They often cause way more harm than good. There are over 600 people in 2 different groups put together, and we are all in contact with many kids that just left. We will not share your information. Listen to your child, and dont fall into the traps that programs make which lead parents to think their child is untrustworthy, a liar, manipulator, etc. They are left up to their own with limited to no help from the teachers. Therapeutic experiences challenge your son to learn and grow. It is degrading and disrespectful and I will forever hate this program as they manipulate people into spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to not help there kids. They strip you of everything, even contact with your own parents, and dangle it in front of you as motivation to do/act how they want. For many parents, this focus on parental participation is the reason they choose our program. We earned academic accreditation through Discovery Academy, Contact one of our well-trained representatives now. If they mention these sorts of things to parents (over heavily monitored phone calls and letters in the mail), contact between student and parent would be cut off. I still have insomnia and night terrors of being at that place. If you absolutely need mental support for your child, I suggest something that is close to home, and something that does not limit their ability to see and interact with the outside world. (Blood sprayed on me). Discovery Ranch only wants to know and talk about their truth which is nothing close to reality. However, our neighbor whose son went there the following year had all good experiences. Their website lists the following conditions the program claims to treat: various mental illnesses including anxiety, depression, mood disorders, ADHD, and oppositional defiance the last of which is no longer listed in the DSM substance abuse and other addictions, eating disorders [] learning disorders and nonverbal learning disability [] social struggles, low self-esteem, adoption/attachment issues, and grief and loss The unadvertised conditions that I witnessed among detainees included being LGBT, Internet addiction, and one girl in particular was sent there for having a black boyfriend. It is NOT your fault and youre NOT a lesser being despite what DR drilled into you. They will dream about it years after, waking up in the middle of the night from nightmares about being back there. Isnt that tax evasion? 0. In other words, do not trust them. The kids come out shell shocked, traumatized and fearful. Michele (Yelp), 2012: (PARENT) As a father I was treated poorly. Please save your child from this place. . The website is misleading. We also understand that every teen and every family is unique. Every part of Discovery Ranch, from the amazing campus to the nationally accredited Academic Program, helps to promote growth and healing. May their souls rest in peace. discovery ranch lawsuit. They would restrain kids to the point the kids arm was almost broken. The ranch horse manager Jerry put a phone in my face showing horses having sex. They are there only to try and give the staff (who by the way have no training in psychology at all) an easier time. They lied and were mainpulative, and power tripped all the time. The teenagers at Discovery Ranch as forced to adhere to a strict set of rules at all time. Education was packets and computer testing only poor. My Mom says she wishes she had heard of that school at the time. The Residential Treatment Program is located on a beautiful 60-acre ranch. (During my stay, a kid in a different house was repeatedly raped by another kid for days until he was caught.) I had to raise a baby cow for the slaughter to learn to deal with loss, exercise until I threw up blood, pick up cow shit every day, I could go on and on. Discovery Ranch only wants to know and talk about their truth which is nothing close to reality. Chad Ollinger and his brother, Duane, are gold prospectors in the Uintah Mountains of Utah. While at Discovery Ranch, your son will participate in a variety of outdoor activities. I cannot even put into words the pain I feel even today when my experience gets brought up or when I read about other kids that are STILL suffering from having to go through this program. May their souls rest in peace. This is not just a couple of resentful people. Our parents (his Mom and step-father) regret sending him there even all these years later. No one deserves what they really do to people. If youre a troubled teen thats reading this that just recently got out, or its been years and its still effecting you, please believe me when I say that YOU ARE NOT ALONE. For many parents, this focus on parental participation is the reason they choose our program. First, let me begin by stating that sending your kid anywhere is a traumatic experience they will have for the rest of their life. The program is affiliated with several other Ascent Company programs, such as RedCliff Ascent, Discovery Academy, Discovery Connections, and Oxbow Academy. BE CAREFUL OF THEM. James (Yelp), 2019: (SURVIVOR) This place is sickening. They only allow astonishing ones to pass. Not a single one of us agree that this program helped us or our relationships with our families. Isnt that tax evasion? The reason I am writing this now is because I ended up becoming an alcoholic and drug addict once I went to college and had finally had complete freedom. (only the higher rank kids would be allowed to do this). Im happy to say that she is leading a normal life and leaving DR was the best thing that happened. , I try to think positively about it but honestly this shithole gave me PTSD. THATS WHEN YOU KNOW THE PLACE IS TERRIBLE. , Beware the evil behind their smiling eyes! If Im in the car with someone and they make a wrong turn or something I will flip out and start having a panic attack because all I can think about it oh my god where are they taking me theyre locking me up again. Your PRECIOUS child is NOT safe here! When the program opened, it housed both boys and girls on the same campus, but kept them completely seperate in different parts of the campus. My parents spent over $200,000 here before they realized I was not getting the help I needed. We have all suffered enough, its time to heal and create a system that works. , This place is horrible. You will also be able to observe your sons progress through our secure, password-protected parent portal. My brother noted some of the staff was wonderful and he used their tips to get through challenges after his father died (my Moms 1st husband). Youre not. Even when I started feeling feelings again I realized on Wednesday that I had been experiencing emotions with maybe 50-75% of the intensity that I normally should, which was put into perspective when I finally accepted that these things truly happened to me and felt for the first time in my life the appropriate pain and humiliation that corresponds to being treated in such a way for such an extended period of time. I felt meaningless, worthless, like a pawn used to control my dads emotions, fishing out hundreds of thousands of dollars from him. I highly suggest people look it up, one of the most disgusting things Ive ever read in my life: Link. But I fucking wasnt. At Discovery Ranch for Boys, all the professional departments work together. I suggest seeking different options for your child. The level-system consists of five levels, which the boys progress through by earning points for good behavior while avoiding demerits for negative behaviors and rule infractions. Lawsuits, harassment then found him. Kids are constantly getting restrained and put on drugs to keep them under control. The trauma Ive witnessed, and seen other kids witness was unbearable. In February of 2015, a former resident at DR and his family filed a lawsuit against the school reporting that the boy was violently and repeatedly sexually assaulted by another resident at the program. I literally cant live with these memories. He began his career working in Admissions at, , which is widely regarded as the birthplace of the. If any of you also went there shoot me a pm id like to hear about it. Discovery Ranch South offers the perfect healing environment for troubled teens with mental health or behavioral issues. My son, although he enjoyed his stay, refused to be brainwashed, and therefore got nothing therapeutical out of his stay; only resentment and anger, and he gained knowledge how to manipulate therapists to his benefit. Abuse at its finest.. we were totally and utterly underfed, one morning we were fed one mini bagel and one cream cheese. Aside from the obvious prejudice and discrimination, many of these conditions are not legitimate clinical impairments, and those that are require individualized care, which this facility does not provide.. Its funny, almost all of the kids that left as a level 5 or 4 ARE DOING DRUGS AND ARE DOING WORSE AT HOME, goes to show how little the program works. Its heart wrenching to see how many families were deeply financially destroyed as well as personal connections being permanently damaged. Your son will have the opportunity to build the strength and resilience he needs to thrive at home. Your job as parents is to help your child, you guys are the problem not your kids. DO NOT RECOMMEND AT ALL! Jeff (Google Reviews), HEAL Program Information Discovery Ranch, Family Alleges Bestiality at Alternative School, The Troubled Teen Industry: Commodifying Disability and Capitalizing on Fear by Catherine Kushan (mentions Discovery Ranch), Strength in the Struggle A Marketing Video uploaded by the school to YouTube, Discovery Ranch Secret Prisons for Teens. The reviews on their website are COMPLETELY weeded before theyre posted. They only allow astonishing ones to pass. In addition, survivors have reported that on the off-chance that they are able to inform their parents of abuse, their parents are manipulated by DR into believing that their child is lying and being manipulative in an attempt to be pulled from the program. The reason for posting this is that this is cathartic for me and nice to have a group of people who have at least a basic $1,000 in 1990 worth today . The parents believe discovery ranch and most kids have no hope of anyone listening to them because they think no one believes them and they wont talk and they lie about it. Discovery Ranch has been a NATSAP member since 2005. Discovery Ranch is accredited by the, Northwest Association of Accredited Schools (NAAS), , but it is important to note that neither the United States Department of Education nor the Council for Higher Education Accreditation recognizes NAAS as an accrediting agency for institutions of higher education. We do all this so that you can know your son is safe with us. Are they just being a teenager? The discovery process was contentious, especially with respect to the Aaron Ranch Lawsuit, and went on for years in state court. However, in 2013 DR moved their girls program to Cedar City, UT and began makerting theis program as, member since 2005. They will dream about it years after, waking up in the middle of the night from nightmares about being back there. These programs are money makers. I am not the only victim. You might feel that you are all alone. Now, other past guests on the show are coming forward with similar stories, including . Allegations of abuse that have been reported by survivors include malnutrition/food deprivation, verbal abuse, sexual abuse, physical abuse, and solitary confinement used as punishment. We have created this bond because unless you went through a detention center such as DR, you will not understand. My brother was at the Ranch over a decade ago. , There are plenty of articles that prove why Discovery Ranch is dangerous for the mental development of children. The ranch has the best of both worlds: a small-town atmosphere with access to world-class skiing, outdoor activities, surrounded by beautiful mountains, and close to two major universities and hospitals. Find out more about the assessment. We maintain professional memberships in research organizations, such as The Joint Commission and NATSAP. At one point during my stay, I saw my friend stab his arm repeatedly with a pencil, spraying blood all over me and the windowsill we were sitting on. Your family is struggling. You get used to the screaming and pleading for help, it becomes background noise. If you want to send your kid to either wilderness or discovery ranch why dont you do us all a favor parents and send your child to Disney Land so theyll be happy rather then send them to whats pretty much a mental institution for parents that have no idea what the fuck there doing. please if you are thinking of sending anyone or know anyone who is considering to send someone here, keep the kid far away from them. Privileges to some might sound like being able to talk to friends, or having free time. They would restrain kids to the point the kids arm was almost broken. The last few years of my life have felt unreal, Ive had migraines with frustration wondering how places like this exist, and how theyve gotten away with so much deceit. Youre parents will love that, Ha!). His step-father (my Dad) told me not to discuss it around him. TENA CAMPBELL U.S. District Court Judge. DISCOVERY RANCH - 20 Photos & 27 Reviews - 1308 S 1600th W, Mapleton, UT - Yelp Restaurants Home Services Auto Services Discovery Ranch 27 reviews Unclaimed Counseling & Mental Health Edit Write a review Add photo Save Photos & videos See all 20 photos Add photo Location & Hours 1308 S 1600th W Mapleton, UT 84664 Get directions Edit business info It makes me fucking sick that this place, along with HUNDREDS of others, still exists, quietly protected under the umbrella of the state government of Utah, and that parents are paying hundreds of thousands of dollars for their children to be tortured and driven insane or into obedient, soulless sociopaths. Anonymous (Tales from the Black School), 7/8/2013: (SURVIVOR) DO NOT SEND YOUR CHILD TO DISCOVERY RANCH IF YOU CARE ABOUT THEM! I attended Discovery Ranch in Mapleton Utah from November 18th 2015 to May 15th 2015. They dont give the children any hope of getting out whatsoever. The school uses research to help create an individualized treatment plan for each teen. He since has shut down and will not discuss it so no idea if it was accurate or something he said when first home to avoid being sent back. It got heated on the ranch and Duane kept referring to this person as a "freeloader." The ranch hasn't been short of intruders, in many forms including surveillance cameras and spy drones. Staff unresponsive, administration unresponsive and kept to company line to detriment of my son. This creates a streamlined experience for your son. In May 2018, the family that owns Blind Frog Ranch in Moab, Utah, filed a lawsuit against the Bureau of Land Management (BLM . Discovery Ranch combines the power of traditional and experiential therapies to create a clinically sophisticated, relationship-based residential treatment center for boys ages 13-18. However, the abuse overshadowed it. These experiences will teach your son values like Responsibility, Grit, Honesty, Respect, Courage, Kindness, and Accountability. In addition, your son will experience many opportunities to explore Utah. The pain doesnt just stop, they dont forget what you did to them, regardless of your intentions. Your child will be put in with kids that are older than their age group, that were in gangs, that are addicted to drugs, etc. They picked favorites and we were treated like garbage. Lawsuit filed March 3rd against the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food, and Forestry (ODAFF). He will receive consistent feedback. When Jack Stuef found a chest of gold and jewels in a Wyoming forest last year, he felt giddy. I still hear screams from my friends being restrained in the back of my mind. Parents have no clue what they are getting themselves into by sending their children there. Also there were lawsuits against this place. I had no contact with the outside world except letters to my parents which were censored, and observed phone calls once a month. I will never forgive Discovery Ranch for the damage they did to me, and the damage they continue to do to future generations. He also is the Executive Director of Discovery Academy. I dont know why but when i was there I never wanted to leave. My brother was at the Ranch over a decade ago. John (Yelp), 10/28/2019: (SURVIVOR) There are plenty of articles that prove why Discovery Ranch is dangerous for the mental development of children. While at Discovery Ranch, your son will participate in a variety of outdoor activities. We were treated like we were in prison, and if we stepped out of line, we had our privileges taken away. The pain doesnt just stop, they dont forget what you did to them, regardless of your intentions. I was told Control-freak parents often produce children who feel guilty and disloyal , fearing theyll disappoint their over-bearing parents. I couldnt believe he was blaming me for thisafter we could no longer afford to send her there she was abruptly released and told good luck. dont do this to your child We are all begging you. The ranch has the best of both worlds: a small-town atmosphere with access to world-class skiing, outdoor activities, surrounded by beautiful mountains, and close to two major universities and hospitals. It is reported by survivors that these calfs are later slaughtered, apparently in an attempt to teach the residents how to deal with loss. This practice is extremely cruel, and is reported to be very traumatic to many survivors. The decision you make for your child will stay with them forever. He previously worked at, worked as the Residential Director of Discovery Ranch. Are they just being a teenager? My mind sometimes uncontrollably cradles and turns to static when I hear the same radio noise as the staff used at DR. 2:14-CV-751-TC. Brent Hall is reported by survivors to have run the facility. The program has a maxmimum enrollment of 60 boys, and the average length of stay is reported to be around 10 months, but this can be substantially longer if the boy is deemed resistant. At Discovery Ranch for Boys, we hold ourselves to the, We maintain professional memberships in research organizations, such as, . The main issue I have with this place is that it literally fucked up my education so bad that Im 17 and still in freshman English. If youre a troubled teen thats reading this that just recently got out, or its been years and its still effecting you, please believe me when I say that YOU ARE NOT ALONE. I stopped feeling emotions and didnt for two years. Like other behavior-modification programs, Discovery Ranch utilizes a level system based around a merit/demerit structure. Id go on to say I have PTSD. June 7, 2022 . This isnt how we should treat precious children The staff have no idea how much damage theyre doing as theyre just following orders This is a mess it needs to be shut down.. Happened several times to my friends. He also worked for a time as the Director of NATSAP. They emotionally and mentally compromise kids for fun. Parents wont know or understand the gravity of impact this experience has had until after you get out and have openly talked about it, and although its very hard not to blame or take your anger out on them, you have to realize they made their decision out of love and ignorance. DR also advertises their calf program heavily, where each new resident is given a baby calf to care for and raise. The main issue I have with this place is that it literally fucked up my education so bad that Im 17 and still in freshman English. She currently works as the Residential Director at, is reported by survivors to have run the facility. When we have the opportunity to get together, its a very special and meaningful time for all of us, we reminisce about the little funny stories that helped us get through the day during our time, we think about about all the suffering we endeared and how we survived, and we always take the time to honor our close friends that didnt and have passed. Privileges to some might sound like being able to talk to friends, or having free time. When you fail thats on you, dont punish your kids for your actions. Your PRECIOUS child is NOT safe here! One small slip up, and you have all privileges taken away from a day to sometimes even a week. Paris Hilton just came out with a documentary on her experience at another abusive program just down the street from DR. I had repressed memories of the physical, sexual, and psychological torture i endured for five years until I watched a documentary on the stanford prison experiment in my psychology class. He will receive consistent feedback. Listen to your child, what do they think they need? In other words, do not trust them.