most common last names in washington state

The state with the biggest negative difference is 1977 This name is in the 99th percentile, this means that nearly 0% of all the last names are more popular. These figures should be considered only as a rough estimate. It's a mouthful, but there's only one other guy on the planet with aname that's even close. There's much more variety in the American Southwest. Most common last names:Smith,Johnson and Wiliams. Clearing that up with the school was like living the classic Abbott and Costello comedy routine, "Who's on First?". Who you are isn't dependent on your last name. 2007 2014 Baby naming trends can vary by even the smallest of regions depending on their culture, history of immigration, and indigenous peoples. This southeastern state's top three most common last names are also the top three in the entire country. On the other hand, 13.97% of Americans have a surname which occurs fewer than 100 times in the entire population. It would not be hard to guess what someone named Tom Carpenter did for a living. District of Columbia is the state where you are most The surnames that saw the largest jump in volume during that time period are Spanish in origin and include the names Hernandez, Ramirez, and Rodriguez. The Most Popular Baby Names in Washington State. Smith, Johnson, Williams, Brown and Jones were the most common last names, according to a Census Bureau analysis of the 2010 Census. What are Ancestry DNA Genetic Communities? Curious what names are trending in your home state? The Washington place name itself is derived from the Old English personal name wassa, which means "hunting," combined with the locative suffix -thn, meaning "settlement, homestead.". 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Top 15 most popular last names in America - Savannah Morning News List of most common surnames in the Americas, List of most common surnames in North America, "Les 1 000 premiers noms de famille selon le rang, Qubec", "Conozca los nombres ms curiosos del pas", "Cuba Genealogy Resources & Vital Records", "Piensas que tu apellido es comn? Besides just immigration through both of the coasts, there have been many changes made to the borders of the USA over the years. SMITH families in WA are literally keeping up with the Joneses, according to the new White Pages Residential. (accessed March 4, 2023). Top 100 names for a selected State and year of birth, Select birth year: 15,896 people have this name. CT proposal causes confusion, concern. Them: You'll have to retake it and do better. Therefore a last name could be missing a letter or two, or have an additional letter. Carter Occurrences per 100,000 people: 127.8 48.. "Johnson" is one of the most common surnames in each U.S. The most famous city with this name is Washington DC, the capital of the country. A map of the United States reveals what the most distinctive surnames are for each of the fifty states and the District of Columbia. Most Common Black Last Names in the United States. 1991 87.5 percent of people with the name WASHINGTON identified themselves as Black. Therefore many people took to adopting the surname of their profession. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Local Health Jurisdictions and Tribal Directories, Northwest Center for Public Health Practice. The 85 Most Common Last Names in the World - PrepScholar It seems the Miller boys were also getting competitive. During the Middle Ages, if they couldn't find a locative or occupational last name for you, you were given a nickname. Fellow Claremont resident Richard Smith said people often joked about whether he was related to businessman Dick Smith. So if your dad was named John Tailor, and was a clothing tailor, it made sense for his son to be Jonathon Tailor. The links below will let you research white last names starting with each letter of the alphabet. people than projected. While most states hold "Smith" as their most frequently appearing surname, the study also includes second and third place runner-ups, like "Johnson" and "Miller." 1985 According to, the 3 most popular last names in Washington are: These last names are also the most popular in Idaho and Montana. 2009 1998 And first. All of the surnames listed are of Spanish origin.[9]. [3], Most common surnames in El Salvador as of 2005. Rather, where your surname came from generally depends on the country your ancestry is from. Powell, Kimberly. To help you understand the above table, below is a description of each column and what it represents. Most common last names names: 1-1000 | 1001-2000 | 2001-3000 | 3001-4000 | 4001-5000. 2004 2005 The surname Smith occurs roughly 828 times per 100,000 people in the U.S. Most common last names:Smith, Brown and Johnson. 99th, this rank was reached in the states of The links below will let you research Asian and Pacific Islander last names starting with each letter of the alphabet. My name is very common. See some of the most common celebrity name misspellings, below. This is according to World Atlas. Currently, the most popular last name in America is Smith, with a total count of 2,442,977 people who have the surname. About Contact Copyright Privacy Credits Forenames Surnames Genealogical Resources England & Wales Guide 1990 A person named Robertson may well be the descendant of a person once known as "Robert's son," and Mr. Appleby could have lived near an apple orchard or tended to one. After one of these border changes, many inhabitants of New Mexico, Arizona, and even Southern Colorado who were once part of Mexico found themselves to be American citizens. Most common last names:Smith,Johnsonand Anderson. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. 2020 Thank you for your patience as we continue to update our new website. Occupational last names make up some of the most common surnames found in the United States today, most notably Smith, which has been the most common last name in the USA for decades. This made more sense back in the day because back then you were almost guaranteed to take over the family business when your parents died. Guerin: Surname Meaning and Family History, GARFIELD - Surname Meaning and Family History, SCHMITZ Surname Meaning and Family History, DURAND - Surname Meaning and Family History, - WASHINGTON Genealogy & Family History, The Washington Genealogy and Family Tree Page, Certificate in Genealogical Research, Boston University, Kenny Washington -one of two Black athletes to reintegrate the NFL in 1946, Looking for the meaning of a given name? 0 more Below are 25 last names thatForebears.comsays are the next most common in Washington State. The name Smith was likely derived from blacksmiths. There were a few changes to this year's top 20, with Nguyen and Wright entering the chart and last year's stalwarts King and Hall dropping off the list. Name Census Ancestry . 2015 Top surnames according to the 2010 U.S. census may be found here. There are 4958 first Keep reading to see if your name made the top five -- or to find inspiration for naming your baby. Most Common American Indian And Alaskan Native Last Names in the United with a difference of Some haulers caught, Arming guidance counselors? Idaho Popular Names by Decade Background information We provide the top 100 names for a selected State and year of birth, and we also provide the top 5 names by State, for all States, for a selected year of birth. While locative and patronymic last names worked for smaller communities and members of the nobility, it was difficult to give surnames to people in places like London which already had about 200,000 people by the year 1600. 2002 This type of surnaming was very common in England (which is what led to them being so common in America), as well as the Nordic countries. Most Americans can trace their roots to immigrant ancestors. The two surnames ranked as the most popular in the state, with Smith taking out the top spot closely followed by Jones and then Brown. HUSKY Health is helping immigrants. Washington. Today, where you live in the United States can determine which name you hear the most. Find out what the 5,000 most common last names and the race/ethnicity breakdown of those names in the United States. Email nominations to; fax 03 8416 6779 or post to A Helping Hand, The Aussie Way, Locked Bag 6005, Richmond VIC 3121. WASHINGTON: 177,386: 1,206: 0.68%: 195: 145: LAWRENCE: 129,699: 1,206: 0. . While European surnames tend to follow the above rules (even if they are in different languages) Americans run into a few problems when it comes to finding the origin of their surname. But there are still regional differences. It wasmore of a novelty than nuisance. Check out First Name Meanings. Home. 2016 Although the nickname back then may have preceded the name, they eventually came to follow the first name. 1961 WASHINGTON is What's in a Name? - Rounding out the top 3 is the surname "Williams.". All 12 Spanish-origin names found on this list have dramatically increased since they were last counted in 2000 . Map reveals the most distinctive last names in each state

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