petechiae anxiety forum

Also notice if I drink alot of alcohol or take aspirin I get tons, OK so let's connect some dots. I don't know. I know your mind might say well that was last time and this time it's different.. but that's the anxiety talking and not facts. I first noticed it after trauma to the forehead requiring 4 sutures. Good day my friends, I awoke this morning (great news) and noted that I had Petechiae across my lower abdomen. Learn more about five causes of petechiae and your treatment options. Once both my legs were covered with them after I stood for a few hours in mildly abrasive pants. Im sure youre fine. I wish it didn't allow you to look up anything medical.. oh how free would a lot of us be. They can come up for various reasons. Anxiety and Stress please help with advice. If you had a splenectomy, youre at increased risk of infection. I had Lyme at 16 and have had these spots come and go ever since blood work comes back fine every few yrs I have a major break out from head to toe, but any other day I have a few on legs feet and upper body. This is really freaking me out. Noticed em 2 weeks after. Health Im sure Im forgetting something, as forgetfulness is another complaint. You should seek a doctors diagnosis for your petechiae so you can be treated for the underlying condition causing the symptom. Your doctor can recommend a treatment plan for the condition or advise you to keep an eye on them, as they may disappear on their own. Just one more reason, I guess to get a diagnosis! Well months later it's not. Want to talk about Multiple Myeloma: Anyone else? Skeleton, Skin, Muscles, Hair, Teeth and Nails, we pay way too much attention to any detail in our bodies. WebApproximately 59% of physicians felt that fatigue was a very impactful symptom, while 66% of physicians believed that ITP-related fatigue was associated with reduced quality-of-life, and 46% felt that fatigue is often severe. I just don't get why I got hundreds, Amoxicillin is know to cause them also anti depressants will too that's what I was told how long you been on antibiotics, I was on amoxicillin for 10 days. Thank God for another member who posted on another support group board recently, or I still wouldnt know! - Never dislocated a joint, at least not to my knowledge, since that should be painful? They come and go mostly on my stomach. WebCan petechiae be caused by stress? WebThey're small and hardly noticeable but there are around 20 on each arm (only upper arm). I'd hedge my bets on anxiety, or irritation from your clothing. I'll occasionally worry about stuff that otherwise never bothers me. Ugh. I have a blood (platelet) disorder called ITP. Today I saw a new rheumatologist for the first time in 10 years. In adults, the disorder is often long term. Paste as plain text instead, Sounds normal to me. Web1. WebPetechiae here and there really aren't too much of a concern. Petechiae Petechiae is associated with thrombocytopenia. I was confused when I woke up, and I had petechiae around my eyes. Ive had it too. They are chronic, and showed up gradually with no reason. I remember it once quite vividly; despite the initial sever pain of the shifting painful sensation I was sort of happy since I was able to use a leg I hadn't been able to use well in a while - the other leg was in pain instead. Healthline Could the UTI and spots be related?, New guy heresharing my debilitating anxiety story, Mirtazapine increasing from 15 mg to 30 mg, Fleuxotine 20mg. hi you had answered a question of mine a couple days ago regarding petechiae , if there where only spots randomly placed around the body would that be a concern? BTWmine have come in various waves, the first wave being 20 years ago, and the most recent, this year. The bloods ability to clot depends on healthy blood platelets. I have an 16-month-old son with an intermittent 4-week history of petechiae. - Teeth have always been hugely crowded, as I have a small mouth. I have to get blood tests done soon anyway, so I'll know sooner or later if something's up besides my giant melon head being too much for one arm to support. Any use of this site constitutes your agreement to the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy linked below. Petechiae commonly appear in clusters and may look like a rash. My EEG was normal, and they found a Go figure! Try these 10 mood-boosting tips to get your happy back, The Content on this Site is presented in a summary fashion, and is intended to be used for educational and entertainment purposes only. As the title says, for the past year I have been getting petechiae and heart palpitations after i got strep throat. Accessed March 13, 2019. Bruises: Bruises happen when blood pools under your skin. Amoxicillin is know to cause them also anti depressants will too that's what I was told how long you been on antibiotics Your previous content has been restored. I looked like raw bacon after.) Just looking to commiserate with someone on the petechiae. Clumps of them on your skin look like a rash. Petechiae occur when the small blood vessels under the skin (capillaries) bleed into the skin. I fear that my anxiety and stress and depression will somehow develop into a seizure disorder. - BOTH rheumatologist noted my hyper-mobility. I am just really antsy right now. They may have small red spots on the skin, or petechiae, which occur due to tiny blood vessels that have bled. 7. Neither are good and leave the mind to wander. One hand is normal now, and the other is a sea of dots. Everything was within normal limits except the MPV, which was a little high at 10.3. Thrombocytopenia (pronounced THROM-bo-sigh-toe-PEE-ne-ah) occurs when your bone marrow doesnt make enough platelets. I feel it is more likely that you are suffering with an anxiety disorder than MS or Leukemia. Exaggerated somnolence, there is no way to awaken the child. i had complete blood work done about 4 weeks ago and everything came back normal, a rheumatologist and dermatologist looked at my photos and also assured me nothing is concerning about them. They occur mostly on my stomach, though right now I have 2 on my stomach, 1 on my right leg, and 1 on my chest. It is not intended to be and should not be interpreted as medical advice or a diagnosis of any health or fitness problem, condition or disease; or a recommendation for a specific test, doctor, care provider, procedure, treatment plan, product, or course of action. Nothing good ever comes of it. Please help. Both petechiae and purpura do not blanch when pressure is applied - this is in contrast to other common rashes in children such as viral exanthems and urticaria. Thrombocytopenia Is there any hope? There is another thread on the forum about petechiae and they mentioned sunburn assomething that can cause it. I have another question now. It was explained to us that this is part of EDS- fragile skin, capillaries etc. This site complies with the HONcode standard for trustworthy health information: verify here. - The last few years I've have petechiae (red blood spots) appear on my temple (one on each side; like a mirror image hidden by my hair for the most part thank god! Do you always have some though on your legs? Hopefully it'll blow over soon. It really had my arm in a vice grip. Mine bled when rubbed. Yes, I've woken up with a large area seemingly covered in petechiae, and all was well. Aplastic anemia occurs when the bodys bone marrow doesnt make enough new blood cells. Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn. Jan. 21, 2019. Maybe a -yeah, proverbial missing link, in my case, or hers, or his, or. The most common symptoms associated with anxiety include, but arent limited to: Persistent restlessness or nervousness. Health anxiety back, now convinced I have leukemia - Patient It still hasn't healed. Petechiae may look like a rash and usually appear in clusters. Petechiae is associated with thrombocytopenia. OK so let's connect some dots. I'm 39 and my doc said it's a side effect of blood thinners and that's what aspirin is. At the time I was taking asp George JN, et al. Since you had bloodwork done last time, there is "Mayo," "Mayo Clinic," "," "Mayo Clinic Healthy Living," and the triple-shield Mayo Clinic logo are trademarks of Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. It may also cause bleeding in many parts of your body. Finally i found out what the name is! (And once when I was a kid, someone put water wings on me for a swimming lesson. - My grandmother could touch the floor with her hands (not palms) when she was 75!! A friend with ME/CFS also had a lot of angiomas. Platelet Disorders Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (TTP) Copyright Anxiety Central 2011-2019 Maybe it's more about sustained pressure than how tight something is. i have also had random petechiae spots showing up on all different parts of my body- always singular spots, never clustered, do not blanch, last about 2-3 days before fading, for about 2 months now. Straining One of the more basic reasons you will have petechiae appear on your skin is due to straining. Recently I was on Dexamethasone (steroidal anti-inflammatory) after wisdom tooth removal and WOW. The risk appears to be higher in people who also have diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus and antiphospholipid syndrome. With normal platelets and everything else, what does this indicate? *sigh*, OkayI just broke out in a new wave of these this evening, all over one of my hands and that forearm. Advertising on our site helps support our mission. WebNeisseria meningiditis A leading source of community-acquired sepsis and meningitis Serogroup B in < 5 years Serogroups C, Y, and W135 in adolescents and adults US has historic low since quadrivalent conjugate vaccine Transmission through respiratory droplets or secretions Risk factors Age (younger than 1 year or between 15 and 24 years) Mayo Clinic is a not-for-profit organization. He did not think I have AS. Immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) is a disorder that can lead to easy or excessive bruising and bleeding. ITP, Fatigue May Be Underrecognized You have a fever or other signs of infection. Webpetechiae anxiety forum. AskMayoExpert. Immune thrombocytopenia may have no signs and symptoms. In time, myelodysplastic syndromes might cause: Fatigue Shortness of breath Unusual paleness (pallor), which occurs due to a low red blood cell count (anemia) They scare me every time I see them, I always tell my self I'm not gonna look anymore but then some caught my eye and I'm back to searching my body again, Mine started when I was 16 for some reason I had Lyme at the time but not sure if there related. Petechiae? Freaking out - Anxiety - MedHelp Theyll check for bruises, rashes and other thrombocytopenia symptoms. Sign up for free, and stay up to date on research advancements, health tips and current health topics, like COVID-19, plus expertise on managing health. It's kind of an allergic reaction to sunlight. (My platelets were lower normal at one time, but were not low.)

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