christine grahame illness

", Asked by: Grahame, Christine, Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale, Scottish National Party, Date Lodged: 30 January 2023, "To ask the First Minister what discussions the Scottish Government has had with COSLA with regard to the proposals in some local authorities to reduce teacher numbers, given its commitment to increase teacher numbers by 3,500 by the end of the current parliamentary session. This website contains useful information including details on how to contact me as well as local surveys and information. I think I get it now. She cannot help it and it is difficult to treat. The only wummin you are interested in is yersel hen. And I know I have spoken to people about that whove been in those circumstances. She is also ranked in the richest person list from England. Re Christine Grahame dont know much about her but I do about parkinsons. Dearly beloved , the lesson today comes from the book of Watergate chapter 1 verse 1 and the Lord spoke to those stiff necked sinners and said its the cover up stupid. I have to assume Stuart Campbell is correct in his comments about Alex Salmond separating both posts while in office if thats the case , both the Lord Advocate and the SNP MSP Arthur have just told blatant lies in their presentation to Parliament, I am sure that he will want to take the opportunity in answering my next question to go back and cover the stuff that he did not answer before. the 2 TRILLION OF DEBT before Covid must now be down to Grandchildren I just keep thinking, this must go deeper and be more insidious than we think, for them to keep digging the hole deeper, and deeper. Truth fades from memory as propaganda paints a new reality. Christine Graham - Address & Phone Number | Whitepages OT Or is there another court order? Christine Grahame - Executive Assistant - Taconic Capital Advisors Big girl did it run away!. Thanks again, Al-Stuart for cutting through the usual crap and exposing a poor wee lassie with problems as being another chancer in the SNP premier league. Im knackered just reading about it. Could the committee actually hold the Clown Office, the Clown Agent & the head clown the Lord Advocate in contempt & charge them with perjury by failing to deliver evidence which they hold, or even by denying its existence? Did I understand correctly that among all the waffle, lip licking, mumbling and frantically making as he went along, he actually said that the interest of the COPFS in the evidence is now concluded? Billions on off shore wind farm project for England. And one post in particular seems to suggest that she is no shrinking violet. Keep it up stu, we need you more than ever! He knows too much and sky are quite happy to run with it, drip feeding it over the last month or so. Have a look at the Most Read list on the right;, The video isnt working, it cuts out at 6 seconds after calls Jackie bailie.. [15] Grahame favoured siting the tapestry in a disused building in Galashiels arguing that that option had more potential to regenerate the area and encourage tourists to access transport links from Galashiels to the wider region. 24 February, 2021 at 9:36 pm She was nominated for the post by Scottish First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon on 31 May 2016 as part of the formation of the Second Sturgeon government, following the 2016 Scottish Parliament election. (In 2007 Alex Salmondde-politicised the post and excluded the then-Lord Advocate, Elish Angiolini, from Cabinet meetings. They will be told how she needs their support. 9+ years of both covert and overt operations by the British state designed to destroy trust and confidence in Scottish institutions and devolution? Might he declare May as a defacto referendum? It is like a sausage machine, whichever government it is. It is my understanding that the current Loard Advocate apologised for the Malicious Prosecutions fiasco, even though he inhereted the mess from the previous Lord Advocate, who got promoted for it, or something like that! Given that that article has been up since 15 January and is still up, and that it is essentially Mr Salmonds submission, can the Lord Advocate perhaps advise what has changed in the Crown Office? This news has been on the WWW for ages but not reported in the MSM. How many people are sitting in Scottish jails due to malicious prosecutions? It is clear she holds the bipartisan character of the committee system in high regard often very different from the tribal jostling that FMQs gives rise to while drawing a clear distinction between her roles as a convener and backbencher. Please have respect for the Rev & think before you press submit. If the Committee serve a s.24 notice on Alex Salmond to produce the documents to them wouldnt he be happy to do that? The SNP leadership appears to be without any integrity whatsoever. Bottle banks are full while churches are empty. Away and shite, youre Office is in disrepute, on your watch again. Now, I may be wrong, but arent a lot of the Scottish legal profession pals of Murdo and the watp crowd. I am angry and despondent: I may never see my nation free in my lifetime. Rev, you have to be the hardest working Investigative journalist in the uk. She has been an MSP since the Scottish Parliament was established in 1999, and has. Come home Agent Sturgeon, your job is dome, signed your bosses at MI5. For the benefit of any doubt the Office of the Lord Advocate has a single employee the Lord Advocate. So she makes a charge of sexual harassment, just so that it is on the record for vetting purposes. @ James Caithness I noticed that too he also had to put his finger on the page to remember what he was supposed to say (like a wee kiddy in P1) and got flustered when he was looking for the response on the page , maybe the loose bowels disturbed his concentration. This is very serious. I didnt like the manner of it and I made that plain, she says. In a situation where both the Lord Advocate because of his sitting in cabinet is in disrepute but the crown as represented by COPFS infested with MI5s is also in disrepute, the Lord Advocate becomes the weakest link, the expendable one. Then ISP or AFI only on the list. It doesnt augur well for the perspicacity of the parliament or its committee that no-one asked the killer question: By insisting on post publication redaction of paragraphs which name only one woman other than the FM, will the professional and independent law officer involved, who allegedly acted without the approval of the Lord Advocate, be prosecuted for contempt of court by effectively identifying a complainant? We all know what the original submission said before COPFS nobbled it. I am not too sure where I actually stand here for I do not really have much information of the person that I first referred to as a nodding donkey. A Great Man among the political tiddlers in Holyrood. The reason being that while we are understandably nervous it detracts from the message. They want to support their sister. He said he saw the letter after it was composed. It was just a skirmish today; both Nicola Sturgeons Covid Presentation and the Lord Advocates appearance at Holyrood. In the 2016 Scottish Parliament election, Grahame held the seat, increasing her share of the vote to 45.1%. Until he commented that the section had been redacted to protect complainers. Christine Grahame Net Worth, Age, Bio, Birthday, Height, Facts View the profiles of people named Christine Grahame. Find out what motions Christine Grahame has submitted recently. Was this man given parliamentary privilege meaning that he could effectively be lying and never risk contempt of parliament? The harrassment enquiry was the lead item on ITV news at 10 tonight. They think theyre Franklin D. Roosevelt when actually theyre just lucky. Ultimately, it is for the parliamentary authorities to determine what they may lawfully publish within the bounds of the order laid down by the court. Nothing to do with agreeing with him. But Wolffe, who took over the job in 2016 under Nicola Sturgeon, is a government minister andattends the large majority of them.). A shepherd's daughter, her father travelled for work, so her formal education was limited. Those who continue to shout wheesht for indy, or that there is nothing to see here, or that it is all Salmond and Cherrys fault, have lost all sense of critical faculty and moral compass. Brian Doonthetoon says: I really dont know how you cope with all this and I am so, so pleased that you can and you do. A Bill is a proposed Act of the Scottish Parliament. attempt to use its powers to force release by Crown Office of all correspondence it holds involving those Alex Salmond accuses of plotting against him'. Christine Graham Obituary (1945 - 2022) - Legacy Remembers Obviously they could see what was happening with the flawed processes some time ago. If the SNP get a majority you can have independence if they dont then thats it once and for all, Do you think its possible that the man is ill? A week or two at the tops @jeggit Jason Michael. [1] Her nomination was confirmed by the Scottish Parliament on 1 June 2016. Christine Grahame's pointer Mabel is crowned Holyrood - independent How the fuck did all this horrifying madness happen? Mr Salmond is in some debt to you and I know that you will believe that doing your job as a journalist is not a question of debt but rather a question of professional integrity. Best start looking through yer favourite shop, Totty Rocks for a frock with fetching stripes that match the latest fashion at Corton Vale. Please dont hesitate to get in touch with me whether you have an issue, a question or even a suggestion you would like to put to me. We should expect those in whom we have placed our trust to protect above all else the constitution and the structures that protect us from tyranny. Someone leaks the report to the Daily Record. The Salmond scandal as the Brit Nat Press and Media calls it is now exploding all over English TV. Thats what makes it most galling bacause it is all so needless. This is beyond a joke, what I seen from Mrs Murrell in the covid briefing was appalling. I dont think [I am] a thorn [in the side], I dont think so at all. Did anyone notice he was turning the pages of his folder from back to front? Strange to come to answer questions with a prepared speech. Why have you come to this decision? Is there a country with a Government and Judiciary that actually work going spare?. After graduating, Grahame worked as an English teacher in secondary schools. Scottish lawyers affiliated to Scotgov are indeed bent. James Caithness says: It takes neck of a particularly dodgy brass to claim the COPFS is formed by professionals when he was forced recently to tender an apology (although many thought it should be his resignation) because those professionals have costed us tens of millions of pounds in malicious prosecutions. Christine Graham - People Directory - 200 Results for Christine Graham Please use the search above if you cannot find the record you require. Who is this Mr Donnely (sp?) Machiavellian is better and that points to one person only. Yeah, yeah, yeah, Theyre all above reproach. Asked if she considers herself a thorn in the leaderships side, she says: No, I dont think so at all. The decisions in relation to this matter were made by senior professional prosecutors acting independently, as they always do, without reference to the law officers [the Lord Advocate and Solicitor General]., Alison Di Rollo (ne Lafferty) QC is the Solicitor General for Scotland. Lots of looking down and to the left. So I found this tiny clip Grahame says that she is listening to the debate. The one thing I will say though is that Ms Grahame seems very much like my mum theres nothing going to keep her back. Bums glued to seats and eyes fixed to screens, whilst football boots hang motionless on hooks. An array of evidence is compiled. One of the best 50 quids I have ever spent Captain. Of course, the reforms that have dominated the committees most recent deliberations police and fire reform, tribunals, changes to the court system, and the Criminal Justice (Scotland) Bill are something of an exception. Sturgeons statement that because you are found not guilty, that doesnt mean you are innocent will come back to haunt her. Just watched Sturgeons soundbite on Sky News, baiting AS with her square-go style. Rhiannon Spear. I think you might mean Christine Grahame? Christine Grahame Profiles | Facebook Isnt that what lady Dorian said too? In what possible way does the assertion that Sturgeon broke the Ministerial Code have any impact or bearing upon the anonymity of the conspirators? Sciences regresses as Galileos telescope goes unused again. Trending videos Doctors and patients discuss the latest medical treatments and health tips Drugs A-Z Search prescription drugs for why they're used, side effects and more. I read that, looked at it and my gut instinct was to say, THATS A BLOKE. It is the latter that has caused most division within and outwith parliament. A sure sign your party is headed for victory. Odd, that MSPs of a Holyrood Parliament can meekly accept flannel when the gravest of questions require to be answered? Fundamentally, what is at issue is an order by the High Court handed down to protect the anonymity of complainers. Hope we can all survive this BS. (More), Stats: You can get involved with the Scottish Parliament by joining a Cross-party group, submitting a petition, lobbying or exploring our education resources. We are a very small parliament with therefore a small number of backbenchers so we dont have the same kind of freedom of thought across all the parties that they have at Westminster. Sturgeon wont resign. Real professionals know how to lie and accept lies properly. A member of the Scottish National Party (SNP), she has been a Member of the Scottish Parliament (MSP) for the Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale constituency since 2011, having previously represented the South of Scotland region from 1999 to 2011. Now, granted, I dont know over-much about Haggerty, so I wont cast aspersions on her personally, but too many leadership supporters have been carrying on cheerfully without much opposition, and with fawning praise from certain quarters (not the Tory press, obviously, but parts of the media) that they actually believe their own hype and think they are invincible whereas in fact its largely the awfulness of Johnson and the Tories that has caused the frankly underwhelming rise in support for independence. A lot said but little told. Is it just me or is LA Wolffe diminishing in width like a burst balloon? A day of reckoning is definitely coming and posts like yours can help to secure a proper outcome. One development, though, in her view, is less positive. Grahame ran for Depute Leader of the Scottish National Party in the 2004 leadership election, but was defeated by Nicola Sturgeon. Shes beneath contempt. Crown Office ordered to release evidence of Alex Salmond conspiracy My mothers lesson about if youre not prepared to say or do something, I dont want to hear about it has remained with me sometimes to my cost that if something really is wrong, I spoke out, she says. They make an initial statement on becoming or being returned as an MSP. ensure that the conduct of the Scottish Government does not bring politics in the whole of the United Kingdom into international disrepute.. [2] Grahame was brought up in Edinburgh, attending Boroughmuir High School. (And have taken the trouble to copy it before it vanishes into the ether like so many message before yours.). Its all building up nicely; If even a part of what Alex Salmond says is true, it represents an ethical collapse in Nicola Sturgeons Scottish Government, Given that the Scottish Parliament derives its authority from legislation passed in this Parliament, what mechanisms do we have to ensure that the conduct of the Scottish Government does not bring politics in the whole of the United Kingdom into international disrepute?. Two weeks later, the dog was put down after biting someone. She then took a back seat, whilst the two original complainants came forward (A and B in the civil case, who became different Alphabetties in the criminal case.). Jaclyn McGowan, 36, from Perth and Kinross, pleaded guilty to causing fear and alarm by stalking for nine months by lying about being pregnant.. I am sure I am not alone in that. Judith McKinnon holds their hand all along the way. Rumour of good news imminent on Twitter anyone got anything concrete?? You post a story, well over 5 and a half years old, pointing somehow to an Alex Salmond SpAd who was then seeking a job as an SNP candidate. Others seem to be saying I have hit the nail on the head. Pertinent questions are starved before birth. Although understandably it can be a bit disconcerting if you arent aware if whats going on. They will be told harrowing tales about Ms 1. Christine Grahame is a hypocrite of the first order given her alleged sexual peccadilloes causing a married man to lose his job (okay he was a Tory and some say all is fair in love and war). At the 2021 Scottish Elections I was honoured to be again re-elected as the MSP for Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale constituency. Phone: 0131 348 5729 Dr Milne was the natural. Those are words I never expected to have to say. Does anyone know? You can find other locations and directions on Healthgrades. An untrained dog, taken in by a neighbouring family, was jumping up on local children. Surely that would have sunk his boat instead of asking questions that have an infinite get out Claus. Has Scotland or anywhere else ever jailed a Lord Advocate ? That media characterisation as Salmond vs Sturgeon is simply a general failing of all of the current media, namely that theyre incapable of understanding, handling, or presenting even marginally complicated issues, and so have to reduce everything to a personal level. If she goes he goes. But the animal is not Alex Salmond. What legal firm would touch her, and she wasnt a very good lawyer anyway. For Salmond, not for Sturgeon. She writes their story. I have been privileged to represent the people of Midlothian and the Borders for 22 years in the Scottish Parliament. Christine Grahame MSP Draft Proposal A proposal for a Bill to improve the health and wellbeing of dogs throughout their lives by strengthening the regulation of the activity of breeding, and of selling or transferring puppies, and by establishing a more responsible and informed approach to acquiring and owning a puppy or dog. So, was he basically telling us that the only interest the COPFS ever had in all this was to mutilate Mr Salmonds and Aberdeins evidence to stop the public knowing that Sturgeon breached the ministerial code? Is this the one we know about, from Lady Dorrian? At 76, Christine Grahame has become the oldest MSP ever to be elected to Holyrood,winning 19,807 votes. Politics has yet to run its course for Grahame, though. Everybody knows. I simply will not thole such dishonesty in my Partys officials, not under any circumstances. Then he turns into a stuttering mess for some reason. So maybe their questioning wasnt as lame as it might appear. Following the 2016 election to the 5th Scottish Parliament, Grahame was elected Deputy Presiding Officer. Both South of the Border and at home here, the SNP will be portrayed as Scot on Scot tribal warfare parochial nutcases- how on earth can run a country when they would rather rip each other apart. I note that the Lord Advocate did not answer any of my previous questions. Grahame has lodged several questions and motions on this in the Scottish Parliament[23] and continues to be involved with campaign groups on the matter. They have also lived in Lockport, IL and Farmington Hills, MI. They now seeing recent events want action on the separation of powers, root and branch reform of the COPFS and a strengthening of the parliaments role. He looked and spoke as if he had just jumped out a piss and alcohol soaked bed whilst fully clothed. Something happening all right. Lady Dorrian is going to be extremely miffed when yet again a case appears before her on the exact same issues as the other week brought by the Spectator. Christine Graham - Occupational Therapist in Raleigh, NC - Healthgrades Im not prepared to make any commitment just now until I see what happens up and through Stage 2 When we were talking about corroboration before we even had the legislation, I said the jury is out to use that awful expression Im not convinced. The second best result is Christine Anne Graham age 50s in Brighton, MI. By this time next week, I expect Nicola Sturgeon to be gone and the reputation of Scotland internationally demands this happen now. incompetences of Tory management of Covid 19 because You have to wonder who wrote those answers for him to read, judging by the pile of exaggerate and obsequious sickly flowery waffle directed towards the COPFS. We know the media works on Salmond v Sturgeon, and it aint gonna change. In the background Liam Fox and the Tories are talking about intervening. The murk and muck is really getting to me now and I am having difficulty maintaining politeness for those who still defend the entire mess. Christine Grahame (formerly Creech; born 9 September 1944) is a Scottish politician who served as a Deputy Presiding Officer of the Scottish Parliament from 2016 to 2021. State owned Saudi Aramco it is the seventh largest company in the world by revenue. After her visit, she told the press: "I found it quite upsetting. Christine D. Graham, M.D. - Casas Pediatrics You may surmise that but, all I can type is that, I just browse the WWW and post links to what I think will be of interest to readers on WOS. Grahame is a supporter of the political organisation Republic, a campaign to replace the British Monarchy with an elected head of state. Q. Education. So correct me if Im wrong, a letter was issued by the COPFS, which clearly identifies one of the complainers by insisting on the redaction of 5 paragraphs, and Lord Wolffe states that he had no knowledge of the letter. Unnamed Male Mechanic - Died of carbon monoxide poisoning. The answer is obvious Wolffe has little control over the COPFS and he is being sidelined. Contact at local office 6 High Street Galashiels TD1 1SD Phone: 07976 596 245 It has made us focus on what do we mean by it [corroboration] and so on and all the other things, but I would have liked it to have been done another way., Through a separate piece of legislation, is that what she means? makes his spout bull shit until those present are comatose. [5] From 2001 to 2003, she was Convener of the Justice Committee. I think the LA might have realised of that again as he was reading, or rather skipping some of the paragraphs in his document. [17], However, Grahame's position was eventually vindicated, with the council recommending Galashiels as the preferred site in December 2016 stating "Galashiels offers the greatest potential to provide a world class attraction which will make a significant contribution to the Borders economy.[18], Grahame has been outspoken in her view that the conviction of Abdelbaset al-Megrahi of the 1988 Lockerbie bombing is unsafe and represents a miscarriage of justice. Trackback: trackback from your own site. Constituency report for Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale. So there are a few bloggers dropping hints now. Using her married name, Christine Creech, she was the SNP candidate at the 1992 General Election for Tweeddale, Ettrick and Lauderdale. Aye right If that was the case, they would have not deleted entire paragraphs. Face masks and latex gloves, instead of high heels and summer dresses. Younger MSPs who are often very tribal on first taking up seats on the SNP and Labour benches will lose that following time on the committees, she says. Still waiting for a reply from my MSP. I dont think you need laws all the time, sometimes, its just policy changes.. I have seen the backbenchers being less rebellious over the 15 years across all parties, absolutely. At Westminster, its normal to have some backbenchers, particularly ex-Cabinet ministers who become real bombshells when thrown, so I think it is very important to do that. CHRISTINE GRAHAM OBITUARY. There are new readers here, brought by MSM mentions, who arent aware of whats been going on over the past few years. Mrs. Christine E. Graham Sunset: March 22, 2022 God . The Crowns sole interest in the matter is to secure respect for that court order. I think the vernacular word for him would be the Lord Scum Bag. "[25], Grahame has two sons and is a grandmother. His performance was an outrage. He and a few others know something big but cant say. 452 Msb M, Gainesville, Florida, 32610, United States Or is it? [16], In June 2016 one councillor resigned from the SNP over Grahame's intervention, claiming it represented a "lack of support" for SNP councillors and that he had not voted for her in the 2016 Scottish Parliament elections. The public purse has just paid out ~24million to a couple of private individuals who were deeply involved in that football club. She has let us down beyond all reasonable measure. SNP government try to bleed him dry. [7] Grahame was also re-elected as Convener of the Cross Party Group on Animal Welfare. She compares her first spell as convener of the Justice Committee and fellow members as them all showing much greater skill today., So wild guess as to Jeggitss next best thing to independence. Tom Arthur was definitely a plant there to bolster the flagging Lord Advocate, did I hear right that the Lord Advocate, said it was up to the committee to make the final decision on Salmonds evidence, and all that his office was concerned with is contempt. As Rev suggested, there was this man who is allegedly an expert in court, always on his brief and quick with his digging for the truth (maybe). It just goes to show how deep the rot of corruption is here that a former FM has to go this far just to get a fair hearing and to find an honest judge. My sincere thanks to Al-Stuart for many enlightening points. He wont get promoted like he thinks. I wonder whether Spear feels the same way about men who threaten corrective r*pe of one of her erstwhile colleagues, or is that all right for her? Without them there is nothing. If the committee and/or the SPCB fail in getting evidence from the Clown Office then the publication of the documents which Craig Murray seeks is of extreme importance to everyone in Scotland who believes that it is fair and just that the soveriegn people of Scotland are given full rights to defend themselves unhindered by the spheres of the Scottish Government (including COPFS) and the Scottish Parliament. (You just never know what you might find out when you log in to WoS, but you can *always* be assured it is *ALL* good!). MSPs take part in examining and passing proposed laws (Bills). Christine Grahame is a Scottish National Party (SNP) politician. Yet, the spectacle of seasoned politicians shrugging off their political ties has become less common as parliament has matured. I dont know what her alliances are but I have heard her speak of her condition. Very interesting link Hautey, hopefully Salmond will now be able to tell all. If so, she has a neurological condition called Benign Essential Tremor. Id never campaign shoulder to shoulder with some of the loathsome individuals in the SNP at present. Fear is nourished. I have always contacted Stue to make him aware, so he could take my post down.

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