Partial Revoice Lines for more vanilla conversations, - Talking about Serana's father (DLC1NPCMentalModelKillingDad). Her comment after "The Silver Hand" quest should now fire for more people. This is also toggle-able through a dialogue option, so if your character loves Serana, but just isn't in the mood to get touchy, you can tell her that. - Serana no longer sneezes when she's a vampire. IMPORTANT NOTE: For the Diplomatic Immunity quest, Serana is supposed to be force-dismissed after the last dialogue line. These add up to a total of 20 new NPC conversations, - Whiterun: Nazeem, Ysolda, Carlotta, Mikael, Belethor, Jarl Balgruuf, - The background music now mutes when Serana sings her songs, - When in a safe interior (like a player home) Serana will now stand still while singing for you, - Fixed some animation triggers for the SDA_SeranaRomance7 quest. - Added optional DX Crimson Blood Armor patch. Page 2 of 2 - About Serana Dialogue Add-on Mod - posted in Skyrim Special Edition Discussion: This question is best asked on the Serana Dialogue Add-On page here at the Nexus. - Fixed some conditions for Night To Remember quest commentary, - Reduced distance requirement for a lot of NPC banter. Content Update with new NPC conversations in Riverwood, as well as dialogue with the player! New voice acting with Kerstyn's voice as well as more extensive commentary on this armor. This should hopefully help with problems some users have been experiencing. - Disabled a bit more radiant idles for a more consistent experience. Fixed issue of Serana moving her mouth for an empty dialogue line in her opinion commentary (this issue only occurs if you have Fuz Roh Doh installed), Fixed missing voiceline issue for a Laura Bailey line, Added a percentage chance to Dark Brotherhood radiant greets so they aren't as spammy, Fixed Serana's final Companions commentary not playing, Fixed the initial Jorrvaskr Companions greet not playing, - Fixed Auri Banter from playing even if that mod wasn't installed, - Fixed Dark Brotherhood commentary stopping after killing Alain, - Auri Banter is now enabled! The former song acts as a universal entry or starting point for Serana's song capabilities, as previously, "The Dragonborn Comes" would only be available to Dragonborn players. - Added quest commentary for Arvak and Jiub quests, - Added radiant quest dialogue for Volkihar side, - Added a radiant conversation with Serana after she's been injured in a fight and her health is below a certain percentage. There's also new content for Drinking Buddies: - Serana now has more drink options (the Riften 'Special' Drinks). -You can now ask Serana whether you want her to keep her hood on or not! She no longer gets cured immediately, but only 24 hours after (after "thinking about it"). LL version still to come. - Added in delays for radiant love greets/dialogue/commentary. Because the Serana marriage in this mod is treated very differently from typical vanilla marriage, both role-play wise and gameplay wise. Serana's radiant greets will no longer run while a serious/dramatic quest is running (which Serana has commentary support for). - Backend functionality improvements to the "A Date at the Bannered Mare" quest to ensure it runs more smoothly. Extensive follower commentary and quest awareness for each of the following quests. The player can choose to delay this too, in case they need Serana for a quest or just want her to stick around for a bit longer. - Reduced randomness of gift-giving item pool. Therefore, Auri Banter is still in the game, but disabled by default. I want to be sure the player hears what she has to say. Type "stopquest SDA_SolstheimCommentary" in the console. Kindred Judgment+Touching the Sky Revoice. Site news (important news will be issued), Comments on your files, images and videos, New images and videos added to your files. - Increased frequency of sneak greets and goodbyes again, - Increased skill threshold for a lot of Serana's praise on your skills, - Added conditions so a lot of Serana's playful greets won't occur within dungeons. - Fixed quest commentary triggers for Serana "Season Unending" quest, - Tweaked dialgoue conditions for some Forgotten Vale idles, - Fixed dialogue static with two radiant greets. - Despite the Thieves Guild questline being railroadey, the player will still be able to roleplay extensively with Serana. - Reduced distance of Serana to Player package (used in several NPC banter scenes). - Fixed a bug with the "Determination" dialogue quest trigger. - Sleeping functionality. - Removed Alternate Voice toggle scripts- as they're not needed anymore. Full Kerstyn revoices for all Serana lines during the Kindred Judgement and Touching the Sky quests (the last two quests in Dawnguard). - The friendship variable is now optionally set through completing a set number of backstory dialogues with Serana. Inspired by Aelarr's Race compatibility dialogue mod I decided to make a patch for Martimius' lovely Serana Dialogue Addon mod. However, unlike Serana Spell Selector, I don't edit Serana's base NPC record! Previously ignored quests (like "Season Unending") are now covered as well. - Serana now comments on radiant intercourse after it happens. That new bug has now hopefully been fixed. Serana Dialogue Add-On Version 3.3 NOW OUT IN OPEN BETA! Serana will greet you as soon as you talk to her, and ask for a final (at least narratively-speaking) date by the coasts of Skyrim. Context-aware responses to existing dialogue lines: - Commenting on the fact that she and the player are spelunking when the player says: "I love you", "Can I talk to you for a bit? - Banter toggle with custom-voiced followers. NOTE: Since Remiel has conversations with the vanilla Serana, I recommend you install the Remiel Banter Patch (via Patch Hub, or Xbox mod page) to prevent voice overlap. ), and "Tale of the Tongues" from the vanilla game. After this update, NFF (and any follower framework support for Serana) will be obsolete. Re-added some cut content back to the Trust conversation. A patch for the Relationship Dialogue Overhaul mod; this patch prevents dialogue overlap in a lot of Serana's radiant dialogue added by RDO, to ensure a consistent VA experience with Serana's radiant lines. - Expansion of Soul Cairn and Harkon recap dialogue with more lines, to overall be more extensive. Same reason as above. - There was an oversight with the latest scripting that allowed some quests to be started by the Story Manager again and again, even if they had already been run before. Even vampires need some shut-eye every now and then. There are different dialogue options so the player can role-play this in different ways. It's disabled for now though until I can find a way to get it working consistently. Serana's Drinking Buddies and radiant love forcegreet timers (to start the features) have been changed from 2 to 5 days. Addition of 'follow distance' config feature (disabled for now, as lines have not yet been voiced. - Note on Jayserpa's newly released mod, House of Horrors - Quest Expansion: Unlike the other House of Horrors edits out there, this mod changes a lot more (particularly at the first stage of the quest). It's been improved on the technical level as well so there should be fewer bugs with it. - Patch release. - Renamed an SDA test cell for compatibility with the Umbra Creation Club mod. Travel out of Solstheim and go back to Skyrim. This quest awareness is extensive, and covers every single Companions quest until the end of the questline. As of 3.0 and for later updates, Serana Dialogue Add-On will be intended to be an all-encompassing Serana mod, other than editing her vanilla appearance. Old Stone Walls was re-recorded in both an acapella and acoustic version. - Added another ending conversation with Serana after defeating Harkon. - Script fixes for SDA Player Background Dialogue (some didn't correctly set the quest stage), - Marked Ysolda as essential as I need her alive for the Bannered Mare quest, - Improvements to Lockpick Commentary Script, - Fixes with Radiant Commentary for DG Quests (both sides). - Greatly reduced frequency of Serana's irritated sneak greets, - Companions and Jorrvaskr general location-awareness. These are location-aware and can only be accessed when Serana and the player are in said locations, through the "Can I talk to you for a bit?" If the player is named a certain name that has been requested by Patrons, Serana will automatically recognize that (if on PC), or manually if on console. - Banter with the Remiel Follower, including exclusive lines written and voiced just for the banter, from both Remiel's and SDA's voice actresses. - Two new songs, one is a Serana-rendition of the Age of Aggression/Oppression vanilla song, and another is an original composed by Kerstyn! - Added short conversation about Molag Baal. It seems to cause more problems and confusion than it's worth. Improved DDAF (Dynamic Dialogue Animation Framework) code implementation. | If the banter is not triggering for you for some reason (Serana should speak to Sofia as soon as they meet) try saving, then reloading your save. - Serana commentary convos on Dawnguard members (Hunter side). - Added a link to a Drinking Buddies line (the one about the Ram Horn armor) that previously didn't have one. Serana's radiant love and drinking buddies forcegreets will no longer occur if she is not following the player. - Patch functionality was fixed- it should now do its thing properly. Fixes to dialogue conditions for some Serana quest commentary, so that she won't suddenly exit dialogue with you for no reason Improved force greet distance for all quest commentaries- when Serana wants to have an active conversation with you, she should sit still less, and actively try to find you instead. ), - Serana should no longer radiant greet you while you are sneaking, - Tweaked some dialogue flags for radiant lines, disabling "Say Once" so they could be said more often, - Serana will no longer yawn or sneeze while sneaking, - Added condition checks to some dialogue to fix some consistency issues, - Increased dialogue priority for some Serana Romance Quest starting topics, - Added condition checks to role-play and other dialogue to not occur while sneaking, - Role-play dialogue (excluding What's On Your Mind) will no longer be available while dungeon-delving, - Removed old, redundant records from the early MQ implementations; no longer needed as they've been overwritten by the new MQ content, - Retroactively added some new features to the mod (disabled for now) for future updates, - Regenerated lip files for some voice lines where Serana's mouth didn't move, but the voice audio played, - Corrected Heightspace Data to be compatible with Unofficial Skyrim Patches changes, - Removed unnecessary voice files that weren't used by the mod. - Subtitle fixes, courtesy of GuerillaTech, - More radiant location commentary for these specific loc types (Falmer Hives, Forsworn Camps, Giant Camps, Hagraven Nests, Lumber Mills, Shipwrecks, Graveyards, Farms), - Serana can now train the player in Conjuration, Alchemy, Speech, Light Armor, Destruction (once a day), - Sneak greets and goodbyes, trading, wait dialogue, - New Serana combat dialogue (with her more repetitive vanilla lines frequency dialed down). If you've already experienced this bug and are on PC, type "Set SDA_AlternateVoice to 1", or reload an earlier save (before Prophet). Serana will no longer interrupt you during Amaund's briefing (Dark Brotherhood commentary), Tweaks to Companions, DB, and CoW commentary SM node entries, Tweaks to Serana's other SM commentary node entries as well, so that they only start when Serana is following you and the relevant quest is running (in addition to the existing Friendship and Dawnguard progress variables), The spell magic effect which tracks cell changes is now removed at the end of completing the CoW and DB quests respectively, SDA Silent Teleport is no longer called when it really doesn't need to be (applied to CoW, DB commentaries mainly), SexLab integration fixed, now native to SDA. Removed Serana finding a table option in drinking buddies since that was buggy. Whether or not you'd like to ultimately rest or continue adventuring is up to you, the player. - Moved all Dawnguard recap dialogues to their own consolidated dialogue branch under "Can I talk to you for a bit" as to free up space in the choice list and not require players to scroll down much to see the other dialogue topics. - A lot of backend improvements on how NPC banter quests are started. When both FG and OStim are installed, OStim takes precedence. - Backend script and quest design improvements for Serana Romance 4-9. Between and Nexus Mods, the Serana Dialogue Add-On has been downloaded upwards of 180,000 times. - Implementation of optional Amorous Adventures patch. For the players, just try to role-play and be considerate, alright? If the player thinks highly of Serana they can treat her kindly, but if they thought she's been a nuisance and annoying they can respond to her like that as well. Serana won't be that close to you after you've just made love once. Serana Dialog Add-On Check Out This Mod Serana is already one of the more life-like NPCs in Skyrim. Hey guys, Author of the Serana Dialogue Add-On mod here. SDA will continue to work perfectly with your favorite Serana overhaul of choice. - Dialogue toggle for Serana's yawn and sneeze lines. Keeping 'I'll find us a table' since that's generally more reliable and doesn't rely on Serana's follower AI. // Serana Dialogue Add-On Video unavailable - Removed an unecessary voice file from the archive which didn't play in-game, - Serana now faces NPCs while talking to them (was previously just headtracking). dialogue topic. About Serana Dialogue Add-on Mod - Page 2 - Skyrim Special Edition Also made sure to make all of them stop while not running. This should now fix the issue with some of her goodbyes not being able to play. - An ability is now added when the player first enters into a romance with Serana. - Backend improvements with WhatsOnYourMind dialogue. | You can also support her on Ko-Fi: Disclaimer: Just because a particular belief or worldview is expressed in this Skyrim modification, either implied or explicit, it doesnt necessarily mean that I condone and/or accept those beliefs as my own. - Added Clean ver. - Serana now performs what is called a 'Silent TP' when she has quest commentary. Serana Dialogue Add-On - Nexus Mods :: Skyrim Special Edition Serana commentary should work, but YMMV, as SDA pretty much assumes you kill Tyranus when prompted. - Serana will no longer compliment your skills when she is in a dungeon. Bethesda meant only the player to attend the party, no one else. I've heard enough reports of people's saves being corrupted once the SDA mod is uninstalled. - Minor subtitle tweaks for the Sorine scene triggers. - Added one line to "What's on Your Mind?" - Removed dialogue cooldown for Serana recap dialogue. Essa infatti arricchisce ENORMEMENTE il vampiro pi famoso di Skyrim, aggiungendo numerose linee di dialogo che rendono l'esperienza del personaggio in Skyrim molto pi immersiva. - Modified Romance10 script fragment (previously modified by this script) to reflect changes made in the main mod (adding Serana to the married faction), version 1.8.2. Thanks to GuerillaTech for pointing them out! Improved pacing and tone of the "Trust" conversation by cutting unnecessary lines that made the conversation a bit melodramatic.
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