where the mountain meets the moon character traits

Along the way, she finds excitement, danger, humor, magic, and wisdom, and she befriends a flightless dragon, a talking fish, and other companions and helpmates in her quest. The authors writing is elegant, and her full-color illustrations are stunning. She grows up on tales of magical people and places from Ba, her father. Relive your favorite parts, test your memory and pretend to be on the journey yourself! All storyboards are private and secure to the portal using enterprise-class file security hosted by Microsoft Azure. More than half of the characters and scenes do not match the characters in the book. A stage adaptation based on Lin's book was performed at Wheelock Family Theater in Boston, in April 2014. Sift (A) into a mixing bowl. This character was a cruel ruler of the land in which all the main landmarks (save the moon) were located over a century ago. This is quite a minor character. In the morning, she sneaks out of the house and releases the fish into the river. the end with a mysterious gift. Not understanding that she was rich in love, the womanwho is clearly Ma herselfonly felt bitter about her poverty. She thinks it will be made from 2020 to 2025. In the book Where the Mountain meets the Moon, How did Magistrate Tiger plan on making his wish come true. I was glad to see a few things from when I was younger and I started to play with them. Order our Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Lesson Plans, teaching or studying Where the Mountain Meets the Moon. Now the woman can see that she had fortune all along, but that she lost it when she lost her daughter. I think it is good for many different ages, from 7-year-olds to 12-year-olds. Get Where the Mountain Meets the Moon from Amazon.com. Have students explain how they grew or changed because of this experience. Show students a collage picture frame with multiple photos or draw one on the board. If you read Where The Mountain Meets The Moon, you wouldn't be disappointed because it is an incredible book. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.5.5:Explain how a series of chapters, scenes, or stanzas fits together to provide the overall structure of a particular story, drama, or poem. Start your 48-hour free trial to get access to more than 30,000 additional guides and more than 350,000 Homework Help questions answered by our experts. I went down to the cellar the other day. She does so, and immediately Dragon can fly. Explain what you mean by each value and show how it is illustrated in one of the embedded folk tales. It blends an adventure narrative with a female hero, a collection of traditional and invented folktales, and an array of Chinese-style paintings and woodcuts into an appealing and challenging reading experience. Ma sits down at Bas feet and says that it is not his fault Minli left, but hers. Each version of Storyboard That has a different privacy and security model that is tailored for the expected usage. will review the submission and either publish your submission or providefeedback. Her grief at losing her children made Fruitless Mountain barren of growth. [7] CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.5.2.d:Use precise language and domain-specific vocabulary to inform about or explain the topic. Soup of the Day at Jama Rattigans Alphabet Soup, Book of Color Pick of the Day at Galley Cat. Richly hued illustrations reinforce the Chinese folk theme. Is your story really a narrative? 2. When they have finished, have them compare the results with a partner to see what different effects they get when they use vivid language. When they reach their destination, Minli and Dragon are devastated to discover they cannot climb it. Students will provide detailed information regarding how the characters interact with the main characters, as well as challenges the characters face. In this activity, students will depict the characters of the story using a character map. Stop believing stories and stop wasting your time. After you claim a section youll have 24 hours to send in a draft. date the date you are citing the material. Since then, she has traveled to China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan, learning more about her own heritage. Explain to students that they have been working mostly with the story of Minli and her quest, and that now they are going to look at the other stories that are woven into the main story. You can help us out by revising, improving and updating This allows him to fly, and he takes Minli back to Fruitless Mountain. Teachers can view all of their students storyboards, but students can only view their own. Place on parchment lined baking sheet. Then do the same for high ground: mountain, hill, crag, and slope. Eager for adventure, Minli sets out alone seeking advice from the Old Man of the Moon. The grandfather, A-Gong, gives Dragon medicine that doubles as tea. When he was a teenager, he learned that he was going to die young. Activity 2. All storyboards and images are private and secure. . Even though you can determine the scene in your head, Grace Lin adds sharp details making the scene more vivid. Reunited with her son, Jade Dragon transforms Fruitless Mountain into Fruitful Mountain, allowing it to grow again. Jade Dragons four children took pity on the people and transformed their bodies into great rivers to nourish the land. thissection. This talking creature helps the heroine and her friend along their way early in the story. Making Fruitless Mountain bloom! Distribute Worksheet 3 and go over the directions with the students. Minli wishes to change her family's fortune but realizes over time that her discontent is the major factor causing her to lament her family's fortune. resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss thenovel. "[6], Andrew Medlar from Booklist said: "Lin creates a strong, memorable heroine & mystical land [] children will embrace this [] story"[6], A companion, titled Starry River of the Sky, was published on February 11, 2014. Assign students the task of thinking of a time when they had a challenge to meet. Finding Identity through Childrens Books, Dont Judge a Book by Its Character (Even If It Is Chinese), The Extra Adjective: How I Came to Terms with Being a Multicultural Book Author, Folktales and Ecology: Animals and Humans in Cooperation and Conflict, Helpful Animals and Compassionate Humans in Folklore, "Cinderella" Folk Tales: Variations in Character. Da-Fu and A-Fu lead Minli to Never-Ending Mountain, where the Old Man of the Moon is said to live. With beautiful language, Lin creates a strong, memorable heroine and a mystical land. Map Your Own Connections (with red threads) She can either ask him to fix her familys fortune, or she can ask him to help Dragon fly. Where the Mountain Meets the Moon begins with a description of a small girl, Minli, and her parents, who live in a poor village at the base of Fruitless Mountain. She walks deep into the forest and travels all through the night, stopping to sleep at first light. Where the Mountain Meets the Moon is a wonderfully crafted tale with great messages on gratefulness, contentedness, self-sacrifice, faith and love. The protagonist Minli, like one of Joseph Campbells archetypal heroes, leaves her home, sets out on a quest, has to pass through many crucial tests to reach her goal, and returns to her village bringing back the aid that the villagers and her family need. Ba, however, seems glad that Minli is so hopeful. where the mountain meets the moon character traits Activity 2, Key Scenes: Where the Mountain Meets the Moon, follow the directions at the beginning of Day 2. In moments, he disappeared from view into the shadow of Fruitless Mountain, and if it wasn't for the goldfish Minli had in Where the Mountain Meets the Moon study guide contains a biography of Grace Lin, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis. The Question and Answer section for Where the Mountain Meets the Moon is a great Seeing her mothers unhappiness, the daughter grew discontented and went away to try to change her familys fortune. Jennifer Rothschild, Prince Georges County Memorial Library System, Oxon Hill, MD, Kirkus Reviews*Starred Review*To change her familys fortunes, a poor Chinese girl embarks on a fantastical quest to discover she already has everything she needs to be happy. This time, it says, You only lose what you cling to. After thinking this over, the king decides that giving the paper to Minli is the only way to avoid losing it. But her ingenuity helps her to survive as she meets and befriends a dragon, sees through the tricks of the King of the City of Bright Moonlight, finds a cure for Dragon's poison, and figures out how to communicate with the Old Man of the Moon. Along the way, Minli meets a special friend. Also there are many villages. Click here for a PDF outlining an optional second activity. In the evenings, her father regales her with old folktales of the Jade Dragon and the Old Man on the Moon, who knows the answers to all of life's questions. Distribute copies of Where the Mountain Meets the Moon. Grades 3-6. [Ripping a page from the Book of Fortune will not change one's fate.] Explain your design ideaswhat While Lin tells the tale of the courageous Minli, she also imbeds other story vignettes that weave together and connect in complicated ways. *, Can u describe the character 'talking goldfish'. publication in traditional print. Character map is unfinished and/or disorganized. What words bring it to life? Ask students to write one final paragraph in which they compare themselves with Minli. The cellar was dark and kind of creepy. GradeSaver, 25 April 2017 Web. Themes. Read the Study Guide for Where the Mountain Meets the Moon, View Wikipedia Entries for Where the Mountain Meets the Moon. Written by people who wish to remain anonymous Minli Minli (her name means "quick thinking") is the main character. She realizes that she cannot ask Dragons questionunless she chooses not to ask her own. Writing the narrative of their own challenge gives students a chance to reflect on the themes (courage, persistence, imagination, resourcefulness) of the Lin novel from the first two lessons as they see them enacted in their own experience. Read more 2009 Grace Lin (P)2020 Hachette Audio Listening Length 4 hours and 58 minutes Author The single line of text upon it is usually unreadable, but sometimes during historically important moments, the words are intelligibleand they always say something different. (Teachers do not have to assign all the stories.). Where The Mountain Meets The Moon Character Analysis Select colors and a pose appropriate to story and character traits. Log in here. Optional Activity Grade Level Standard. Plus, there is barely enough rice to feed the people there, causing Minli to develop a wish for good fortune. While Lin tells the tale of the courageous Minli, she also imbeds other story vignettes that weave together and connect in complicated ways. Design a costume for the character. En route she befriends a dragon who joins her quest. Part 2. She supported herself designing for a party company, two years contributing to the worlds landfills as she puts it, until her first book was published. Use vivid language to construct their own personal narrative. (Teacher Resource: Plot Outline can serve as suggested answers. On August 20, 2015, Lin announced the sequel to the novel, titled When the Sea Turns to Silver. In addition, any storyboard can be made sharable, where a private link to the storyboard can be shared externally. Be sure to include evidence from the text in their answers. Traits - where the mountain meets the moon Frame Stories in Where the Mountain Meets the Moon. If preparing a "Gallery" for the Optional Day 2. In this activity, students return to the novel to analyze the folktale embedded within it. The Old Man instructs Minli to remove a rock on Dragons head it has been keeping Dragon from flight. their work. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.5.2:Determine a theme of a story, drama, or poem from details in the text, including how characters in a story or drama respond to challenges or how the speaker in a poem reflects upon a topic; summarize the text. Personification is a literary device that give human traits to nonhuman objects. (From a Christian perspective, it also had a surprising theme of providence in it.) Students plan and then write a personal narrative about a challenge they have overcome using vivid descriptions of persons and places. Grace Lin introduces Minli, the main character well, as a girl who wants to change their fortune when her mom repeatedly talks about how poor they are. My mom and I first read it as part of my Sonlight curriculum and we loved it. Because of Minli's sacrifice to help a friend, she and her family receive everything they could ever have hoped for. Two destinies at stake. She encounters an assorted cast of characters and magical creatures along the way, including a dragon who accompanies her on her quest for the ultimate answer.This is a wonderous novel with an epic journey and memorable characters in the tradition of The Wizard of Oz. young girlflowing black haircaringadventurousgenerous. It is late at night when Minli tiptoes into her familys hut and crawls into bed. It was written and illustrated by Grace Lin and published in 2009. Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Study Guide: Analysis Every day, the family works in the mud growing rice. Create a character map for the major characters. It turns out the goldfish can talk when people want to hear it. When she explains that she needs something called the borrowed line, the king shows her a magical sheet of paper his family has owned for generations. She's dutiful, empathetic, curious, and resourceful. Have you described the setting, the place where the events of the story occur, in clear and specific language? Unlisted storyboards can be shared via a link, but otherwise will remain hidden. As their quest continues, Minli and Dragon face the vicious Green Tiger, who is the On their way towards the mountain, Dragon and Minli encounter the evil Green Tiger, the reawakened spirit of Magistrate Tiger. That afternoon, she meets a man who sells goldfish. She decides to let it go because of how bitter it made Ma. Our summaries and analyses are written by experts, and your questions are answered by real teachers. The second part of the lesson has students return to the book to explore how the folktales enhance Minlis story. She endeavors on a journey to find the Old Man of the Moon who will answer her question of how to find her family's fortune. I LOVED it! They travel onward, and after an encounter with a vicious tiger, they meet the family that used to be famous for its perfect happiness. I absolutely loved this book, beautifully written. Where the Mountain Meets the Moon - Character Map When Minli finds Dragon, it cant fly and is caught up in some ropes. What do you think is the secret of happiness? "Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Summary". Identify (4) Traits for this character and supply evidence2. You may value money, friends, family or ideals like honesty, generosity, and faith. In the story that the girl told the Great Green Tiger she stated that another tiger had taken her brother to be his slave for life. Then I dropped something and it made a loud noise. who have not yet read the book get excited and ALL have a great time! This beautiful book is bound to become a classic. Have students tell the story of their challenge and how they met it. Minli is restless and never content with her lot in life. The performance starred Caroline Workman as Minli, Michael Tow as Storyteller/ Minli's Ba, and was directed by Jane Staab. This first activity introduces the book and requires students to read it and keep a journal. Eventually she decides to run off on a quest to change her family's fortune. With nothing else to occupy them in the evenings, Minlis father spins tales of the Old Man in the Moon and the Jade Dragon. I brought my pet into school. Where the Mountain Meets the Moon by Grace Lin | Puddle Reader The blooms of the flowering trees also provide the antidote to the Green Tiger's poison, which saved Dragon. Give students a few minutes to survey the book and look at the pictures. With the help of a buffalo boy, Minli tracks down the King. Choose a scene or background that makes sense for the character. She grows up on tales of magical people and places from Ba, her father. She refused to let it rain anymore, thus leaving the people of the earth to suffer and starve. From the beautiful design and the breathtaking full-color illustrations throughout, to the gentle humor and touching prose, this book is truly a gem. At the end of Where the Mountain Meets the Moon and in her essays, Lin shares photos and drawings and discusses how she came to use and adapt elements of Chinese culture in her stories. These characters are the parents of the heroine. Amazed, Ma observes that the fortunes of the family have changed. BildungsromanShelf ElfPaper TigersMotherReaderCharlottes LibraryWrite for a ReaderThe Mommy FilesThrifty Minnesota Mama Creative MadnessAbby the Librarian, And EVEN more!Review at BookpageCareer, Craft & Cheer on CynsationsSoup of the Day at Jama Rattigans Alphabet SoupSeven Impossible Things Before BreakfastBook of Color Pick of the Day at Galley Cat, Make a Compass (like Minli!) Draw a Dragon (that could come to life) When he lands, he says that he feels like he is home. The line written there has changed again. We walked down the hall and into the classroom. Have students pay close attention to the Much to the displeasure of Ma, Minli spends her precious money on a goldfish. Write The house was on the hill on the board. 24 142-49 Dragon meets the stone lions, who Ma blames Ba, saying that his stories put foolish ideas in Minlis head. The citation above will include either 2 or 3 dates. No one else can view anything. The old man instructs her to remove a rock from Dragon's head, which has been preventing him from flying. However, at the last moment, the Old Man of the Moon transported the family magically to a new home, where they continue to livepoor but contenttoday. This character came to life from the magic ink by which it was painted and flew away. Illustrate this character3. In the first part of the lesson, students read each of the embedded folktales as they cover the main narrative. While her mother worries and complains about their lot, her father brightens their evenings with storytelling. partygraces - Where the Mountain Meets the Moon 2023 . Both Minli and Dragon have unique character traits and well-thought character development. (The first column of Teacher Resource: Plot Outline provides a summary for the suggested answers. Ask students: Suppose Grace Lin had just written Their village was dirty and their work was hard. How is this paragraph different? For number 4, you could even ask students to walk across the classroom to act out the sentence as they rewrote it. There are several forest and rivers and a peach grove. Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Character Descriptions Minli is a strong-willed, young Chinese girl who lives in the Village of Fruitless Mountain. A Newbery Honor book in 2010, this novel moves on from the ordinary lives of Asian Americans in her other books to a fantastical adventure in a timeless, traditional China. They become friends, and Dragon offers to be her steed for the journey, despite the fact that he cannot fly, unlike other dragons. Powerful Stories About Martin Luther King Jr. These notes were contributed by members of the GradeSaver community. This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials. The new book was published on October 4, 2016. Have you explained how you felt when you had met the challenge? After you claim a section youll have 24 hours to send in a draft. While Minli has this adventure, Dragon waits outside the city. Tell students that before they write the story, they are going to practice the skill of using vivid language. My teacher said she was really surprised and she told me how she felt about my pet. After each assignment, review the journal questions in a class discussion or individual reading group discussions. Perfect for Moon Festival celebrations or Mother-Daughter Book Clubs, this kit provides an invite, posters and instructions for the journey-like game. It also suggests something valuable; The black mountain seems ominous and threatening; The fact that the mountain cut the sky like a jagged piece of rough metal suggests that it is harsh and perhaps dangerous. Why did Ma change from being envious of other peoples wealth to being content? Think back on some of your favorite characters from past novels you have The child of immigrants from Taiwan, Grace Lin was born in the United States in 1974 and grew up in New York State. *, Can u describe the character 'talking goldfish'. The twins befriend Minli and want to help her. Summarize this character Subjects: English Language Arts, Reading, Vocabulary Grades: Not Grade Specific Types: Mountain Meets the Moon . Remind them that to be a narrative, a story must have a beginning, a middle, and an end. Lin deftly incorporates elements from Chinese folk- and fairy tales to create stories within the main story and provide context for Minlis quest. Determine the Age of the Dragon (using peach math) This is quite a minor character. More books than SparkNotes. It was written and illustrated by Grace Lin and published in 2009. The goldfish man says that Minli, too, may be able to change her fortune. View all Lesson Plans available from BookRags. This is a good time to show students how to use a print or online thesaurus, but remind them only to use words that they are comfortable with; a fancy word is not necessarily the best word. physical and character traits of both major and minor characters. thissection. This book is great, I recommend if you want great light reading. Those eye-opening visits made the folk tales and fairy tales her mother had shared with her as a child seem more alive. Unable to believe her luck, Minli accepts the paper from him. Written by people who wish to remainanonymous. Children will embrace this accessible, timeless story about the evil of greed and the joy of gratitude. I loved Where the Mountain Meets the Moon. She invites them to come with her to see the Old Man, but they laugh and say, Why would we want to change our fortune? Minli is left to ponder these words as she flies a kitemade of both the paper and the thread from the City of Bright Moonlightinto the sky. Along the way she makes new friends including a flightless dragon and an orphan and proves her resourcefulness when she tricks a group of greedy monkeys and gets help from a king. I definitely recommend this book! Have students read the second paragraph. She accomplishes her tasks, undertaken with the help of a talking dragon, by showing generosity, courage and integrity. Copyright 1999 - 2023 GradeSaver LLC. She says she is sorry. The main characters are Minli, Ba, Ma and Dragon. Minli is a strong-willed, young Chinese girl who lives in the Village of Fruitless Mountain. Put the following sentence on the board: There was a mountain near the village. Then have students turn to the first sentence of. This is the god character who knows the future and permits the heroine to ask him a single question. The boy laughs and refuses to accept it. Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Characters Activity Give students time to reread and analyze their stories and fill in the results on Worksheet 2 as you circulate to answer questions and give assistance. In the story that the girl told the Great Green Tiger she stated that another tiger had taken her brother to be his slave for life. Powered by Create your own unique website with customizable templates. Best summary PDF, themes, and quotes. will review the submission and either publish your submission or providefeedback. A variety of online maps of China can be found in.

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