my boyfriend calls me his baby mama

Just know that you are perfectly fine. There is a lot to think about when dating a woman with kids. Related Heres what it means when a guy calls you mama. But when I bring it up to him it's a argument.. Tell him to make her stop or send him right back to her if its so hard for him to set things straight and make her understand that he is with someone else so she should go on with her life too. Then he knocked 2 women up: one didn't keep the baby; the other said if he'd be there to help her she'd keep the baby (he forwarded the messages to me including the pic of the pregnancy test she text him). If he reacts to seeing you by uncrossing his arms, sitting upright, adjusting his hair or clothing, raising his eyebrows and smiling, his pupils dilate, he makes space for you and he watches you as you enter the room then it would be more likely that he is attracted to you. To be stranded during your first pregnancy, financially reliant on this asshole, emotional, hormonal and to be left for dead could maybe make a person slightly insane. If you have never heard a guy say mama before then it is similar to calling a woman babe or sweetie assuming that he is a similar age as you. He wanted me to go get checked out. But anywho this guy was actually being an awesome gentle, but just wasn't for me. Ask for FREE. If my ex was serious about her even if he cheated on me with her, for our son I would be fine with meeting her. Trust me its a hard pill to swallow regardless of which end of it youre on. Now if yall became compatible then cool, shit do what you will, dont get wit someone just to have someone until/incase she gets her shit together. Talk to him about it. He compares you to her (ya'll could be in a constant competition because if he loves her, he values her more) 2. On top of co-parents underestimating the impact having a child with someone can have on future relationships, those who date people with children also underestimate all that can come with such situations. Sounds like his wife is now in town. Sleeps all day except when he watches our daughter when I go to college. And is it normal to have a family day if technically we aren't a family? If that is the case then it would be likely that he would have started doing other things that a boyfriend would do at around the same time that he started to call you mama. Should they even talk after a certain time of night? Been with my guy for two years and still never met his BM. Our break-up was heated and intense. Er no. He needs to let you go so he can be with his family even if you think it's his ex and she lives with him as family not as a room mate. If he feels a need to talk in secret to his baby mama without your knowledge, then there's more going . The entire family is ok with him having a girlfriend because the most important thing for them is to get their citizenship at any cost. If they say they are so called over their exnothing would come out of their mouth about the ex. But you cant just put up with it in silence, its always better that you speak up and let him know if anything is bothering you. We had such an amazing time , I felt loved , I felt good , I felt like this was finally coming together . ), As they say in church, he needs to get his house in order. And miserable, angry, furious, and everything else. Shortly after dropping him home she the girlfriend called my phone asking me to come back to get him. For others, it's a deep hatred or a lasting love. Surely there's another. He would sleep over or I would and when I would confront the idea are we working on something it's like " no why would you think that idk " at the moment he lives with me and he talks to about 3 or 4 girls telling them he want them . She isnt his ex. He also calls me sweetie and my love but would never call his daughter those things. Additional troubleshooting information here. If a guy ever got into drama with another woman guess what THERE'S FEELINGS THERE! Press Esc to cancel. Talked to him later, "Is this like our engagement or? Hell NO! Do they see you as a new dad or one of mommy 's new uncles? My grandma was the one who taught me. I raised my son fine on my own; hes a great kid and that's who's really important. She uses my kid against me one minute and keeps him while shes ****ing with different guys but then tells me how.much she loves me . Their loyalties are with him and his child, not OP or his wife, necessarily. I'm in this same situation. If hes answering the calls and discussing her hairdresser with her then why is it her nessicarily causing the problem. When you go into a relationship with someone who has kids you into with the knowledge that there is an ex-wife/girlfriend and have to be open to certain issues which has to be discussed from the start. Just like your boyfriend shouldn't be hanging out with his baby mama, she also needs to respect the fact that he's in a new relationship. Trust issues with a guy with baby mama drama. He drank up all the water. I would never date a guy with a baby mama. My bd and I were engaged before I got pregnant. you obviously got yourself pregnant on purpose as well. Here are five tips for dealing with baby mama drama. (She was staying with her sister and her man) she tried to say he was one of their friends. If he did call you mama because he is attracted to you then it would be likely that he would show signs of attraction in his body language and behavior which could include: There are more signs of attraction that a guy might show you that get talked about, in an ebook, here. If she tries to use the child against him, there are legal steps he can take. Some men would like to strangle their baby momma. There seems to be this attitude of "men have needswhat do you expectfor him to be a monk for a year." Baby mama drama, Dating a Guy with a new born baby and dealing with the baby mama drama, Girlfriend stopped calling me baby,babe,love. 8 mths later domestic violence charge. Secret-keeping is kind of an unhealthy way to try to de-triangle. But he says the love he has for me has been gone but I still want to be together. I get along with her to show my son the right way to treat females. when a man have a kid (s) with his ex (s) they are a package deal.if u want to be with him, u have to be supportive n understanding and don't stress him out cuz he is not giving u enough time.this can lead to fights n eventually a break up. Females would be like, "You the one?" I have talked to other girls trying to find something new in hopes to get over her. I would have been better for my son. I think hes just doing all that that way I dont create drama for her to know how things happen! But it's weird, when he calls me by my name, I think he's mad at me LOL. 9. No I'm not one of those crazy baby mamas because I don't get strung along lol. The thing is I don't want his money and I know he needs to be held accountable but honestly if he doesn't want part of his daughter life he can go. Sometimes it's hard for men and because they were in love, some fall in love and have children some people were never in love or had a form of puppy love, but if a deep emotional bond was created this can harbor bitter feelings and sadness for the dumped party either guy or girl. No, I think some men, can NOT stop stringing alone there baby momma. I have happily moved on with my life. Just talk to him and try to get to the root of the issue with some kind of idea of the pressures of his day to day life. But now im done taking it. Is It a Good Sign that Your Boyfriend Is Committed to You? Am I wrong to feel that way? Today I witnessed his behavior towards him picking up his son: all dressed up and using cologne (he has to get him from exs house). cuz u know u have to deal with the drama that his baby mama will cuz. What can I do to fix it ? Because I don't entertain drama. Some women find being called a baby mama offensive, so if you dont like it you should make that clear to your guy. Hell I even take care of the 2 kids she had wit my alleged friend! Just get out of this mess! By continuing to use this site, you agree to our updated Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. He's hung up and something and not talking to you about it. He said she hacked his fb and put it so they in a relationship and changed the password but i saw it today and it says he posted about his school finals a week ago when he had them. If she asks you to stay around a little bit longer, then it is evident that your child's mother still loves you. But to sum it all up. Please contact your hosting provider to ensure that an up-to-date and valid SSL certificate issued by a Certificate Authority is configured for this domain name on the origin server. As we're in Miami , a friend hits me up and ask if I was still dealing with the guy and if I'm pregnant . . Depending how things happen, if they were in a relationship or if they continue seeing each other after the split, in my case we were together for almost 2 years I found out he was lying to me the whole time he was still sleeping with his ex I suspected something wasnt ok, yes I did look into his fb. I have an amazing life. Ditch him and get with me (hopeseekr on FB). To me, it implies that we were never in a relationship and he accidentally knocked me up which is not true. It may also mean he likes you in a special way. duckling. Black women If it was about the kids I can understand, but no it's either about how her hair dresser messed up her hair, or about some stupid stuff. cuz sweet heart you are no better than they are. Use that logic to find someone dope and with no baggage. This is also a good boundary to set to avoid a number of potential problems. He Means it in a Romantic Way. Just dont get upset when your kids have a school event or anything going on good or bad and you dont know much of anything because this is the only way to resolve the issue. But most of the time we are healthy. Her father is semi on the scene (couple of times a week, doesn't really contribute anything), recently I've noticed that her BD tends to crack jokes in chat which she finds hilarious. No, a man does not increase feelings because you have saddled him with an obligation he didnt plan on. Plus upon me getting pregnant, I was going to school myself, working towards my dream. thanks for replying with that comment because i am in a situation where my current bf has a baby mother who they talk everyday and i didnt know if it was right to stop them because i know she asks about the son. She is 7 months and he is just not telling me and his family. Hence the reason the discussion was so spirited when we talked about whether or not we would ever date men who have kids last month. Idk what to do , I do know this baby mother and him is not together but she has two kids for him , all together makes three. And she has additional four other children with three different baby daddy's. he just tells me to be patient because he will buy them an apartment to move in too and that everything would be back to normal. Whether or not he is married to her, YOU are his second choice, she and the baby take priority here. I am ****ed but guess what. Put your panties on and lay down the law. To hit on me after 8 months of not sleeping with him and I kiss him back and now I a fool because..i know i would still sleep with him ..smh I say u left me for your ex and is engaged 6 months after you left me..he.told me once before I can't choose I said yes you can u you did already I need good advice because iam still in love with him Idk how that can be ..he hurt me bad..sorry for the long message just need some flood advice, Yeah I said same thing but i am a hypocrite because I almost slept with my sons father AND. Continue with this affair or just drop get rid of him and say it's over finally over you had enough of this and you want out and you will call the police on him if he doesn't leave you alone. And, if you dont like him using it as your pet name, you should also speak up and say something and Im sure hell stop. Think about that before you waste your time wondering if he cares for you and what is going on. His bm hates me and always calls me a **** claiming she's dating him anytime we talk. But shit change and he grabbed my attention. I fully agree with you.Im 28 weeks pregnant and my baby daddy is seeing this gf which he lies to her all the time.We broke up few weeks ago but we still have sex.In all our chats and phone calls he still tells me he loves me and that what is important. The mother of his son tends to call at the worst times, and even sends him messages late at night on occasion. I fell into a deep depression, for a long time. Sounds messed up to say but I wouldn't date someone with a child.. Seeing as there are a number of reasons why a guy might call you mama it is important to consider the body language signals that he showed and the context of how he said it. He's married for better/worse, in sickness/health till death due you part! Deep down they are still hoping or wishing things had worked out differently, especially if there wasn't something major like abuse or cheating going on. Is this really true because I just had a back and forth battle with my kids fathers new girlfriend and she knows so much about my business which is the same with all the other ones he's been with beforeshe seems to think she is the best one he's had and said she is someone important its not that I want him back because he's betrayed me the way they went about me finding out which was through my kids but I've known him since we were in high school and he has told her all my business but yet never claimed her to me she told me it was because of how I would react like she is really riding hard for him. **** her I took care of her 9 years and have a 7 year old with her and she became a cold blooded killer after hanging out with her hoe friends could care less its me and my son time to go find a dime piece. He started this blog to help others find and define their own self development journey. But still, he tries to ask me to hook up during exchanges with our kids. And to say I don't care about my daughter's mom is like saying I don't care about my daughter in a certain sense. She was upset with him because if any of his bm's call, he'd talk to them in her presence, but every time he called me or I called him, he left. Wasn't really my choice it ended but there was a lot of history there and we both made mistakes. black entertainment news, parenting tips and beauty secrets that are specifically for black women. And probably always will be. He admits to getting me pregnant on purpose, thinking we were going to be together. So I have a question to the men and would appreciate an honest opinion and advice. There might be a chance for humanity.. I had given it everything I had. LMAO. I was once in a relationship with someone who has two kids. I was in a position where I supported him and always made sure he was there for them. Why you think I'm answering his phone?" Miss Lucy had a Baby. LOL.that story was such a pity seeking blob of bullsh*t. Nice try. It's not really her business. Don't be a sucker! For the fact that they are even baby mamas they are worthless! Dear Carolyn: My husband has a child by his ex-girlfriend. Babe. SMH. The other day he didnt intorduce me as his gf to some people because he was scared what they would think about his relationship failing with her. It hard to let him go I'm just trying to let him be, he says I'm to blame for why nobody wants to be with him , they get tired of me trying to be with him or whatever but he does things to make me think let's do this . Where do you fit into this mess? He's lying about this.. Take it from a man. I would love to be like the others and say he is lying and he is involved with the baby's mom. International custody disputes are a big hot mess. He has lied to me multiple times of his situation with the mother of his children. I changed the locks on our apartment and took him to child support for our then, 4 month old daughter. I don't wish it would've worked out. I know that men dont tell their baby mom's or ex's anything, just let them be, try to be nice or civil for the kids, but sometimes these women need to get it through their brains that its over. In the meantime he was "single" so he acquired a "gf", but now the wife has shown up, he needs to juggle things a bit to keep both women happy. I don't need problems. It shows you how to interpret body language and understand people's true intentions. Your the secret woman that no one knows about. Well yeah. To me he's a ex I have a child with, My ex will always hate me and list as his #1 priority to turn my kids against me. It might also be the case that he naturally says it to women his age in which case you would likely hear him say it at other times to other women as well. Xper 3 Age: 38. Talk to him about this and ask him to do something about it. The reason that he wanted to see your reaction is likely to be because he is attracted to you but he isnt sure if youre attracted to him. I have been trying to help him with rides so he can get steady work and help me financially and just for hisself also. That's my entire time with her boiled down into one reflex of feeling like I was an atm. Its hard to explain why, since she was a terrible partner for me, and we weren't compatible at all. It's a classic story. He made it bed and now has his ex wife living with him and I am sure they're sleeping in the same bed. He dropped off pampers later that day and while intoxicated, attacked me because I filed for child support that day and I did not want to keep the baby. Not a term of endearment. He's Making It Clear He Wants Children with You. 6 years ago. Blogging about a wide range of topics to help facilitate a better future. Forget old history n exes mate. We hadn't had sex for 3 weeks because he'd come home from "work" and sleep on the couch. He is lying to you. I was awake and i'm pretty sure it was the name of his female coworker. I can only help him so much. And there are some moments they want share with each other: the first step, first word, an award or an upcoming event. Wanting to have a baby with some girl simply refers to being ready to take the . He told me he was sorry for all that happened he said I miss you. Meaning we did not concentrate on ourselves but always put them first. So no thats not love not because you have a baby mean they love each other. Regarding always want the family together? We've joined the BHM Digital family of websites and have updated our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. So, I would therefore encourage him about the situation. Said my mind's gone half crazy (Yeah) 'cause I can't leave you alone (And I just don't know) And I'm wonderin' if it's worth me holdin' on (I said I just don't know what to do now . Because no matter who he or I wind up with, they will have to know that we are bonded for life. He ate up all the soap. In No Contact phase with married man, but what now? During the summer he tried to reach out to me , but I was done , I was over him , over the drama . Plain and simple. Im sure he doesnt mean to offend you and will stop using the term if you ask him to. I have seen this many times when I was dating. We're friends now. All he has to do is pretend like he's treating you special and he gets access. Anyway of course he denied the whole thing I was very hurt I told him to leave me alone! Its certainly a little weirder when youre not actually the mother of his child, I can see that. Good one dear u made use of ur sharp brain quickly. If its not about the kid (or kids), do they really need to talk like that? Anyway fwd now, I told him is okay if you are going to want things this way is okay no issues with me. But im not sure he did..think he stayed with me cuz she isnt going anywhereits been a yr ..this chick comes in n chills every time she drops off her soni have told him she needs to drop off their son and goi dont trust them ..n its no way to live..i cant tell you what to do..just hope it works out for far not great for me..i think its exit time..this chick will be around for awhile and im sure try getting him back again like she admitted before..sending him naked pics..that he erased off messages just not off his gallery..n he still erases all his text from guess its up to u.i have two boys but their father doesnt come around n i know if he were around i definitely wouldn't get away with doing what my boyfriend n his ex do..n i wouldn't cuz its disrespectful good luck!! registered trademarks of Ziff Davis Canada, Inc. and may not be used by third parties without Do you not read between the lines. It all depends on the context and how its used. I was dating this guy, and it was good. Always try to have some patience and compassion as it's not an easy situation for the man to be in. i think they are still talking behind my back. Usually it is a term of endearment for guys that go out a lot and see beautiful women, I imagine a Latino man says it maybe but probably not a white guy. Not all men will have a "bond" or be attracted to their baby mama. I was with the mom for 5 years. I had my daughter very young and I might of had puppy love with her father but I do not think we ever had a deep emotional bond which made it easier for us both to move on. Or you can say you would tell his baby mama about your affair with him. Bro, I understand what you mean. If he is from Honduras as well yes it's possible he is married and the entire family knows he has a girlfriend. Women can be evil when it comes to the heart. Maybe it was just a nickname without importance. i feel after 3 yrs she has to grow up. cuz u know u have to deal with the drama that his baby mama will cuz. Don't have feelings for her at all. AskMen, Become a Better Man, Big Shiny Things, Mantics and guyQ are among the federally Because even if shecant be No. Wooo, some you ladies need to learn the game, y'all losing. But he tried to tel me I set him up wow I said to him. Constantly brings up his BM on random conversations but doesn't get why I get upset. and to you as well.these silly stories sound pathetic. RoyalDanceQueen, January 23, 2017 in Dating. She asked me to leave when things got rough in hopes of fixing us. It's about the kids. Sometime in his life he thought of ya as forever. I'm dealing with the same thing and I wonder would he ever get back with her even though we have a child together now. What does it mean when a guy calls you nice. (I left her cuz she cheated) she thinks I'm never going to find anyone but seems like She just ****s with me and I'm not the type to get revenge but I wanna just find someone else to be with and move on . Should I keep believing him when he says it won't happen again or should I just get out of there? Married men especially from Africa and South America with girlfriends here. He's bull****ting you. help? Same. My boyfriend left me for his baby mama, now he wants me back. Even if you dont like being called his baby mama, it means he sees you as being in his future and is committed to you. He says she's very confrontational and he doesn't want drama . The same situation I was in She believed every lie he told her. I'm with them on that one as well. What she said stuck with me. Takiya Savage. Additional troubleshooting information here. He's done something disrespectful to her. I hate my boyfriends baby and the baby mama drama. Sick of dudes acting like women just go crazy for no reason - yea right! Boyfriend said another woman's name. Good luck to you. This the girl that swing a knife to his neck most I did was prly scream to the top of my lungs lol. He calls and says, "It's me." When your relationship starts to develop a comfortable routine, chances are he'll call you and say, "Hi, it's me." When this happens, he's sending a message through verbal intimacy that your relationship is going in the right direction and he's feeling warm and fuzzy about you. We all need to love ourselves more so we don't hurt our children and continue the cycle. Please Help. Keep reading to find out what he can do to stop the drama and how you can stand by his side in support and love. Continue with this affair or just drop get rid of him and say it's over finally over you had enough of this and you want out and you will call the police on him if he doesn't leave you alone. **** your feelings. Because your over your baby mama, that's why you don't talk about hercorrect? not every man will always love his baby momma. Have you bought cars or apartments for any of your exes? How about if he's a "real man" he gets a place for them while they're here and spends time with you. Why would he call me sis? The dude is completely depraved and behaves like an irresponsible teenager when in reality he's a man in his 50's who refuses acknowledgement of his daughter. 2023 ZIFF DAVIS CANADA, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. If you are happy with that ranking, then great carry on, but if you have aspirations of being more than his OW, then you need to cut this guy loose. I know right!! She says even if I have a girl she will come up and kiss me and she will always try to be with me. This is one of the biggest signs he's using you to get over his ex. This happened the last time we split as well ? But he tells me that shes a crazy b**** and shes mental Is that not considered cheating? i feel it is disrespectful to me. If that is the case, men will use other cuter terms rather than sticking with the clichd ones." "It is my habit to call girls babe. My baby mama cheated. No matter what, the communication must stay open. This son of a bitch could have came in the toilet or on the floor but didnt so I have to live with the biggest mistake i ever made i regret the day i ever met him and if i could take it all back i would. All Rights Reserved. That's messed up. Originally Posted by RoyalDanceQueen View Post, My boyfriend and I have been dating for a year now, he has a child with his ex but he told me their relationship ended long time ago. Does he drink socially or in the evening? After that i change dramatically and fell even more in love with her but she left me for another guy and lied about it. There's plenty of men out there who are looking for a good woman. 3. But because my daughters health depends on her mother I'm still a slave to the mom. For me, yes. My bf don't want to talk about his child mother Everytime I try to bring up something he shut it done. They been seprated since 2001. 1. women are spiteful ****. It is really not the most common term of endearment, but calling someone "baby mama" or "baby daddy" is a pet name of sorts. What make her think she's the real one when she's the stupid side chick.. nooo class at all. Ur allowing him to treat u that way. Reach out to the bm and get to know her for yourself. A Baby Mama who knows how to push your buttons will do it for entertainment purposes. Not to mention the plethora of contraception already on the market. (I dont recommend that girlfriends try and contact or interact with the co-parents unless its about the well-being of the child. He's with her and he's with you. 28:31. As far as love goes I love him to the degree that my daughter loves him and he's important to her so since I love her I care about him. Point is she says I will always be first on the list and she says she isn't dating this dude but their intimate and he cares for her. Just hope she could see i learned b4 its to late. I don't know how my baby daddy feels about me. Ladies say NO! She cheated 2x. I have a child with my ex and the only thing we talk about is our child and that is between reasonable hours (after 9 am and no later than 9 pm) anything else is extra.

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