese assault troops secretly patrolling Americas back roads and sleepy hamlets. https://t.co/uNueQl5bNX, Barack Obama (@BarackObama) April 22, 2020. Many Vets Get Lost in Criminal Justice System, Group Led by 2 Former Defense Chiefs Says. The new litmus test of leadership in the military is if they will fire on US citizens or not. The . In many cases, the masses applaud or beg for the deployment. Apparently, these were two things that were highly meaningful for him, and we were constantly seeing photos of him going to church and talking about his walk with the Lord. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Many people became famous for using Twitch and one of those people is Celestia Vega. Read More. GREAT GAIA: Pope Francis Commands Catholics To Listen To The Voice Of Creation, Undoes Genesis 1 Saying Man Does Not Have Authority Over Earth. Garrow has been personally involved in helping rescue more than 36,000 Chinese baby girls from death. He is a public figure, not an anonymous voice on the Internet, which makes his claim all the more disturbing. This winter, I partnered with citizens groups and national advocates to compile and publish all available data on the incineration of AFFF. This according to an interview with Garrow on WDTV, which was posted on YouTube on January 23, 2012.A clipping from The Examiner about this story was found posted on his profile page.This is not the first time that such a rumor has gone into circulation. I would fire upon US citizens who refuse or resist confiscation of firearms banned by the United States government [Strongly Disagree] [Disagree] [Agree] [Strongly Agree] [No Opinion] that was the final question on a 1994 survey administered to certain US military personnel from the Army, Navy and Marine Corps. As my students and I gathered together scattered shipping manifests, tracked down details about incineration facilities and nearby communities, and started to get our head around the toxic fallout of the burning AFFF, this militarized operation gained a new definition: gross negligence. Yep, as it turns out, Walkaway Joe Biden truly is completing the work started by the Obama administration. Is anyone surprised by this? For officers, the number was as low as one in twenty. Back in 2014, then-president Barack Obama and his vice president Joe Biden agreed to set free 5 Taliban terrorists and pay billions of dollars in ransom to get back US Army deserter Sgt. The US Military has clearly outlined innumerable civil emergency scenarios under which troops would be authorized to fire on U.S. citizens. Evacuation is not mandatory for other citizens, but they can choose to . The beginning wasn't the Democratic Convention of . In 2019, U.S. military expenditure increased by almost 5.3% to $732 billion. The Truth:Dr. Garrow told TruthOrFiction.Com that he did post this information on his Facebook page, which was passed on to him by an anonymous source. The oath administered to new Officers:I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. For all other types of cookies we need your permission. In 2021, the United States spent 801 billion U.S. dollars dedicated to the military, making it the country with the highest military spending worldwide, by a significant margin. Bonus Army marchers confront the police 28 July 1932. The United States would respond by executing offensive operations to secure water and power supplies, destroying artillery and mortar emplacements which threaten the base. President Obama Asking Military Leaders if They Will Fire on U.S. Citizens Unproven! I think this comes at the right moment, said one Democratic strategist. Naturalization Through Military Service. This is a forwarded email that contains an article that said noted author and humanitarian, Dr. Jim Garrow, has revealed that President Obama is using a new litmus test for his military leaders. Julie Coleman. US citizenship, and who is considered a citizen, is a complex topic. It was the opening salvo in a nearly four-hour assault in February by around 500 pro-Syrian government forces including Russian mercenaries that threatened to inflame already-simmering tensions. By the end of 2030, Myler is planned to be the region's biggest ski resort with a staying capacity of up to 30 000 visitors! The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. But theres a lot of funny things happening within the military. In a case that would define the limits of the First Amendment's right to free speech, the Supreme Court decided the early 20 th -century case of Schenck v. United States. HR-2454 or the "Cap and Trade Bill" Could Require A License To Sell Your Fazl and Noori, who was governor of two northern Afghan provinces during the earlier Taliban regime, are also accused ofordering the massacresof ethnic Hazara, Tajik and Uzbek communities in the city of Mazar-i-Sharif in 1998. Last year during a CNN town hall, Biden acknowledged that while he had been in the Oval Office many times as vice president, I had never been up in the residence while Obama was president. Commander Ron C. Fairbanks, United States Navy, is a Senior Military Fellow at the Atlantic Council's Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security. The order was signed on July 1st, 2016 and is titled "Executive Order United States Policy on Pre- and Post-Strike Measures to Address Civilian Casualties in U.S. Operations Involving the Use. Afghan outletTOLOnews published a list Tuesday of members of the new caretaker government, which features several familiar faces who helped run the war-torn country between 1996 and 2001 when the Taliban were forced from power by US-led NATO forces following the 9/11 attacks. Even as it shelled out millions of dollars to the hazardous waste industry to burn AFFF, the military did not specify burn parameters nor emission controls. They say exactly that for two years. The reserve components are the Army Reserve and Army National Guard. Wanna take a hard guess at who is now members in good standing of the brand-new government in Afghanistan? In the shadow of the smokestack lies the Saratoga Sites Public Housing, a squat brick complex where emissions routinely cloud the playground. A United States military investigation into a deadly Kabul drone strike on a vehicle in August has found it killed 10 civilians and the driver and that the vehicle targeted was likely not a. People who wish to naturalize as U.S. citizens have to pass a U.S. citizenship test. Now, whistleblowers say the Obama administration is quietly asking the military that question again. If a leader out-of-nowhere ordered subordinates to fire on docile civilians, modern American military would not fire. However,. Given thatsecond amendment advocates are now being depicted as dangerous terroristsby the federal government and local law enforcement, Garrows claim is sure to stoke controversy given that Americans are seeing their gun rights eviscerated while the federal government itselfstockpiles billions of bullets. 02:17 AM (GMT) A Palestinian gunman has killed two Israelis in their car in the occupied West Bank, sparking violence in which a Palestinian man was shot dead as Israeli settlers torched homes in . In reality, government documents now show that Washington was just as against using foreign troops on US soil as the American people were. Could it come more full-circle than that? Not only is burning AFFF extremely ill-advised, but the six hazardous waste incinerators contracted to do so are habitual violators of environmental law. At those times, he has voiced his support for Biden on issues including the withdrawal of U.S. forces from Afghanistan, Bidens Build Back Better framework and voting rights. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. While you have to be a United State citizen to become an officer in the Air Force, it is not required for some enlisted jobs. As the US Armed Forces became the largest consumer of AFFF in the world, troubling questions about what happens after the fire were brushed aside. Report busts News Outlets pushing War for Profit, NY Stop and Frisk Ruling blocked, Judge removed, SHADE the Motion Picture exposes Metallic Chemtrails. (SALEM) - The police attacks on U.S. War Veterans taking part in the Occupy protests, are not a new phenomenon in America; in fact there is quite a history of both police and military waging attacks on unarmed U.S. citizens in this country. On page 20 of the manual, rules regarding the use of deadly force in confronting dissidents on American soil are made disturbingly clear with the directive that a, Warning shot will not be fired.. Navy Seal Ben Smith talks to Alex Jones, Rather than paraphrase the exchange, were going to reprint the exact transcript of the three-minute radio interview between retired Navy Seal Benjamin Smith and Inforwars radio host Alex Jones. Historically, once the demonization of the targeted group has been successfully cast as ethnically inferior, invaders, criminals, or domestic terrorists (to use the modern buzzword), the military is deployed under the guise of keeping the peace or protecting the people from themselves. When Bill Clinton moved into the White House in January 1993, the US was already grappling internally with creating rules for US military involvement in UN peacekeeping missions. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. In 2021, Barack Obama who never mentions his Christian faith not one in a hundred times is now the keynote speaker for a Gaia celebration of the one who gave birth to us, the one and only(drumroll please!! We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Jones then assumes the litmus test includes the notorious survey question, would you fire on American citizens and Smith simply confirms, Yes.. Instead of paychecks East Liverpool got some of the worst pollution in the US. Even though they live within miles of each other, Obama and Biden have rarely seen each other since Biden took office, sources say, including privately. Asia - Pacific S.Korean military ups readiness to counter N.Korea's 'provocation' ahead of drills with US Military prepared to fire artillery shots into 'buffer zones' in North as deterrent if . Feb 24, 2022, 11:22 AM. Soldier-citizens make up a much smaller percentage of the population. They just dont seem to have any incentive to be truthful about what theyre doing to this community, he said. By all accounts, the Pentagon is endangering the lives of countless people through its reckless handling of AFFF. The WTI Heritage Incinerator, which burned at least 5m pounds of AFFF, is located in a working class Black neighborhood in East Liverpool, Ohio. One of the most enduring, indestructible toxic chemicals known to man Aqueous Film Forming Foam (AFFF), which is a PFAS forever chemical is being secretly incinerated next to disadvantaged communities in the United States. It is well past time to enact sensible national restrictions on the incineration of AFFF and to begin robust investigations into the communities where AFFF was burned. Matt Bennett, a former Clinton White House staffer and co-founder of centrist think tank Third Way, called it smart for the Biden White House to get Obama involved given the newfound popularity of his signature health care law. The new litmus test of leadership in the military is if they will fire on US citizens or not. The Democrats (which is the front name for the communists) seek to create a one party nation and an armed citizenry is the last obstacle they face. AFFF was invented and popularized by the US Armed Forces. Now go the other way. Historically, once the demonization of the targeted group has been successfully cast as ethnically inferior, invaders, criminals, or domestic terrorists (to use the modern buzzword), the military is deployed under the guise of keeping the peace or protecting the people from themselves. The money you send in goes primarily to the overall daily operations of this site. And it will be a good event and a good speech as one always gets from Obama. But Vale cautioned that no one should be anticipatingObamamagically solving all of our problems.. Noting the strong flame inhibition effects of the carbon-fluorine bond, a 2020 EPA report concluded, It is not well understood how effective high-temperature combustion is in completely destroying PFAS., In a 2019 technical guide for incinerators, the EPA wrote that our grasp of the thermal destructibility of PFAS is sparse, thinly extrapolated, and currently inoperable. Residents started asking the WTI Heritage Incinerator about AFFF last year. Those discussions were widely taking place in 1992, three years before the notorious survey question is officially reported as having been administered. If you've served in the U.S. military for at least one year during peacetime and are filing after six months of separating honorablyfrom the military, you can apply to become a United States citizen five yearsafterobtaining your green card (honorable service within this five-year period can count toward that required time, as well). Since 2017, two of the contracted incinerators were out of compliance with some environmental laws 100% of the time according to the EPA (Clean Harbors incinerator in Nebraska, Clean Harbors Aragonite in Utah), two were out of compliance 75% of the time (Norlite incinerator in New York, Heritage WTI incinerator in Ohio), and the remaining two were out of compliance 50% of the time (Reynolds Metals incinerator in Arkansas, Clean Harbors incinerator in Arkansas). All of us should follow the young people whove led the efforts to protect our planet for generations, and demand more of our leaders at every level. In many cases, the masses applaud or beg for the deployment. pic.twitter.com/HbJVMAsFHt, RNC Research (@RNCResearch) September 8, 2021, According toassessments written in 2008 by leadership at Guantanamo Bay and later made public by WikiLeaks, Wasiq utilized his office to support [al Qaeda] and to assist Taliban personnel elude capture and was central to the Talibans efforts to form alliances with other Islamic fundamentalist groups to fight alongside the Taliban against U.S. and Coalition forces in the early days of the Afghanistan war. November 4, 2013. )Mother Earth! The intention is to display ads that are relevant and engaging for the individual user and thereby more valuable for publishers and third party advertisers. Two weeks ago, retired Navy Seal Benjamin Smith appeared on Fox News describing how he fears that the federal government under the leadership of the Obama administration has declared a secret war on American veterans and gun owners the two groups repeatedly shown most likely to make an armed defense in protection of the American people and US Constitution against the government. The oath that is administered to enlisted: I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. He leads the Understanding PFOA project and is writing a book on PFAS contamination. Only thing scarier than the question is the response. In July 2012, the process by which this could take place was made clear in a leaked US Army Military Police training manual for "Civil Disturbance Operations" dating from 2006. Nearly 20,000 World War I veterans came to Washington to demand bonus payments. The oath all servicemen and women take is first and foremost to the Constitution, not to the US Government. Now, whistleblowers say the Obama administration is quietly asking the military that question again. United States. Describing rising rates of cancer in his community and worried about the close proximity of the facility to schools, Spencer doesnt understand why the military and the incinerator would try to burn AFFF, nor why they are so secretive about it. As does potential liability. Perhaps thinking the Trump Administration presented an opportune moment, the Pentagon decided to torch their AFFF problem in 2016. This site uses different types of cookies. In domestic democide, such as lynchings, the American government was probably indirectly responsible for around 2,000 killed since 1900. Antony J. Blinken February 24, 2023. September 11th, how ya like them apples? One of the most shocking revelations in recent decades was when it was discovered in 1994 that the US military was surveying US soldiers to see if theyd be willing to fire on unarmed American citizens while confiscating their guns. Some cookies are placed by third party services that appear on our pages. One organization repeated the survey themselves back in 1995, asking US military personnel the exact same question. The intrepid reporting of Sharon Lerner at the Intercept and an Earth Justice lawsuit against DOD opened a window into this debacle in 2019. FROM THE NY POST: The four members of the so-called Taliban Five who have joined the new government are Acting Director of Intelligence Abdul Haq Wasiq, Acting Minister of Borders and Tribal Affairs Norullah Noori, Deputy Defense Minister Mohammad Fazl, and Acting Minister of Information and Culture Khairullah Khairkhah. Manage Settings which opposed the implementation of a military draft in the . 2016 www.independentsentinel.com. The law states that we can store cookies on your device if they are strictly necessary for the operation of this site. The United States of America does not ever leave our men and women in uniform behind, Obama said at a Rose Garden ceremony announcing Bergdahls release on May 31, 2014. Bidenhas recounted that he told his former partner not to endorse him in the race, but sources close to the former president say that never happened. Communities witnessing this environmental catastrophe first-hand demand justice and accountability. US military bases at home and abroad encouraged the promiscuous spraying of AFFF in routine drills while firefighters were told it was as safe as soap. The very name of the Department of Defense speaks to the militarys duty to defend, not harm, its own people. The same assessments said Fazl was alleged to have had operational associations with significant al Qaeda and other extremist personnel.. (The Department of Defense has active remediation plans at a small fraction of those sites.) The government also appears to have taken seriously its pledge to not put US soldiers under the command of foreign officers, even those of our closest allies. The One World Religion Of Chrislam Now Has A Soundtrack With The Abrahamic Symphony Of Peace, Love And Tolerance, Can You Dig It? Hmm, WikiLeaks Shows George Soros Controlling Vote With 16 States Using SmartMatic Voting Machines, False Teacher Beth Moore Endorses The Late Term Partial-Birth Abortion Candidate Crooked Hillary, 2022 NOW THE END BEGINS | NTEB | SITE BY MUDFLOWER CREATIVE MEDIA, When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn., The NTEB King James Bible Radio Network Broadcast Studio, Introduction And Biographical Sketch Of Clarence Larkin, NTEB Flight #777 Titus213 Airlines T-Shirts, given a survey as part of an academic project, second amendment advocates are now being depicted as dangerous terrorists, Click here to view our WayGiver Funding page, How The New Apple Clean Energy Charging Released In iOS 16.1 Shows You What The Sustainable Climate Change Tyrants Plan On Doing To Us Next, NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: As The 2SLGBTQIA+ Advances, The Falling Away Of The Church Continues Just As Paul And John In The Bible Say It Will, Chocolate Giant Herseys Sparks Boycott Threat With New Candy Bar The HerShe That Promotes Transgender Women In New Ad Campaign. DOJ Says Trump Can Be Sued for J6 Riot Democrats Infuriated Biden to Nix DC Soft-on-Crime Bill. They've already turned the majority of Americans against human rights for safety instead and made them dependent on government instead of being independent individuals or family units. I consent to the use of following cookies: Necessary cookies help make a website usable by enabling basic functions like page navigation and access to secure areas of the website. And later in the 2020 presidential race,Obamaremained neutral, refusing to back anyone in the Democratic primary, including his former vice president. 6 Times the Military Was Used for Riot Control in the US A soldier standing guard on the corner of 7th & N Street NW in Washington D.C. with the ruins of buildings that were destroyed during. BBC News retraces the leaks by ex-CIA contractor Edward Snowden, which led to the revelation of America's extensive surveillance programme. Of those with more than 15 years of service, 87% replied disagree or strongly disagree.. Mapping the sites of PFAS contamination in the United States, the Department of Defense stands out as a significant contributor to this dismal list, Dave Andrews of Environmental Working Group (EWG) told me. If every one of our150,000+ followers on Facebookgave $1.00 each, we would reach 300% of our goal. But that hasnt stopped the Pentagon from going ahead and quietly burning the chemical anyway. As the military was sending AFFF to incinerators around the country, the EPA, state regulators, and university scientists all warned that subjecting AFFF to extremely high temperatures would likely conjure up a witches brew of fluorinated toxins, that existing smokestack technologies would be insufficient to monitor poisonous emissions let alone capture them, and that dangerous chemicals might rain down on surrounding neighborhoods. In July 2012, the process by which this could take place was made clear in a leaked US Army Military Police training manual for Civil Disturbance Operations (PDF) dating from 2006. Actually, yes, care to take a guess when this new Taliban terror government funded and created by Obama and Biden is going to be inaugurated? World-renowned educator and human rights activist Jim Garrow says that the source, man regarded as "one of America's foremost military heroes," told him that President Obama is using a new litmus. Bowe Bergdahl. We need a jolt of energy right now, and no one brings that more thanObama.. Despite the assessments recommending continued detention for the five, President Barack Obamasigned off on an agreementthat sprang the men from Gitmo in exchange for the release of Bergdahl, who had been taken captive by the Taliban after walking away from an observation post in Paktika province in June 2009. Buffoonish mobs desecrating the U.S. Capitol building, tanks parading down the streets of Washington, running battles between protesters and militias, armed rebels attempting to kidnap sitting. Kermit the Frog willreportedlybe giving the opening address. But Jerusalem which is above is free, which is the mother of us all. Galatians 4:26 (KJB).

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