(1995) Gift of Michael B. Rothfeld CC69, BUS71, JRN71, SIPA71, P: CC06, CC08 in memory of his father, Samuel H. Rothfeld GS34, P: CC69, BUS71, JRN71, SIPA71. WALTER WOODS SCHOLARSHIP FUND GERTRUDE AND WILLIAM P. SCHWEITZER SCHOLARSHIP FUND IN THE SCIENCES (1999) Gift of Ilana B. Mazur SW86 and Marc B. Mazur CC81 P: CC12, CC15 in memory of their mother, Barbara Mazur P: CC81, SW86. FRANK AND JOSEPHINE HUTTER FAMILY SCHOLARSHIP FUND (1992) Gift of David J. Londoner CC58, BUS59 ^, P: CC91, Bernard W. Nussbaum CC58, P: CC93, BUS02 and other graduates of Stuyvesant High School in the Class of 1958. (1987) Bequest of Milton B. Basson CC1929. The withdrawal date used to perform the R2T4 calculation for students who unofficially withdraw from all courses will be the midpoint of the term, or the last date of academically related activity; whichever is greater. Apply at least four (4) weeks before the start of your earliest summer class. (2007) Bequest of William H. Yokel CC44. DR. CHARLES GOODSTEIN 58CC SCHOLARSHIP (1994) Bequest of H. Huber Boscowitz CC 1923. SCANDINAVIAN SCHOLARSHIP FOR SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH Meet all general financial aid eligibility requirements. CLASS OF 1956 ALAN N. MILLER SCHOLARSHIP FUND FRANK AND DEENIE BROSENS SCHOLARSHIP FUND STELIOS AND ESPERANZA PAPADOPOULOS SCHOLARSHIP FUND (1996) Gift of Harvey Kurzweil CC66, LAW69, P: CC95 ^, CC00, LAW97. what are the three phases of crisis management (2011) Gift of Daryl Win-Kong Ng CC01, GSAPP10. (2006) Bequest of Ruth M. Koch. PETER I. SIDNEY MORGENBESSER MEMORIAL FUND Automated Clearing House (ACH) is the Universitys preferred method for processing student stipends. It is very important that a student completes the first week of instructional requirements; otherwise, it will result in the student being institutionally dropped from the course(s). The Columbia Heath and Related Services Fee is billed separately for each term. SAMUEL AND ANNA SCHREIBER SCHOLARSHIP FUND (1984) Gift of an anonymous donor. (2013) Gift of an anonymous donor. (2003) Gift of Rudy A. Segna CC81, P: CC08, CC09. PATRICIA REMMER BC 45 - COLUMBIA COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIP FUND (1936) Bequest of James R. Harrison CC 1917. There are a few steps you will need to complete in order to apply for financial aid. CLASS OF 1916 COLLEGE AND ENGINEERING FUND (1989) Gift of Laurence E. Balfus CC55, GSAS00 ^and Roberta R. Balfus ^. (1982) Gift of various donors in the Class of 1932. A student placed on SAP Warning will be eligible to receive Federal Student Aid for one period of enrollment. Kateman P: CC89, CC93, LAW92, and mother, Jeanette Kateman P: CC64. DR. LEO C. MAITLAND SCHOLARSHIP FUND (2000) Gift of Benjamin B. Lopata CC72, P: CC06, CC08. (2015) Gift of Christopher K. Tahbaz CC86, LAW90. EDWARD C. & ELIZABETH B. KALAIDJIAN SCHOLARSHIP (2002) Gift of various donors in the Class of 1952. Students must meet all three standards to maintain eligibility for Title IV funds. We promote financial aid programs along with financial literacy tools to remove barriers and ensure equitable access for all students in pursuit of academic excellence, economic opportunity . Transfer credits accepted toward the students degree program will be included as credit hours attempted and earned when calculating the SAP maximum time frame and quantitative progress. (1987) Gift of Stephen Jacobs CC75 in memory of his father, Martin D. Jacobs CC 1925, LAW 1927, P: CC75. ALFRED OGDEN FUND A student who fails to return from a LOA is required to reapply for admissions to the University after a period of 12 months of inactivity in his or her academic program. (2011) Gift of an anonymous donor. (2005) Bequest of Al Jolson. HERBERT C. PENTZ SCHOLARSHIP FUND (2010) Gift of Michael I. Barry CC89, P: CC21. YEH AND CHU FAMILY SCHOLARSHIP Students are notified of the SAP policy in the CSU catalog, website and during the initial financial aid application process. A student who withdraws is charged a withdrawal fee of $75. PHILIP C. YACOS MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND COLUMBIA COLLEGE ALUMNI FUND ENDOWMENT (1996) Gift of Robert Bernot CC55, P: CC92 and Morris Lamer ^ in honor of Samara B. Meshel CC92, P: CC18, CC23. Lavan CC 1915, LAW 1918 ^. ANONYMOUS SCHOLARSHIP FUND (2004) Gift of Peter F. Cohn CC58, VPS62, P: CC93. 1130 Amsterdam Avenue CLASS OF 1921 SCHOLARSHIP FUND (1948) Bequest of Matile L. Stiefel. SEILAI KHOO MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND (2005) Gift of Kyung-Sun Yu P: CC09, CC13. (2008) Gift of Americo C. Nardis CC98. QUANDT FAMILY FUND NICHOLAS GREAN SCHOLARSHIP FUND HUMANITIES SCHOLARSHIP FUND IN HONOR OF JACQUES BARZUN SEYMOUR MILSTEIN SCHOLARSHIP FUND If a student is having difficulty or unable to complete all courses in the term they may apply for an incomplete, an incomplete for special circumstance or withdraw, in which case a Return of Title IV calculation may be required. (2004) Gift of C.V. Starr Foundation. ADRIANE NOCCO SCHOLARSHIP FUND Smith Forsyth. ROBERT S. (1959C) AND MARCIA B. (2022) Gift of Huoy Yeh and Sherman Chu CC82, SEAS83. ALI NAMVAR SCHOLARSHIP FUND ERIC F. SALTZMAN SCHOLARSHIP FUND RICHARD AND CAMILLE SHEELY SCHOLARSHIP FUND REUBEN SHAPIRO SCHOLARSHIP FUND BLANCHE S. THORMAN SCHOLARSHIP FUND (2006) Gift of Arnold A. Saltzman CC36 ^, P: CC67, CC69. Students who reach or exceed the maximum time frame allowed while completing their first degree are no longer eligible to receive Federal Student Aid. (1965) Bequest of Harry Dix Cole CC 1913. (2016) Gift of Nancy A. and Robert V. Klingensmith CC66. (1991) Bequest of Raymond F. Antignat CC37, GSAS40. . EDWARD S. WEISIK SCHOLARSHIP FUND 21982 University Lane C.V. STARR SCHOLARSHIP FUND AT COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY (1993) Bequest of Harry R. Lea BUS 1925. (2011) Gift of John D. Rodin CC97 and Rachel L. Rodin CC97, BUS01. RICK KURNIT AND DIANE KATZIN SCHOLARSHIP FUND (1969) Gift of various donors in the Class of 1914. Transfer credit, if applicable, is also calculated in the maximum time frame calculation. DE LOS REYES MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND (2010) Gift of Robert L. Friedman CC64. If the military or special services deployment occurs during a course, the student may be required to withdraw from the course or request an incomplete for special circumstances. (1996) Gift of the J. Edward and Helen M.C. All conflicting information will need to be corrected on the FAFSA by the school or student as applicable and a new Expected Family Contribution (EFC) will be calculated. Undergraduate and graduate students requiring a military or special services deployment may request a provisional LOA for the designated deployment period up to 12 consecutive months. DONN COFFEE MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND A student should contact theOffice of Financial Aidin writing if the student feels he or she has regained financial aid eligibility and wishes to be reinstated. (1972) Bequest of Blanche S. Thorman. (2005) Gift of Richard N. de los Reyes CC97. (2005) Gift of Patricia Tarallo W: CC61, LAW64. (1988) Gift of Donald L. Margolis CC63, BUS65. (2011) Gift of Jonathan D. Bram CC87, P: CC14, CC17. GIDEON H. OPPENHEIMER SCHOLARSHIP FUND Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG). (2021) Gift of various donors. (2007) Gift of Calvin Eng GSAS71, Catherine Eng VPS76, Eva Eng, and John Eng VPS74. (1913) Bequest of Annie P. Burgess. PAUL C. MCCORMICK SCHOLARSHIP FUND (1990) Gift of Herbert B. Soroca CC63, LAW66. All students are evaluated on three standards: grade point average (qualitative measure), pace of completion (quantitative measure) and maximum timeframe. CLEMENT AND ELIZABETH PROBASCO BEACHEY SCHOLARSHIP FUND (1988) Bequest of Hortense H. Stiefel. (1962) Bequest of Carl J. McKnight. FINK FAMILY SCHOLARSHIP FUND (2004) Gift of John S. Freidin CC62, Burton Lehman CC62, LAW65 and Jerry I. Speyer CC62, BUS64, P: CC92, LAW93. EVAN C. AND EVAN T. SALMON SCHOLARSHIP FUND RYAN CHANG SCHOLARSHIP FUND LIU XU SCHOLARSHIP FUND THOMAS AND JOY MISTELE SCHOLARSHIP FUND (1992) Gift of various donors in the Class of 1959. (1996) Gift of Lazard Freres in honor of George J. Ames CC37 ^. (1994) Gift of Mary Lou and Robert F. Coviello CC67, BUS68, P: CC99 in honor of Henry S. Coleman CC46, SEAS46 ^. January 17. (2015) Gift of various donors in memory of Casey Ichniowski P: CC07, CC10, CC18. (1996) Gift of Christopher K. Tahbaz CC86, LAW90 and various donors in memory of Joseph Glass CC86, SIPA90. H. HAROLD GUMM AND ALBERT VON TILZER SCHOLARSHIP FUND In accordance with federal regulations, CSU is required to return all funds that were disbursed to the student in which the student was determined to be ineligible for based on the R2T4 calculation. GERALD AND MAY ELLEN RITTER MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND All requests are considered, but approval is not guaranteed. LAWRENCE SLAUGHTER SCHOLARSHIP FUND (1995) Gift of Denis M. Andreuzzi CC53. ANONYMOUS 22076 SCHOLARSHIP FUND (2022) Gift of Stephen Fealy, MD CC91, VPS95. ARTHUR M. DAVIS SCHOLARSHIP FUND Students who fail to meet the GPA and/or pace of completion requirements of SAP will be notified and will be placed on SAP Financial Aid Warning for one term and are encouraged to work with their academic advisor to discuss enrollment options. (2017) Gift of Jack Rosenbluth CC52, P: CC88, TC96, TC97. (1997) Gift of Robert J. Krane CC63 ^, P: CC04 and Diane Graff Krane BC65, W: CC63, P: CC04 in honor of Dianes father, Julius Y. Graff P: BC65, and later renamed in memory of Robert. ROBERT STEVEN DENNING SCHOLARSHIP FUND Columbia does not give any scholarships for academic, athletic, or artistic merit. (1989) Bequest of Arthur M. Davis CC 1924. JULIO LOUIS ANON AND ROBERT A. KAMINSKI SCHOLARSHIP FUND (2019) Gift of Russell Ricci CC68. (1998) Bequest of H. Harold Gumm CC 1901, LAW 1904. columbia southern university financial aid disbursement schedule 2021. HERB AND PEARL SANDICK SCHOLARSHIP FUND (2020) Gift of Richard Menaker CC69. (1982) Gift of various donors in the Class of 1956. (2007) Gift of Barbara B. and Stanley A. Rabin CC58, SEAS59. THE MICHAEL L. BARNETT SCHOLARSHIP FUND THE ROBERT F. KEMP CC82 MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND (2019) Gift of Matthew J. Cestar CC93. LAWRENCE S. HARTE SCHOLARSHIP FUND They can be reached via, be terminated from the insurance plan and, Majors, Concentrations, and Programs of Study, The Administration and Faculty of Columbia College, Students who withdraw or are dismissed from the University and are on the Columbia Student Health Insurance Plan, Columbia University in the City of New York, Center for Undergraduate Global Engagement, Eric H. Holder Jr. Initiative for Civil and Political Rights, 10% tuition, fees, plus $75 Withdrawal fee, 20% tuition, fees, plus $75 Withdrawal fee, 30% tuition, fees, plus $75 Withdrawal fee, 40% tuition, fees, plus $75 Withdrawal fee, 50% tuition, fees, plus $75 Withdrawal fee, 60% tuition, fees, plus $75 Withdrawal fee, 100% tuition, fees, plus $75 Withdrawal fee. (1989) Bequest of Emily D. Isbell in memory of her husband, Orrin C. Isbell CC 1912, LAW 1914. HERBERT A. DEANE SCHOLARSHIP FUND CLASS OF 1924 SCHOLARSHIP ROOM ENDOWMENT CHARLES HALSTEAD COTTINGTON SCHOLARSHIP FUND - COLUMBIA COLLEGE RICHARD AND CHRISTIANE HIEGEL SCHOLARSHIP FUND (1986) Gift of Robert K. Kraft CC63, P: CC94. RABBI SHELDON J. WELTMAN, PH.D., SCHOLARSHIP FUND PROFESSOR JOHN D. ROSENBERG SCHOLARSHIP FUND (1956) Gift of Jerome A. Newman CC 1917, LAW 1919 ^ in honor of the fortieth anniversary of his graduation. KOD SCHOLARSHIP (2010) Gift of Michael G. and Michelle E. Kaiser CC87, PH92, VPS97, P: CC20, CC25. (2013) Gift of Luciano Siracusano CC87, P: CC18, SOA26. EDWARD MEAD EARLE SCHOLARSHIP FUND LT. PETER F. RUSSELL, U.S.N. DANIEL BURGESS SCHOLARSHIP FUND 212-851-7488, ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ. FREDERICK F. AND HELEN M. ABDOO SCHOLARSHIP FUND FRANKLIN A. THOMAS SCHOLARSHIP FUND (2001) Gift of Ralph Keen CC79. GEHRIG SCHOLARSHIP FUND CLASS OF 1914 COLLEGE AND ENGINEERING FUND (1992) Gift of Mary B. Chapin^. MICHAEL S. BRUNO, M.D. (1995) Gift of Kallman Nashner BUS37 ^. THOMAS L. MOUNT SCHOLARSHIP FUND (1995) Gift of Arthur S. Weinstock CC41^ and Marian E.K. ALAN R. KAHN FAMILY SCHOLARSHIP FUND June. (1938) Bequest of Alfred E. Marling. (2002) Gift of Robert Berne CC60, BUS62; Mark E. Kingdon CC71, P: CC09, CC16; Philip L. Milstein CC71, P: CC09, CC10, BC14, BUS17; Richard E. Witten CC75, P: CC10, BUS15, LAW15; and various donors in memory of Richard A. Aronow CC75, Robert M. Murach CC78, John B. Fiorito CC82, Seilai Khoo CC86, Brian P. Williams CC94, Joseph A. Della Pietra CC99, Brooke A. Jackman CC00, and Tyler V. Ugolyn CC01. ARTHUR G. ROSEN FAMILY SCHOLARSHIP FUND (2002) Bequest of Maxwell Bloomfield. Your FAFSA must be received by the Federal Processor by this date to be considered for most Indiana state aid. JUDGE JOHN JOSEPH FREEDMAN SCHOLARSHIP FUND KUMA/KUZNETSOV SCHOLARSHIP FUND (1992) Gift of William E. Petersen CC 1927, BUS 1928, 1980 HON ^, P: CC68, BUS73. (2016) Gift of Nikolas P. Tsakos CC85. (1944) Gift of A.M. Davis ^. The IRS Data Retrieval tool is also the fastest and most secure solution for meeting verification requirements if applicable. (2008) Gift of Richard A. Kurnit CC72. CARL W. DESCH SCHOLARSHIP FUND IN MEMORY OF KATHARINE W. DESCH (2021) Gift of Yuk Wai Lam and Michael Yiu P: CC23. JAMES, DONALD, AND EMILY MARGOLIS SCHOLARSHIP FUND There are a few steps you will need to complete in order to apply for financial aid. (2003) Gift of various donors. KILLAM CANADIAN FUND PULITZER SCHOLARS FUND (1969) Bequest of Albert J. Hambret. KYRA TIRANA BARRY AND DAVID BARRY SCHOLARSHIP FUND J. HENRY ESSER SCHOLARSHIP FUND (2018) Gift of Audrey Y.C. (2010) Bequest of Elizabeth B. and Edward C. Kalaidjian CC42, LAW47, P: CC82. CLASS OF 1926 DWIGHT C. MINER SCHOLARSHIP FUND (1981) Bequest of Jacob J. Jacoby. ANONYMOUS 672287 SCHOLARSHIP THE CRAIG B. BROD SCHOLARSHIP (2015) Bequest of Franklin N. Gould CC40. JM SCHOLARSHIP FUND DORIS AND JESSE FREIDIN SCHOLARSHIP FUND (2009) Gift of various donors. LOUISE CRAIGMYLE SCHOLARSHIP FUND ARTHUR S. TWITCHELL SCHOLARSHIP FUND GE LI AND NING ZHAO SCHOLARSHIP FUND EDITH SHIH SCHOLARSHIP FUND CLASS OF 1918 SCHOLARSHIP FUND (1988) Gift of John K. C. Chee CC68, BUS70, P: CC95, CC97, CC01. (2005) Gift of Charles R. OMalley CC44 ^. The Department of Education has implemented federal regulations in an effort to prevent fraud and abuse in the Federal Student Aid Program by identifying students that have received federal Pell Grants and/or Direct Loans at multiple institutions for the last four consecutive funding years. (1986) Bequest of Benjamin D. Wood CC 1922, GSAS 1924. (2019) Gift of Pawan Tewari BUS94, P: CC20 and Shruti Tewari SIPA94, P: CC20. HARRISON R. AND EDNA L. STEEVES SCHOLARSHIP FUND JESSICA LEE BRETT SCHOLARSHIP FUND SAMUEL AND VICKI KATZ SCHOLARSHIP FUND SHARI AND GARY BROOKS FAMILY SCHOLARSHIP (2005) Gift of Irwin H. Warren CC71, LAW74. Postgraduate special students and degree candidates enrolled for a ninth term are billed according to the per-point system; the per-point cost is $2,092. THE JEFFREY NEWMAN SCHOLARSHIP FUND (1987) Gift of William E. Collin CC 1924 ^ in honor of Morris W. Watkins CC 1924, GSAS 1928 ^. (1985) Gift of various members of the Columbia University Club of New England. SIDNEY R. AND ARTHUR W. DIAMOND SCHOLARSHIP FUND (2002) Gift of Philip Milstein CC71, P: CC09, CC10, BC14, BUS17. (1948) Gift of various donors in the Class of 1906. ROBERT G. SPIRO, M.D. In the event of a delay in disbursement, these dates may vary. THE ROBERT AND SHIRLEY KAPLAN AND JOSEPH AND HELEN KOHN SCHOLARSHIP FUND All requests must be submitted a minimum of three (3) weeks prior to the start of the term the student will be unable to attend. MONTONE PARDI FAMILY SCHOLARSHIP FUND (1962) Gift of the Harry L. Lobsenz Foundation. (1967) Gift of various donors in the Class of 1938. (2008) Gift of Evan Miller CC78. (2004) Gift of Delta ZBT Corporation. HAMEN AND PHYLLIS FAN FAMILY SCHOLARSHIP FUND CHARLES B. ASSIFF SCHOLARSHIP FUND (2020) Gift of Jay M. Mehta SEAS83, P: CC23, CC26. THE GEOFFREY E. GROSSMAN SCHOLARSHIP FUND MYLES AND DOROTHY BRAVER SCHOLARSHIP FUND CHAPMAN FAMILY SCHOLARSHIP FUND MCFARLAND SCHOLARSHIP FUND ROBERT J. SZARNICKI FAMILY SCHOLARSHIP FUND (2009) Gift of Philip P. Wang CC70, P: CC18. (1996) Bequest of Dorothy Warden. BARBARA MAZUR SCHOLARSHIP FUND ELLWOOD WADSWORTH KEMP, JR., COLUMBIA COLLEGE CLASS OF 1919 MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND THOMAS MACIOCE SCHOLARSHIP FUND THE RICCI FAMILY SCHOLARSHIP (1981) Gift of Bruce E. Pindyck CC67, LAW70, BUS71, P: CC03, JRN15 and Mary Ellen Pindyck LAW73, GSAPP75, P: CC03, JRN15. WILLIAM P. SCHWEITZER SCHOLARSHIP FUND
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