my husband left me because he was unhappy

I realised then this was serious and we were in trouble. b) they get sick c) you are unfortunate enough to owe them money ( or as they think, owe them a life ) what happens to a child or sibling of one as they grow older. Any advice please? He often jokes about leaving his wife. What happened? My fianc and I live far away from each other and maybe see each other every other weekend. She said that our marriage lacked intimacy and passion and are now more like brother and sister, she has no feelings of desire left for me at all she says and Ive spent 9 weeks trying to change her mind, but failed. The same thing happened to me after an argument a few days prior, my husband said it was over. I think its horrid because they are not educated and working as a medical professional in the industry they are giving really bad advice. Sometimes you have to keep telling yourself its not you, its really them and they will get theres on there time. How he just had a change of heart with no care in the world. This just didnt happen in my family. If he can just walk no strings attached then I dont want him back. Im devastated. Dog depression is similar to the kind we as humans experience. They then make efforts to reel you in again ! Thanks i also have a lot of trouble because i want him back and love him very much. So its interesting that he would say that wasnt good enough for me, that I wasnt there for him all he wanted was for someone to love him and listen to him. The morning came and he started screaming at me. Below, divorce attorneys and marriage therapists share the most damaging things you can say in a marriage and what you should say to your spouse instead. I cant trust anything that comes out of his mouth, such a loser!!!! Too often it is because we come into relationships with unrealistic expectations or for unhealthy reasons. For him to leave like that in the middle of the night tells me that he is very immature! I would suggest conseling to him. I dont know how youre not happy when Ive given you everything you asked for. I believe in you, life is what we make it. He started changing as soon as he graduated. First he started four days after our wedding to over communicate in the internet and made sure that I dont see what he does. :), I am retired navy vet and I read. Well, whatever the case may be, this article is for you. Before too long the walks and talks became much more intimate and 8 months after we connected, she left her family. I moved 800 miles away from everyone and everything I had to try to make this work for us and our 2 young children wasnt even 2 weeks and he left me and moved back in with her why do I still have hope why do I really believe that someday we will work things out? Oddly she got over it then 2 months later had a breakdown. Yes Im sorry I misunderstood. She says she is doing this for our marriage. Been married 30 years. At the end of the day, If someone truly loves you the way you deserve they will not allow you to feel this way. She was my everything, my whole reason for being. I took a job overseas to help the financial situation of my home. What about: my wife of 25 years had a facebook affair with a strange man from the UK she had this affair online for eight months.and they met only 10 month after his wife died. ?Confused please help. New Years 2015 she told me it was well and truly over after As she was not happy. Having children does not entitle you to a handicap parking spot., The life I imagined crashed before me and fell to pieces. For THIRTY years, I pined horribly over this bull****. It would be easy. I havent overcome anything yet. We had a good but quiet weekend. I know for some people, strength is a lot more difficult to find within, and some people may not have a support network around them, but with Mint Movement, I want you to know you are not alone. Now, he took us yesterday to a amusement park and it started off fun, but, we had a discussion saying that he would take the kids to the waterpark area and i asked how long would they be there? You are definitely not alone. I dont know if anyone will ever love me again! He sent the email are u serious?? People are self-centered and do not think of the people they hurt. I was not an angel but I dont think I deserve the treatment Im receiving. You knew I would beg at your feet. Research from 2018 suggests low emotional intelligence may contribute to the likelihood someone may abandon a relationship without warning. God has the peace you seek. with my kids asking the same question and my narcissistic ex looks like a victim of a situation that just didnt work out as we grew apart as he puts it. The message is so strong and clear when there is infidelity, unlike opaque reasons such as boredom or lack of compatibility. I just cant believe its the same person. What is weird is that his girlfriend walked right beside him and participated in destroying another human through this whole process. If youre feeling like you want to get over this pain and suffering, the last step you have to take is very important. What determines a family in 2019? She is 39 and I am 50. He will probably wake up in a few years and regret this selfish act and damaging decision. I now no longer can afford to live near my children and my job is a roaming goverment contracting job. What determines a family in 2019? In fact her relationship with her husband is going the other way. ..I believe my husband has a similar condition. Put me down controlled me ..I Was a walking living breathing definition of a battered husband. Sorry for your heartache. One of the best ways to help get through something like this is to have someone else to talk to. Reading these comments has made me feel less alone and I want to thank you all for sharing. When I first found out he said he would never leave me but now she has said she cant live undercover. I thought we had a happy life but apparently I did not have a happy wife.she never told me anything, never discussed it or mentioned it. I still cant understand why, all this is happening. So I came clean and told my husband that I was unhappy because of these feelings that I couldn't overcome and I felt like staying in the marriage would be denying him the opportunity to find someone who is 100% devoted to him. I would often check in emotionally to make sure things were getting better You did everything as a family, now where do you go and what do you do while the majority of your friends are out on their family days? Whit from Maine, Hi Im 35 my husband is 42. The night we separated he told me he loved me but, Not in that way anymore. It's called anhedonia, the inability to feel pleasure or interest in anything. How can I be so blind. My wife is leaving me after 11 years of marriage. Btw He also says they wont get by with their adultery! Every morning I wish I did not have to wake up because it is a torture for me to go through the day feeling pain. I never had empty nest for longer than 3 months and things were much better between my husband and I. You seem quite smart and extremely able to do this. And just this week has gone away with just him on a business trip over seas. Why hasnt society caught up with that? Im having problems inmy marriage righy now. To date a boss behind ur back smh Thats the lowest a person can go. He would always say. Does he love her more then me? Next day she goes to Illinois. I feel alone, hurt and abandoned. I come from a family of strong people. If a woman is not sorry or sad that a the father of her child and husband of 4 years . My virginity was stolen from me raped at the age of 14 by 2 people I thought were my friends. He is going back to his daddys at 30 years old because he will have no responsibility. About three months ago he had been out in the garage for a particularly long time (this is were he smokes). SOARING Into Strength author shares her trifecta of trauma and what she learned. Ive been with my wife over 12 years married over 2. she just left everything behind, to be happy somewhere else. Its out of your control. Can anyone offer any words of hope? OConnor P, et al. We did everything together, camping, hunting, fishing, holidays, and Netflix marathons of snuggling on the couch. I am now trying some dating sights.Right away some girl that claimed to live in Texas started e mailing me telling me how she loved me profile and this and that.Anyway i did a background check and found out this young lady lives in the other side of Africa.In Giane.She was trying to tell me that she needed money for documents to come to be with me..Yea right! No matter what the true cause is, it is tied to your emotions. She moved on to another 20-something more suited for her. My ex husband did the same thing I tried everything and nothing. He had been having an emotional connection with her for 3 years. Wife of 17 years left 4mos ago. That word has been gone for a long time. I am a strong person, that helps. And it may never happen. Then quite quickly our arguments started becoming more fatal & terminal. Its etched in my mind. Ive always tried to change to be more what she wanted, but nope. The emotions change, they do not get easier. It should never be based on how YOU are feeling thats selfish, not selfless. A week after he left my dad passed away. I dont know how to break out and go figure, yes constantly telling me hes going to divorce me. You knew I would do anything for those kids and yet you continue to prove our family will never be worth your time and effort or attention. I dont know what to think anymore. Me finding pills over and over hidden in her car. I went through a lot in my life but this by far hurt the most. He sent me a long message to me apologising . Letting go doesn't mean forgetting, pretending your heart isn't broken, or putting up walls so you don't get hurt again. Failure to taste. My heart aches with yours. Can somebody please help????? We have more information about what to do in a crisis at As the spouse of a narcissist, I am the one with the problemthe one who is too sensitive, the one who cannot take a joke. for some of us who hates dating and hate being with other people. Maybe I hope she leaves him or if I cant have him I think I want his social life ruined. I had also convinced myself that her and the neighbour had had sex rather than just touching. How could he just walk out? I have had to monitor her medication intake and times for years to ensure her safety (on her request). Its very sad but I want her happy. Depressed partners regret leaving very often, yes, but it should not be a pattern. yourself or the other person. He lied to me while he still lived here after he decided we should separate and told me there was no one else when he was already texting this girl behind ny back. She promised she would stop. Im heartbroken and sad for out two boys who love him so much. I dont know my wife anymore. I am in very similar situation. I said yes and by the way I filed for divorce. I want move out of state or go back to my country but, i also have a little hope that in a few months she will change her mind He was determined. This women has made my life a nightmare. Im surprised falling out of love is listed as one of the reasons. this time it was litteraly out of nowhere nobody seen it coming and on his days off which were just this week he flew to where she lives in calgary (we live in BC) to spend days off with her. Please send me strength. But from her doing that, she emotionally checked out from the built up resentment Im sure. It is atrocious and inhumane how you have been treated. married to my husband forfor 4 years.i made more money than him.I stuck by him through his madness.Drinking and drugging.He never went for help.I always felt he was doing what he wanted because he just wanted to.I cared for him too much.I let my guard down.He now has a better job and only four months being employed,he says we have nothing in common, we should be friends.He not used to anything.Now he gets another chance of living a better life, hes gone.All he did was lie to me . I am not trying to put your love down. And even worse, they ruin their own happiness in the process by doing things that destroy everything that makes them happy. 50 steps to see your kid and she couldnt be bothered, now I really lose faith. The whole time that she was awake she was on her Kindle playing Trivia and conversing with men. Loyalty, infidelity, honesty. I dont hate him, in fact I care for him, but we have absolutely no similar interests. Next thing I knew, he was upstairs in our house while I was downstairs. Well, back story. Let God have it. Best! Sign the SBP, 10 yr rule for half his retirement and get your cs and alimony. I wasnt happy, i was controlled, questioned put up with his temper for long enough. I remained strong on the outside and everyone asked how I kept it together, but that doesnt mean it wasnt extremely difficult and the most traumatic experience in my life. Often a wife's response, although well intended, can just drive her husband even deeper into his midlife crisis. I could never disapline them. this is the ugliest experience i ever had, losing my wife after 16yrs of marriage having 3boyz nd 2galz we got married age 25 nd 21, but now am 41 shes 37. i started noticing long calls chats and messages together with her painful attitude of coming home very late. You may have no kids, but you have all the time in the world for yourself. I am now literally in a living hell. You can not continue to live this way. We spoke a lot he told me he had met someone else but it meant nothing to him apparently. After finally loosing respect for him I no longer feel the pain. You could emagine how I felt like someone ripped my heart out.I started telling him how can you go back after every thing that I have been nothing but loyal to him. Acting normal at home. He wants to have a better paying job, to provide for us better, and he cant seem to do that having us here, so he is sending me, along with our daughter, and my 2 sons packing. Psychologists John and Julie Gottman, who have spent decades studying marriage, identified four strong predictors of divorce: criticism . Was going to deal it away in 3 days if I would sign custody modification. A condition in and of itself is not a reason to . Everyone says time. Jackie I feel your pain as you know my situation. I am an amazing husband and I am taking it all wrong. You are dead to me as I am to you so lets not resurrect the dead. Nobody is perfect but there have to be certain things that will be most important to you. What about #6You were just an abusive alcoholic and I was sick and tired of being your punching bag? Our problems began about 5 months ago. They might even join in on helping you through this by giving comfort or simply laughing with you at how messed up your marriage is now. Gender disparity in the rate of partner abandonment in patients with serious medical illness. Any certain? I didnt even have the pass codes to the credit card or the banking accounts. She had an affair and i found out about, and I think she cant stand living with the guilt, so by leaving the marriage the guilt goes away. We are now 10 months after the filing and he has left again, stating he is trying to get his head straight. Let him know you are very serious and you have reached your breaking point. I still hate him as much today as I did when he told me he was moving out. We lost our connection several years before I left. I have been married just for 8 months and my husband has abandoned the house. 10 reasons, How to make your ex fall in love with you again using psychology, 10 warning signs you and your ex wont get back together, Work on your self-mastery and the things that make you happy, Get out of the house and do something with friends or family. His health issues are not serious. Thank God we dont have any children involved! And I knew that deep down inside my pysche I had unresolved issues or aftereffects of the early abuse, and the damage to my self that had never been repaired, let alone looked at. I dont know how you move 25 miles away from your son, my daughter left for college this year. He had over the years became grumpy and this only got worse. Please help me with the divorce decision please. He has a lot of health issues. We had a wonderful wedding Six months where I have stayed silent on this topic because of the guilt and . My cousins came with wine and food almost every weekend after the break-up. Take care. I have no clue what to do with my time now. They do not except criticism and will always turn it around on you to the extent they will talk your friends and family in to believing how crazy YOU are and how he/ she could never make you happy. Hi Susan, I feel for you. Ive loved my partner for 27 years and still do. Ok, I believe you and I want to say how sorry I am for your experiences. Its been six months and I dont feel like at any more peace and someways irs worse than before. Then the on the Wednesday he told me he was leaving. I feel like reason 3 and 5 go so hand in hand, which is what I did in my marriage I couldnt stand the emotional abuse anymore. It is a growing trend in the United States. Rage that would be primarily directed towards friends and family. And he just does not get it. Like being inside of Hitlers mind. The hits keep coming. I dont know what to do. With research saying couples lose the Im so madly in love with you spark after 2 years at most, probably lots of couples wind up feeling like companions. Not only for our child but because I love her deeply. I actually became suicidal because I was so worried about what I . I had no clue what was going on behind my back. I realize this only after they no longer appear. But nope we ship off to my place and to my horror she wont answer the phones all weekend which really catches me off guard, I thought we were doing something here. You deserve better . I learned all this by looking through texts on my daughters phone. I also lost my mother nine months ago. Words are just words, actions speak so much louder. The sadness consumed me like an angry fire I couldnt put out. Once you enter your information, youll be directed to a list of therapists and counselors who meet your criteria. I just wish I had a reason. We both came from dust and we shall return to dust. You might want to file a complaint against her to freeze your money before you get that back. . My husbanda and u got married at a very young age, I was 20 and he was 23. Said she didnt love me and turned to her boss. If you feel stuck in your grief, or if holding onto hope a spouse will return is preventing you from moving forward, speaking with a mental health professional may help. You should have enough self-control and enough respect for your partner to not even go there. Falling out of love in a marriage happens over time and is usually due to neglect on the part of one or both partners. I hate myself and have become a hermit. I dont have friends that I can confide in, I dont have family to talk to. The unfortunate truth is unless two people are willing to work on a marriage it will never work. I miss the small talk. Cant sleep without sleeping pills or wine. She has made a huge mistake and she will have to deal with that and the hurt she has caused you and your children for the rest of her life. We all do. Thats my situation in a nut shell. Wife is splitting after 10 years. Anyone in a marriage affected by depression will benefit from the support of a counselor also. In shock I could barely breath I was on the floor shaking and he did nothing. Weve been together just over 5 years and what I thought was happily married for almost 3. Feels like Im physically dying. So far he has not moved out as he had planned and keeps changing his mind on a daily basis. I have never felt so humiliated in all my life. With no signs no reason why just said he had to go he had to do it. I only had him. This is beautifully written. What he really needs now is your understanding and support. My ex left me the day after Christmas. We have kids high school age. What a way to throw a wrench in! With a few self-care tips and a whole lot of. She is such a loving person always called him to say hi. 10 year rule as a military spouse. Ok. What would people do in my situation. To make things better. Beg me to take you back and act like youre sorry for all that hurt, all that damage and that you would never ever again and know that will probably take another 20 years to truly believe you. I take the kids every weekend. Ghosting doesnt always mean the offending party is being intentional. Sounds really immature when I look back over it now. 10 weeks ago she abandon the whole entire family and moved from Texas to London England to be with him. Soon, I reverted back to what I was doing to prior to the attempt to get pleasure. Read what happens when a) they loose their job. I cant cope with the pain of my break up. Information about what to do in a crisis is available here: Friday comes and of course, she unplugs the house phone and turns off her cell and refuses to let me see my kids. If we move, he doesnt want to stay in the state but, the kind of small town where he would be happy generally has no work which in my view is not a win/win. Everyday I just want to die, because I have seen and felt the worst evil I have ever known.. She did move back in with me, but only for a short time, 4 months, and then she moved out again to the same relative. Watch your dignity return. My parents passed last year, her mother has been on her death bed and abusive to my wife as she takes care of her. This has always worked well for us. Protect your assets. Love yourself first before you love others. And this time apart, knowing she is with her husband, re-connecting with him after all that we have done in such a short time is killing me. He just kept saying it was 'his problem.' I later learned this depression likely stemmed from him not wanting to leave his son, but feeling like he was stuck in a marriage he didn't want to be in. They all go to the same school and population is 800 so no escape. What hurts the most is She didnt just cheat and come crying back to me, she led a double life for 2 years and left after she was caught. Change your life train. Kelly, Then I found out she was getting more meds from a dentist at times . Also she kept looking at me at the bar.. Got obsessed with animal rights became activist. Our younger teen lives with me in the family home and the two of us are hoping the court will allow us to move closer to family out of state. I have had the same thing happen to me its heartbreaking I know exactly what you are going through stay strong! What Im trying to say is that it becomes about saving face. I only found out because I found an email n so I emailed her. we had so many deep relationship but when he came to know my past two mistakes he is trying to leave me and now he has relationship with different girls n even told to leave him but I cant I really dont know what to do I really love him from da deep of my heart n I cant let him go any suggestion plizzz, hi im paul married for 5 yrs we have 2 kids. Im sorry for what you are going through Im in the exact same boat Married 17 years too he left this is my husbands 2nd affair Its sickening how a spouse can do this.. Hi CassieD! If you are experiencing a life-threatening emergency, in danger of hurting yourself or others, feeling suicidal, overwhelmed, or in crisis, its very important that you get immediate help! There are reasons homosexuals hide things like that from loved ones. Is he really going to his parents house? He did, yet he got everything he wanted. If he doesnt respond to ONE request, then get an annulment and move on. Could it be me? Slightly distant. Being a husband and a dad every day. Individuals who lost 5 percent of their body weight over the course of four years were more likely to feel depressed . However we were married 7 years together for 16, and 3 kids My husband found someone 11 years younger and left me 8 weeks after meeting her!! Im not saying to use self-help books as a magic pill that will solve all your problems. His perspective is that he tried to be emotionally connected over and over only to be disappointed by my lack of response to his reaching out. I am good to my wife. My wife and friend are not really communicating and when they said they wanted to be friends I think they wanted amicable aquanties. Please be strong. We just stopped, as she put it. While I understand we didnt have the perfect marriage and living situations, I never saw this coming.

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