You can even massage yourself to help reduce pain in swollen lymph nodes, muscles or joints. However, it's important to eat ginger on a semi-regular basis. short silver dress with long sleeves; raid mosquito plug how does it work; fully funded scholarship in israel If using a tea bag, add it about 5 minutes before you remove the mixture from the heat. This mighty herb is the perfect cyst, lump, and tumor buster and is a tonic for the glandular and endocrine systems. It assists the body in removing waste products and toxins from the bodys fluids and tissues. It is mostly found surrounding the digestive and respiratory systems and under the skin. Blockages, diseases or infections can affect your lymphatic system's function. You are welcome. Take several cups of tea a day from ginger, echinacea, or goldenseal Foods that support the lymphatic system BROWN RICE Brown rice is a good source of vitamin B6, which is thought to be effective in eliminating the excess water from the tissues and in relieving the swelling of the legs. Cancer can either start within the lymph nodes (called lymphoma), or it can spread there from somewhere else. There is evidence of genetic cell reversal concerning lymphatic dysfunction and improvement of lymphatic functioning when one exercises. Broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, brussel sprouts. This simple treatment is one of the best ways to naturally detox the body and support an overall healthy immunesystem. You can see ginger tea's beneficial effects on the lymphatic system due to the positive effects on the digestive and circulatory systems. In todays article, we are going to familiarize you with the best tea for lymphatic drainage and swollen lymph nodes and will make you acquainted with useful tips on how to detox your lymph system. This makes a lymphatic massage helpful for immune function and getting rid of waste products in the body. Spinach. Use 2-3g of any of these herbs (about 1 to 1 teaspoons) in 8-12 oz of just-boiled water. Our team aims to be not only thorough with its research, but also objective and unbiased. Echinacea is the ideal diuretic and laxative that helps to cleanse the blood and the lymphatic system. The thoracic duct dumps cleaned lymph fluid back into the blood, and on and on the cycle goes which is why circulation is important for keeping the system running smoothly, otherwise tissue can become swollen with excess waste. You can read my full disclosure policy here. Here are major ways to improve the flow of the lymphatic system and ensure you keep your body healthy: A sedentary lifestyle is one of the major culprits of a sluggish lymphatic system, and the antidote is to take breaks every hour from sitting to stretch, do a few jumping jacks, and shake the body off (any movement that will promote muscle movement and circulation will do!). Just noticed your comments. Yes, it is true. Below are not one but five of the best teas for lymphatic drainage that scientists have found particularly helpful for aiding the normal functioning of the lymph. The human body consists of cells, tissues, and organs that are grouped in systems. Lymph nodes are located close to major arteries since the lymphatic system connects to the blood flow to keep the blood clean. This is one of the top herbs recommended by herbalist Stephen Buhner for lymphatic health. There are many ways to use ginger to benefit your health. Slattery says research shows that ginger is safe for most people to eat in normal amounts such as those in food and recipes. Through this cleansing action, lymph congestion is aided and inflamed lymph nodes are helped. 1: Lymphatic massage. Apart from water, there are other drinks that you can add to your diet plan for strengthening your lymph system. Turmeric tea is full of anti-inflammatory properties and can help to improve the function of the lymphatic system. It drains waste from every cell and organ in the body, including the heart and digestive system. We have hundreds of lymph nodes. It provides an immune detox defense for any toxins passing through the intestines, skin, respiratory tract, and more. It is a diuretic that stimulates kidney detoxification and eliminates excess water and sodium. I'll comment more later. These systems all work together. It Improves the Lymphatic System. Many of us experience malabsorption and indigestion. Drinking about 2 to 3 cups of ginger tea per day. Eventually, the fluid containing these organisms can get trapped inside lymph nodes, which is where the immune system attacks any perceived threats by attempting to destroy them with white blood cells. Lymphaticdrainage massage is a type of specialized massage therapy that helps cellsrelease toxins and breaks up lymph congestion. 1. 5 ways to move your lymphatic system: 1) dry brushing, 2) tea, 3) lymphatic breast massage, 4) hydration, 5) rebounding . The lymphatic system, also called the lymphoid system, is an important part of our immunity and overall health. This golden herb supports the lymphatic and immune systems, the liver and gallbladder function, digestive system performance, and skin function and has cleansing and repairing effects on the female reproductive system. Some of the best include ginger, turmeric, and green tea. When cancer cells break away from a tumor, they can get trapped inside of a nearby lymph node, which is why swollen lymph nodes are a potential sign that a cancerous tumor could be lurking (although this isnt always the case). Let us know! The lymphatic system is responsible for removing excess water from the body and along with it, the toxins and debris We are using cookies to give you the best experience on our website. Ginger is a powerhouse of an ingredient used to treat respiratory and inflammatory conditions. Answer (1 of 2): Ginger essential oil is extremely beneficial for peoples who want to reduce pain caused by inflamed nodes. Is Ginger good for lymphatic system? Indeed, a highly compromised lymphatic system leads to chronic body inflammation and is a precondition for many diseases, including cancer. Find other members in this community to connect with. Youve probably experienced swollen lymph nodes at some point when youve been sick, especially the ones located near the throat or genitals that can be triggered by common infections (urinary tract infections, strep throat, colds or sore throats, etc.). Cold water stimulates lymphatic fluid to be pushed through the vessels, carrying waste build up. There is no doubt tea is among the healthiest drinks on Earth. Can tea help lymph nodes? Ginger tea can help to reduce inflammation and stimulate the lymphatic system. Previously thought of as simply dense connective tissue, researchers discovered interstitium is actually a series of interconnected fluid-filled sacs. Once the bacteria are trapped, lymphocytes attack and kill the bacteria. It also stimulates movement of the lymph, helping the body clear out cellular debris. Turmeric is a popular spice used in many dishes. And if youd like to learn more about the importance of detoxification and how it is the foundation for disease reversal, you can find my practical free guide on how to detox and cleanse your body on the Red Grape Wisdom homepage. A properly functioning lymphatic system can clean, carry and expel cell waste from the body efficiently through a healthy lifestyle and the optimal functioning of all the elimination organs, especially the kidneys, which excrete cellular waste (the lymph fluid) out of the body. Consult a doctor prior to taking if pregnant. It is vulnerable to formation of scar tissue and distortion as we age, much like the cardiovascular system. Doing this activity consistently is the best way to support the lymph system using this method. Since ginger reduces blood sugar levels and A1c, it's safe to say that ginger helps regulate the mind-body system to keep blood sugar levels in check and prevent chronic hyperglycemia. Studies show that regular infrared sauna treatments can improve the quality of life for people living with chronic pain, chronic fatigue syndrome, depression and congestive heart failure. To ensure the best quality of tea, my advice is to always select organic, wild-crafted herbs that are free from pesticides, heavy metals, and additives. The colon cleanse has been used throughout history to improve the bodys Have you ever had a migraine headache? Many people are suffering from weakened immune systems causing their bodies to be susceptible to health problems. Keeping your lymphatic system healthy is a must for best protecting the body from disease. Other ways to help improve the lymph system is to lessen or better yet, eliminate dairy, meat (and protein, in general), processed foods, complex and artificial sugar, and grains from your diet. While blood circulates around the body via blood vessels, some fluid naturally leaks out and makes its way into tissue. Make sure to put into place a proper binder if toxins are released too quickly for the body to handle on its own. I've been using natural products and supplements to help strengthen and support my body. (for this, Meyer lemons are best) with a 2-inch square of fresh ginger root. Enjoying a cup first thing in the morning is ideal, since the body has been in fasting mode for many hours and breakfast should always include foods and chemistry to efficiently break-the-fast, hydrate the body, and promote elimination. Swelling may also occur in the chest, fingers and hands. Perhaps you will not be surprised if we told you that one of the most beneficial liquids for the lymph (apart from the popular brew) is water. However, there are a couple of concerns. Poor lymph drainage from the brain and central nervous system has been linked to psychological, cognitive, and immune concerns. If you have, you know A neti pot is used for nasal irrigation. The root also relieves sore joints and muscles and osteoarthritic pain. According to this science article, calendula stimulates drainage of the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system has the primary role of protecting the body against outside threats such as infections, bacteria and cancer cells while helping keep fluid levels in balance. Water plays an integral part in the lymphatic drainage mechanism of our body, which is why you should get enough of the liquid during the day. Its purpose is to help tissue repair more easily and break up muscle and tissue adhesions that can cause tightness and injuries. __CONFIG_colors_palette__{"active_palette":0,"config":{"colors":{"1016c":{"name":"Main Accent","parent":-1},"f88c6":{"name":"Main Accent Light","parent":"1016c","lock":{"saturation":1,"lightness":1}}},"gradients":[]},"palettes":[{"name":"Default","value":{"colors":{"1016c":{"val":"var(--tcb-skin-color-0)"},"f88c6":{"val":"rgb(234, 234, 251)","hsl_parent_dependency":{"h":242,"l":0.95,"s":0.66}}},"gradients":[]},"original":{"colors":{"1016c":{"val":"rgb(55, 179, 233)","hsl":{"h":198,"s":0.8,"l":0.56,"a":1}},"f88c6":{"val":"rgb(235, 246, 251)","hsl_parent_dependency":{"h":198,"s":0.66,"l":0.95,"a":1}}},"gradients":[]}}]}__CONFIG_colors_palette__, {"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}. Grated ginger: fresh grated ginger in cooking is a delicious way to take advantage of its health benefits. The lymphatic system is also involved in fluid recovery and lipid absorption. Admittedly, the ideal lymphatic drainage tea can help circulate the lymphatic fluid to the kidneys, strengthen the detoxification pathways and improve the function of the immune system. Ice baths have been used for years due to the beneficial effects they have on muscle recovery time, circulation, helping with oxidative stress, and immune function stimulation. (Plus How to Do It). Ginger tea works well for swollen lymph nodules, increasing lymphatic flow, and lymphatic vessels. The compound also relieves inflammation and can reduce the size of an enlarged spleen. Over time, an acidic diet and an inactive lifestyle can stagnate the lymphatic system, which becomes overwhelmed by waste. -Ginger tea: Ginger is another natural ingredient with anti-inflammatory properties. I have discussed in a previous post the importance of using herbs for lymph health and the most beneficial ones to use. I hope you get to know theseLymph Cleanseplants as your lymph allies. Ginger (Zingiber officinale) is an ancient and revered plant used to treat ailments for more than 4,700 years. The good news is that we learn more every day about the purpose and function of lymph. This is a normal process that brings nutrients, water and proteins to cells. (4) Sometimes its noticeable when a lymph node is inflamed, such as glandular fever, which is an illness where lymph nodes become tender. If you are enjoying our free content, please visit our Ayurvedic Shop on your way out and share your favorite articles and videos with your friends and family.Gratefully,Dr. Research suggests that it works as a blood purifier and blood cleanser. Most sore throats are caused by . Dry skin brushing using a natural bristle brush is an extremely effective way to increase lymphatic health. This is why we should do our best to help it stay on track. The famous infusion is the second most-consumed drink globally after water. Ginger helps to reduce blood sugar levels, enhance insulin sensitivity and improve lipid profiles. Add to this 8 ounces of warm water and 1 teaspoon of raw honey, and sip slowly. Another important role of the lymphatic system is keeping bodily fluids in balance. Therefore, it is used by many herbalists to treat lymphatic problems. A week before the cleanse, it is recommended to avoid meat, wheat, and sugar. In comparison to veins, lymph vessels are much smaller, and instead of bringing blood throughout the body,the lymphatic system carries a liquid called lymph, which stores our while blood cells. Below, I describe the reasons I chose these herbs. (8) People who use sauna therapy love it because its relaxing, healing, cost-effective, can be done within your own home and really works. Together with the immune system, it makes sure our organism is protected from outside invaders, toxins, and all other sorts of detrimental substances. Are you sure you want to block this member? Bring water, ginger and lemon to a slow simmer in a medium saucepan. These are glands that are located in various parts throughout the body, including the underarms, groin area, and throat. Gain access to special offers, coupons & our latest posts as soon as they come out by signing up for our emails, The Best Tea For Lymphatic Drainage (and 8 Effective Practices For Lymph Health), 50+ Best Gifts For Organic Lovers (Perfect Gift Guide), 5 Ways to Deal With Anxiety (Natural Steps to a Calmer You), 50 Best Organic Baby Gifts (Safe & Sustainable). Bruizex Lymphatic Massage Ginger Oil with Arnica and Post LIPO Tea for Manual Lymphatic Drainage, Post Surgery Recovery, Lymphedema, Lipedema, Liposuction, 360 Lipo, BBL, Lipo Foam $35.75 $ 35 . (1)Lymph is a clear, watery fluid and also carries protein molecules, salts, glucose and other substances, along with bacteria, throughout the body. Cleavers tea is a great option for clearing out congested lymph nodes and promoting lymphatic drainage. Red clover is primarily used as a depurative or detoxifying herb. Once the lymph node gets to deal with a virus or a bacteria, it gets swollen which is a normal process caused by the increasing number of white blood cells in it. Ginger Typically taken in a tea, ginger improves blood flow and decreases swelling. GINGER has similar effectiviness, as anti inflamatory drugs. Ginger Essential oils can play a part in helping the lymphatic system in a number of ways to support it in its detoxing and microbe-fighting mission. Essential Oils To Stimulate Lymph Glands* Lemon essential oil Orange essential oil Grapefruit essential oil Essential Oils To Aid Circulation and Lymph Drainage* In addition to the lymph vessels and nodes, the lymphatic system (also sometimes called the lymph system)includes several other organs: (2). True tea is further divided into black, white, and green varieties, depending on the harvesting technology and fermentation process. Physical activity has amazing effects on lymphatic function. Made from the leaves of the Camellia synensis plant, green tea has anti-inflammatory properties that have been shown to reduce inflammation and improve heart health. GINGER fights colds by keeping our bodies WARM. It is used in many remedies for reducing swollen lymph nodules and improving lymphatic flow. If you're around the holidays, you may use ginger in your cooking already. Whichever brew you choose to add to your daily routine, your body will benefit from numerous bioactive compounds and mighty antioxidants. In a newstudyinScientific Reports, doctors identified what they think may be the bodys 80thorgan: the interstitium, a widespread network of connective tissue surrounding nearly every organ system. lymph-supporting tea is this homemade Lemon Ginger Tea, which is sweetened with raw honey. This is directly linked to weight gain. Ginger is a great anti-inflammatory agent and can help to reduce swelling. A healthy lymphatic system nourishes muscle, joint and other tissue because lymph vessels have tiny openings that let gases, water and nutrients pass through to surrounding cells (called interstitial fluid). Method: In vitro, peppermint has significant antimicrobial and antiviral activities, strong antioxidant and antitumor actions, and some antiallergenic potential. Due to over pollution, unhealthy eating, and harmful lifestyles, our lymphatic system has been struggling. Yes, in their true essence, the tonsils are lymphatic nodes, as are our spleen (the largest lymph node), our bone marrow, and hundreds of other smaller nodes, located in key areas under the skin. Also, drinking this herbal tea for lymph health will promote healthy skin as well. Ginger is considered a virtual "medicine chest" by many as it has so many healthful benefits. The gingerols in ginger help control diabetes and regulate insulin response. Your lymphatic system is no exception. (5), Many doctors use the TNM system to classify cancer stages, which stands for tumor, metastasis and (lymph) nodes. Lymph fluid also makes its way through the spleen and thymus in addition to the lymph nodes before emptying into the bloodstream. Just wanted to let you know how much I appreciated your comments. This helps strengthen the lymphatic system. This post will give you the most useful teas to add to cleanse your lymph nodes, but I also give additional activities that will help get rid of lymphatic congestion and get your lymphatic system working better. During this massage, a certified therapist will apply pressure and movements on your body in various spots, such as compression, cupping, kneading, gliding, and stretching. Certain yoga poses stimulate lymphatic flow due to activating the muscles. Studies have found that ginger is effective in soothing menstrual cramps in women. No thx. For the reasons above, I developed a unique formula designed to boost and detoxify the lymphatic system, calledLymph Cleanse. A three-day juice cleanse is another method many use to help activate the lymphatic system and flush toxins from the body. Stinging nettle works to flush the body out of toxic compounds and improves overall organ function. Regularly consuming one or a combination of the following 7 herbal teas will help decrease body inflammation and improve your overall health and well-being. The more nutrient-dense your diet, and the less chemicals entering your body, the better your lymphatic system can work. What makes ginger so powerful? In comparison to veins, lymph vessels are much smaller, and instead of bringing blood throughout the body,the lymphatic system carries a liquid called. Herbs likemanjistha,brahmi, and ourLymph-Vein HPare powerful for lymph, but do not provide that deep lymph scrubbing or cleansing many folks need. Ginger boosts the immune system. Diabetes control The gingerols in ginger help control diabetes and regulate insulin response. A lymphatic massage stimulates the movement of lymph fluid throughout the lymphatic vessels. Unlike our circulatory system, our lymphatic system does not have a "pump". Note that the numbers in parentheses (1, 2, etc.) This post contains affiliate links, which means I may earn a small commission if you make a purchase through my link, but at no additional cost to you. It combines five powerful time-tested, lymph-cleansing herbs: red root, ocotillo bark, ginger root, stillingia, and astragalus. Keeping our lymphatic system or drains clean is critical to optimal health and longevity. It is one of the best herbs to treat acute and chronic lymph stagnation and lymph node swelling. Freshly squeezed juices made of citrus fruits, leafy greens, ginger, apple, berries, and other similar plants, Various broths, including vegetable broth, fish, chicken, and others, Adaptogenic herb infusions and tinctures made of goldenseal and astragalus, Essential oils that you can add to your water, such as citrus oils. Or malfunctions and mutated cells can start to multiply very quickly and spread. A cup of lemon ginger tea can help keep the lymphatic system well hydrated. Shutterstock. Lymph is a fluid containing white blood cells. Chamomile Tea. Lymph is a clear, watery fluid and also carries protein molecules, salts, glucose and other substances, along with bacteria, throughout the body. Anesa is the author of How to Detox Your Body Naturally and Safely, and her expertise lies in natural health diagnostics, holistic detoxification, and healing support. Anti-inflammatory foods, on the other hand, supply much-needed nutrients and antioxidants while also lowering free radical damage (also called oxidation stress) that ages the body and lowers immunity. With lymphedema there is only so much you can do. It is important to hydrate with water that is not polluted with additional chemicals to better keep lymph nodes from becoming backed-up. It seems to be helping. with the subject line "Wellness Consultation. "Higher doses, such as those in supplements, may increase risk of bleeding," she cautions. If theres no cancer in the lymph nodes, a value of 0 is given; if cancer is found in a small amount of nodes and isnt yet severe, a number between 13 is given; and if its found in many nodes, then late-stage cancer is diagnosed, which is stage 34. Instead, you can enjoy a calming, nervine tea like lavender and chamomile to put your body in a restful state. Alongside diet and lifestyle, herbs have been used for centuries by all cultures to detoxify or tone the body and bring it back to a state of homeostasis. Now that we have gone over the best tea for lymphatic drainage, we will address additional things to add into your routine to maximize benefits. The ginger in the tea stimulates fluid flow through the lymphatic system and helps remove toxins from your body. It combines five powerful time-tested, lymph-cleansing herbs: red root, ocotillo bark, ginger root, stillingia, and astragalus. This means that every time you visit this website you will need to enable or disable cookies again. However, you should consult with a healthcare professional before using, especially if pregnant. If you disable this cookie, we will not be able to save your preferences. Cancer found in the lymph nodes affects how the cancer is treated and what cancer stage someone is at. Thank you, When this continues over time, the result is poor health and the accumulation of issues like food allergies, irritable bowel syndrome, heartburn and flatulence. 8. This study suggests the benefits of deep breathing exercises for lymphedema patients. It promotes detoxification and cleansing of the lymphatic system. The fluid also gathers cells waste products, like bacteria or even dead or damaged cells like cancer cells. You can also cook with teause herbal tea, and perhaps a spicy ginger-turmeric blend, for baking purposes or as a tea-infused side of grains or vegetables. Our cells go to the bathroom as well, and this acidic waste must be expelled out of the body so that our cells and tissues do not bathe in their own metabolic waste. Assisting and supporting the body in expelling toxins is important. Ginger tea is a popular natural remedy for cleansing the lymphatic system. That is because the gingerol acts directly on vanilloid receptors located on sensory nerve endings. Lymphatic ginger massage oil is a great natural solution for lymphatic. The best time to consume lymphatic tea is in the morning or early afternoon. It is the sewer system of the body that helps to keep it clean from acids and waste. Lymphatic System. The herb also promotes and boosts the immune system by stimulating sweating and lymphatic flow. For years, I have been making this turmeric and ginger immune tea and I really believe it helps keep Dessi and I healthy all winter long. It has been established to have a strong protective effect against diabetes complications like diabetic retinopathy. Ginger may help soothe throat pain and improve your recovery time. One of the problems with removing lymph nodes to remove cancer cells is that this leaves the body without a way to balance fluids and remove tissue waste, which can cause tissues to become swollen and painful, called lymphedema. It also stimulates circulation, which can help to move lymph fluid through the body more efficiently. Ginger is used for its immune boosting properties. Among the best ones are: As already mentioned previously, the lymph nodes are part of our lymphoid system. Problems with lymphatic drainage cause many health struggles. Your email address will not be published. Let simmer about 20 minutes, until water reduces by about . Spinach may boost the immune . With strict editorial sourcing guidelines, we only link to academic research institutions, reputable media sites and, when research is available, medically peer-reviewed studies. One of my favorite places to get the best quality and variety of organic herbs and spices is Starwest Botanicals. Our team includes licensed nutritionists and dietitians, certified health education specialists, as well as certified strength and conditioning specialists, personal trainers and corrective exercise specialists. The National Lymphedema Network Support Community connects patients, families, friends and caregivers for support and inspiration. Using ginger also in an oil to massage the lymph nodes is an extremely beneficial practice and aids in effectiveness. Please enable Strictly Necessary Cookies first so that we can save your preferences! Infrared saunas use heat lamps that generate infrared light waves, which make their way into tissues and promote cell regeneration along with sweating. Red clover is a gentle herb that purifies the blood. Vahdam Teas Organic Green Tea Leaves from Himalayas (50 Cups),100% Natural Detox No Questions Asked. Did you know that you can detox your lymphatic system by using Ginger lymphatic oil? Summary While there isn't a lot of research in. Cook with mushrooms, spinach, and brown rice, and try red root, echinacea or chamomile, as three great herbal options for the lymphatic system. Inside the lymph nodes (which look like small, bean-shaped structures), bacteria arefiltered out and white blood cells are produced, used up as part of our defensive mechanism, and then replenished. Disclaimer: No content on this site should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from your doctor, a qualified clinician or other qualified healthcare professional. Turmeric Ginger Tea. It helps the lymph system with waste-build up and toxin removal. Ayurvedalinked the lymphatic system to optimal health and longevity thousands of years ago, and also discussed the importance of detoxifying it. Though ginger has 115 chemical components, gingerol, the oily resin coming from the root, has been studied by scientists and established to have useful effects in many conditions. Stay tuned for more on the new and exciting lymph-interstitium connection! Tea is one of the best forms of herbal medicine. The lymphatic system is made up of lymph capillaries, vessels, and nodes, the spleen, thymus, tonsils, Peyer's Patches, and lymphocytes (white blood cells). Individuals who suffer from lymphedema experience a lot of swelling in the arms and legs. It's quite possible that ginger is nature's best combination of detoxifier, anti-inflammatory, and digestive aid, all-in-one. Studies have found that ginger is effective in soothing menstrual cramps in women. Beta carotene is a source of vitamin A. Effects of Multidirectional Vibrations Delivered in a Horizontal Position (Andullation) on Blood Microcirculation in Laboratory Animals: A Preliminary Study. Having said that, we can still help it in the fight by taking an appropriate drink or tea. For instance, to sustain an optimal and healthy lymphatic system, we need to perform regular detox and body cleansing. Burdock also acts as a remedy for tonsillitis and helps reduce inflammation, pain, and swelling. Looking for a simple, customized plan to help you achieve your health goals? . Mori Smith, I was so happy to hear your feedback and am glad you enjoyed the article! Tissues located around the body can become inflamed and painful when circulation slows and inflammation builds. Foods that put stress on the digestive, circulatory and immune systems include common allergens (like dairy products, gluten, soy, shellfishor nightshades, for example), low-quality animal products, refined vegetable oils and processed foods that contain chemical toxins. I enjoyed the entire artical . Lest, H. B., Noh, S. K., & Koo, S. I. ", The Best Lymphatic Drainage Tea for Body Healing (My Top 7! The most stringent cultivation and processing methods ensure that the herbs maintain their inherent properties and are of medicinal-grade value. She uses many unique modalities to help others heal naturally and thrive such as naturopathy, medical astrology, iridology, and Eastern traditional herbal medicine. This website uses Google Analytics to collect anonymous information such as the number of visitors to the site, and the most popular pages.
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